Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Monthly Archives: May, 2020

Ultimate tattletales: Facebook group shames those who don’t wear masks in Anchorage

NEW SOCIAL MEDIA TREND: MAKE ANCHORAGE MASK UP A new Facebook group has popped up in Anchorage to share information about which businesses are...

Why so little curiosity by the media?

THE ANCHORAGE DAILY PLANET Just curious: With a shadowy effort underway to unseat Alaska’s duly elected governor for sins mostly imagined, why has the question...

Free access to your ancestors’ military records through Monday, a subsidiary of, offers free access to its vast files of military records through Memorial Day. This writer found her grandfather's draft card...

Mayor says no Memorial Day ceremony this year, but citizens respond: ‘We’ll do it without you’

Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz cancelled the Memorial Day ceremony on Monday out of an abundance of caution due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. But...

Berkowitz’s face mask policy based on misunderstood ‘Hong Kong hamster’ study

Who is advising Mayor Ethan Berkowitz these days? If you guessed Hong Kong Hamsters, you're right.  The Anchorage mayor said that a recent study in...

Berkowitz virtue signals as he destroys Anchorage

By DAN FAGAN Virtue signaling politicians are destructive, dangerous, and deadly. For example, the Municipality of Anchorage looks the other way when it comes to...

Of Memorial Days past

By ART CHANCEI grew up in rural Georgia in the Fifties and Sixties. I grew up with ghosts in the closet. Old family Southerners could...

Berkowitz slow-rolls opening

ONE BUSINESS OWNER, HOWEVER, LEADS AN INSURRECTION Mayor Ethan Berkowitz said Anchorage will take his slow approach to releasing Anchorage from its economic handcuffs. Monday...

Samaritan’s Purse sets up field hospital in King Salmon

Samaritan’s Purse, a faith-based organization based in North Carolina, has committed one of its emergency field hospitals to King Salmon, Alaska, as the commercial...

‘Get back on your feet’ grants: $5K-100K grant criteria posted

The Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development and the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority have partnered with Credit Union 1 to...

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