Monday, September 2, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2018

Letter from Anchorage: Mob rule at its worst Editor, As a mother of two sons and 5 grandsons I hope they are never accused of sexual abuse by a women with absolutely...

Letter from Delta Junction: Vote yes on Kavanaugh

Dear Editor, I wrote to Sen. Lisa Murkowski this morning, to ask her to please listen to the voice of Alaskans.  We are saying please...

Letter from Prince of Wales: Sen. Lisa will vote yes

Dear Editor, Everyone including their mother, their grandmother and the Russian Bots (who influenced the election) have said everything that there is to say on...

Letter from Kenai: I support Kavanaugh

Editor, The Senate will soon cast a critical vote on the confirmation of President Trump’s new SupremeCourt nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Last year, Republicans, including...

The war on men: The sexual politics edition

MUST READ ALASKA WILL FEATURE KAVANAUGH LETTERS FROM ALASKANS It started with Sen. Dianne Feinstein making a vague allegation from an anonymous source, relating to...

A most unusual campaign: Write in Jake Sloan

Gathered around a long table at Kava's Pancake House in Muldoon on Monday, some 30 supporters of candidate Jake Sloan ordered pancakes and omelets,...

The soft bigotry of low expectations

BY WIN GRUENING SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR “I fear that the soft bigotry of low expectations is returning, and for the sake of America’s children, that is something...

Questions for the investigation of Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux

WHAT DID SHE KNOW AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT? We can now confirm that Charlie Chang is actually dead. The Fresno County Medical Examiner...

Only one decision, Senator

Despite our fondest hopes to the contrary, we are becoming inured to the notion of Sen. Lisa Murkowski voting against the confirmation of Appeals...

Outrage over light sentence prompts response: A march

GROUP WORKING TO OUST JUDGE AND PROSECUTOR The parking lot at Writer's Block Bookstore & Cafe was overflowing on a bright Saturday afternoon. Instead of...

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