Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Monthly Archives: August, 2020

‘Let us work!’ petition started to roll back mayor’s order closing restaurants

PROTEST PLANNED FOR MONDAY AT LOUSSAC LIBRARY An Anchorage hospitality worker says he can't afford Mayor Ethan Berkowitz' Emergency Order 15, mandating closures of bars...

VPSO sexual assault on village woman; where’s the media outrage?

This story should be national news, especially in these times of "Defund the Police" and "All Cops Are Bastards" coming loudly from the Left....

Hmong leader says Gabby LeDoux violated D-15’s trust, so he endorses David Nelson

David Nelson, the Republican challenger for House District 15, won a key endorsement this week from the leader of Alaska's Hmong Community. After years of...

Big Labor Beltrami, once a foe of Sen. Cathy Giessel, now endorses her in flyer

BUT SENATOR DAN SULLIVAN SAYS HE DID NOT ENDORSE HER The head man at the AFL-CIO in Alaska was once a harsh critic of Sen....

Mayor Berkowitz handed out favors to business partners, while competitors crushed

A few weeks before his second shutdown of the Anchorage business community, the Berkowitz Administration and the Downtown Partnership had blocked off an...

Time to go back to school, business, and life

F.E.A.R: FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL By MICHAEL TAVOLIERO For my contemporaries, you may recall Dune’s sisterhood’s "Litany Against Fear." “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer....

Tough on crime? Ralph Samuels says it’s Tom McKay for House District 24

One of the most sought-after endorsements in this election cycle comes from Ralph Samuels, who has given his support to Tom McKay in the...

Retailer group tried path of appeasement with Mayor Berkowitz, but are shut down anyway

CHARR CEO SAYS MANY ANCHORAGE BUSINESSES WILL GO UNDER "Life is a cabaret, old chum. Come to the cabaret!" - from the 1966 musical Cabaret The...

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