A first: Israel strikes oil storage at major port in Yemen in retaliation for drone strike


The Israel Defense Forces said Saturday it struck the “Houthi terrorist regime” in Yemen via la long-distance airstrike on the Al Hudaydah Port. IDF said the port was the location of the origin of a drone that had attacked Tel Aviv on Friday, killing one Israeli and wounding as many as 10 others.

The military exchange may indicate a widening of the war that Israel is fighting against Muslim terrorists, and may indicate higher world oil prices ahead. In January, after U.S. and British airstrikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen in response to Houthi attacks of ships in the Red Sea, crude oil prices spiked 4.3%.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the attack on Yemen was intended to be a message to all in the Middle East that would dare attack Israel.

“The fire that is currently burning in Hodeidah is seen across the Middle East and the significance is clear,” he said. The strike targeted oil storage tanks and the blaze that resulted can be seen from satellites in space.

Yemeni officials said the attack would not stop Yemen from supporting Palestinian Hamas, who are battling Israel from their positions in Gaza.

Houthi Supreme Political Council responded, saying the attack would be answered by a counter attack.

“This aggression will not pass without an effective response against the enemy,” it said in a statement.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdelsalam said the “brutal Israeli aggression against Yemen” intended to “pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza” is a “dream that will not come true.”

Arab coalition troops had stormed the airport in Hodeidah on Tuesday and had captured assets, including the airport.

“The Western-backed alliance launched the onslaught on Hodeidah on June 12 to try to turn the tables in a long-stalemated proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran that has exacerbated turmoil across the Middle East,” according to the account from Canadian Broadcasting on Friday, at this link.

The latest strike by Israel may mean the war between the terrorists and Israel is widening in the region. As of MRAK publication time, President Joe Biden has issued no statement regarding the attack on Tel Aviv or the counter attack.

Biden is scheduled to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, as early as Monday, while Netanyahu is in Washington for July 24 address to a joint session of the Congress. The meeting may be postposed due to Biden’s health. Vice President Kamala Harris is also on the schedule to meet Netanyahu.

The conflict began on Oct. 7 when Hamas attack Israel, killing over 1,300, including 764 civilians and 373 Israeli security personnel, and taking 251 persons, including many Americans hostage. As of June 8, 120 hostages remain in captivity in the Gaza Strip, including as many as eight Americans, although it’s unclear if they are still alive.


  1. One wonders if MRAK readers will be able to conceal their glee, as this tragic event will undoubtably push up the world price of oil.

  2. Truthfully, there’s only one way to deal with barbarians.
    Get on with it and finish the task quickly … mercilessly!


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