Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2018

It’s official: Tara Sweeney heads BIA

The entire U.S. Senate confirmed Alaskan Tara Sweeney as the assistant Interior Secretary for Indian Affairs on Thursday. That means an Alaskan from Anchorage...

State security breach put public assistance info at risk

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services announced today that another Russia-originating breach had taken place on a state computer that has likely...

Dunleavy campaign signs go ‘beast mode’ for JBER Air Show

ARCTIC THUNDER BRINGS OUT THE NEXT DUNLEAVY SIGN Must Read Alaska has snapped a "stealth" photo of the latest Dunleavy for Alaska sign. It's a limited...

Gov. Walker ‘sorely’ disappointed in workers’ rights decision

STANDS AGAINST WORKERS' FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS The U.S. Supreme Court said its decision on Janus vs. AFSCME was about workers being entitled to their free...

Revak campaign support group headed by provocateur, entertainer

Photo from Landfield Facebook page. Political provocateur, entertainer, and oil services company employee Jeff Landfield is heading up a third-party, "independent expenditure" group to defeat...

Poll says Walker is ‘significantly behind’ Begich, Dunleavy

CORRECTIONS OFFICERS' UNION IS GETTING BACK AT GOVERNOR? A recent statewide survey commissioned by the Alaska Correctional Officers Association shows Gov. Bill Walker in third...

Man who fled scene of accident is back in jail

SEN. SHELLEY HUGHES'  SON TO SPEND SUMMER IN WHEELCHAIR Brandon Cockburn, 39, was arrested on June 20 after leaving the scene of an accident at the...

Treadwell campaign picks Mike Robbins as manager

The Treadwell for Governor campaign announced it hired long-time Anchorage resident and businessman Mike W. Robbins as campaign manager. Today also marked the opening of...

Democrats needed as election workers

The Division of Elections is in the market for temporary election workers, and is having an especially hard time recruiting Democrats in Anchorage and...

Host of problems with Anchorage’s payroll system rollout

UNRELEASED REPORT SHOWS MULTIPLE ERRORS A report that is still under wraps shows multiple problems with the way the Ethan Berkowitz Administration launched a new...

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