69 percent in Juneau say community is in economic crisis


More than two in three Juneauites (69%) believe the community is in an economic crisis. Also, 87 percent said the Assembly should focus on community needs – education, public safety, streets, water, and transportation when spending money.

First Things First Alaska Foundation conducted a survey in partnership with KINY Radio, asking about the Juneau economy and CBJ spending priority. The results are in, and Juneau said stay focused on community needs (87%) without raising taxes.  

“These are stressful economic times, and the CBJ must remain focused on spending for needs and not wants,” said Joe Kahklen, President of First Things First Alaska Foundation. “Many of our neighbors are staring at a non-existent tourism season, and now is not the time to add to Juneau’s cost of living through tax increases,” he said.

Eighty-six percent of those taking the survey said that property taxes should go down or stay the same.  Only twenty-six percent of respondents thought it was okay to spend money on projects such as a new $26 million Centennial/JACC project.

The survey was open to the public from March 15 through April 19, 2021, and accessed through the KINY Radio website. First Things First Alaska Foundation invited Juneau to give us their opinion through a radio spot that ran concurrently. 311 responses were received.  


  1. Sounds like they got it right in Juneau.
    Same story in Anchorage with the Assembly spending money we don’t have, after Dunbar and his merry band of cutthroats killed the economy and subjugated the public!

  2. And then there’s “activist” Karla Hart, who has filed paperwork for a ballot initiative to restrict cruise line operations, including a ban from 7 PM to & AM, ban Saturday port calls, and ban large ships. This is just what Juneau and it’s thriving economy needs to protect it’s quality of life.

  3. Fascism always destroys economies. The Us Constitution creates economic opportunies. Those ruining economies are not our friends.

  4. If there was anything anyone could have taken from the late El Rushbo was this: “Elections have consequences.” Many can be unintended but if you look at the big picture one can see exactly where the trajectory of a community will go with one candidate or the other. Choose wisely Anchorage.

  5. On a positive note, if you’re in the market to buy property in Juneau the prices are going down.

  6. What was failed to be mentioned here was that to promote our “downtown” area (where all the liberals live) any new structure built with 4+ living units will not have property tax for 12 years. They’re going to raise taxes everywhere else in the CBJ but for those privileged Democrats building multiplexes and apartments they get a free ride.

  7. Actually, they are not going down as there is so much pricing pressure due to low interest rates. But if Karla and her crew have their way, it’s going to be like 1986.

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