Sunday, September 1, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2018

Rep. Parish on thinking: It’s a slow process

Rep. Justin Parish, in House Military and Veterans Affairc Committee last week, makes a stunning admission in the first 20 seconds of this video. The...

Outside group complains about Alaska Super-PACs

Just as federal law overrides state law in matters pertaining to abortion (Roe v. Wade), the Citizens United decision is settled law that makes...

Heads and Tails: Who’s in for Anchorage mayor, explaining the Fansler replacement process

THE LINEUP The Feb. 2 deadline for filing for mayor has come and gone. Here's the list of who filed to run Alaska's biggest metropolis: ...

The old switcharoo in municipal election

ELECTION OFFICE TRANSPARENCY FAIL Democracy is whittled away in small bites. But this one is a rather big bite. It's hard to explain, and it's...

Alyse Galvin: What is she? Democrat? Undeclared? Independent?

EXHIBIT A: DIVISION OF ELECTIONS TWISTS A JUDGE'S RULING LIKE A PRETZEL (Corrected version: Alyse Galvin is listed with Alaska Division of Elections as an "Undeclared...

Look, up in the sky! It’s Air Force Two!

TWO CHANCES TO SEE SIGNATURE AIRCRAFT Vice President Mike Pence will stop in Anchorage this afternoon. Air Force II will be landing at Joint...

Dunleavy first Alaska gov candidate with Super Bowl ad

(Corrected version: Bob Richards in 1986 ran a Super Bowl ad, "A new day is dawning.") Rarely before has a gubernatorial candidate in Alaska had...

Walker needs $92 million more for Medicaid expansion

The Walker Administration needs an additional $92 million for the 2018 fiscal year to cover the extra costs resulting from his Obamacare Medicaid expansion. That's...

He’s out: Zach Fansler resigns

SPEAKER EDGMON SAYS CIRCUMSTANCES 'UNFORTUNATE' Rep. Zach Fansler of Bethel had one year and one month of service in the Alaska House of Representatives. He has...

Heads and Tails: Sullivan meets with Pence; Keith Meyer is platinum traveler

SULLIVAN, THE LIFE AND TIMES Sen. Dan Sullivan had quite a week. Enroute to a Republican retreat in Virginia, he was on the train that...

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