Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2018

Alaska’s Medicaid population explodes

APPLICATIONS LOST, NOT PROCESSED, REPORT SAYS At this time in 2015, the State of Alaska had 9,175 applications for Medicaid that were considered “out of time...

Connecting the dots between Juneau’s economy and Juneau’s needs

By WIN GRUENING SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR We don’t like talking about it much, but Juneau’s picturesque landscape has some scary bare spots we can’t seem to patch....

Police have Orlando Holder, suspected shooter

Anchorage Police took Orlando Holder into custody in the Mountain View neighborhood last night. He is now in the Anchorage Correctional Complex, and is...

Federal agency: Oil average to be $71 in 2018

GOOD NEWS FOR ALASKA ECONOMY Brent crude oil prices will average $71 per barrel this year, and $68 in 2019, according to the latest Energy Information...

Gov. Walker: LNG, seafood, beer, baby food to balance China trade

ALASKA HAS THE GOODS TO CLOSE THE GAP, HE SAYS Could Gov. Bill Walker become the new China-U.S. trade negotiator for the Trump Administration? President Donald...

Parnell joins Holland & Hart

Sean Parnell, former governor of Alaska, has joined the law firm of Holland & Hart, in the firm's Anchorage office. Parnell was governor from 2009-2014,...

Shhh! Governor hires ‘Innovation Stakeholder Change Manager’ in secret

Meet Jason Schneider, the State of Alaska's newest member of the Walker Administration. His job title is "Innovation Stakeholder Change Manager." You've not heard of...

Breaking: Sturgeon case gets round two at Supreme Court

About 8,000 cases were denied by the U.S. Supreme Court this session, but Alaska's John Sturgeon vs. Frost (U.S. Park Service case #17-949) was accepted...

Walker campaign ad rips off now-famous eye-roll ad

WHO 'BORED IT' BETTER? Gov.  Bill Walker unveiled his campaign video on Sunday, and it is eerily similar to the video that went viral in...

Dunleavy Fathers Day video will get you in the ‘feels’

HAPPY FATHERS DAY Hallmark Cards couldn't have done it better. In a 90-second video for Fathers Day, candidate Mike Dunleavy drives a tractor while his daughters...

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