Saturday, August 31, 2024

Monthly Archives: May, 2018

Rep. Guttenberg to retire

JOINS NUMEROUS DEMOCRATS WHO ARE LEAVING OFFICE Rep. David Guttenberg announced his retirement from office Wednesday. Representing Fairbanks, he has been a legislator for eight terms...

Three American former hostages touched down in Alaska

On their way to Andrews Air Force Base, the three U.S. hostages released by North Korea touched down briefly at Ted Stevens International Airport...

‘People are starving’ because of Medicaid expansion

10 STEPS TO HOW WE GOT TO THIS POINT Gov. Bill Walker is asking for another 41 employees in the Department of Health and Social...

Av Gross, attorney general for Jay Hammond

Alaska state flags are lowered to half-staff in honor of the passing of Avrum Gross, Alaska's attorney general from 1974 to 1980 under Gov....

Governor’s oil and gas adviser slips away

PRIVATE SECTOR LURES JOHN HENDRIX In the final year of a governor's tenure, it's not uncommon for people in politically appointed positions to find a...

Permanent Fund vote passes, governor takes credit

Both House and Senate today approved Senate Bill 26, limiting the use of the Alaska Permanent Fund’s earnings, while using a rules-based portion of...

Trump’s Iran sanctions could rock oil markets

President Donald Trump today announced the U.S. will pull out of the Iran deal signed by President Barack Obama in 2015, and will reimpose...

Elections Division kept hacking attack secret

It wasn't until Anchorage Daily News reporter Nat Herz caught wind of irregularities in the 2016 General Election that the Division of Elections admitted...

Governor announces price agreement on gas

'THE BINDING DEAL' MAY HAVE OBLIGATED THE STATE FOR BILLIONS Gov. Bill Walker has been courting China for the past year. Through the Alaska Gasline...

Franken-bill: ‘LeDoux’s Hour of Power’ to gum up legislation

A MOVE TO ALLOW FELONY DUI CONVICTIONS TO NOT MATTER AFTER 10 YEARS Monday is Day 112 in the Alaska Legislature; the constitutional deadline for...

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