That makes four GOP clubs: Republican Women of Kenai endorses Nick Begich


A fourth Alaska Republican women’s club has thrown its endorsement to Nick Begich for Congress. That makes four out of the seven Republican women’s clubs in Alaska that are not endorsing Nancy Dahlstrom.

The latest club is the Republican Women of the Kenai, joining the other peninsula-based Republican club in saying yes to Begich, even though Donald Trump last week caved to the National Republican Congressional Committee, which recruited Dahlstrom to run against Begich.

The Republican clubs endorsing Begich are all voting members of the party’s State Central Committee:

  • – Kenai Peninsula Republican Women
  • – Kenai Republican Women
  • – Valley Republican Women of Alaska
  • – Fairbanks Republican Women

The August primary election is now an open primary, due to Ballot Measure 2, which broke the long-standing tradition of allowing parties to advance their candidates to the general election. Now, the top four vote-getters in August will be placed on the November ballot unless one of them drops out, in which case the next candidate with the the most votes advances to the November election. The November ballot is a ranked-choice operation, with voters picking first, second, and third choices. It’s a squirrelly system that makes outcomes somewhat unpredictable this far away. In 2022, Begich came in third after Sarah Palin and ultimate winner Democrat Mary Peltola.

Begich, who filed one year ago to try again, is running as an underdog in a race that has incumbent Peltola, with her millions of nationally sourced Democrat dollars at her disposal, and Republican Nancy Dahlstrom, who filed in November and who is Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s pick, as well as the pick of the former president.

But the women Republicans of Alaska are going their own way, and they represent the backbone, hands, and hearts of the Republican Party in Alaska, with their legendary grassroots activism. Begich may be outspent in this race, but it appears he has the growing support of the conservative base.


  1. Our family is with Begich. We weren’t last time but we met him and know he’s genuine. Alaska needs this man in DC. It’s a shame that this Dahlstrom lady is throwing it away again.

  2. Unlike Begich, Dahlstrom refuses to get out if she finishes third. When she said that on Amy’s show that was it for me. She doesn’t belong to Alaska – she belongs to Washington DC now.

    • You are right! Dahlstrom as head of Corrections closed the public doors on the drug business in prisons and the murders in prison and suicides of prisoners. No investigations and no reporting to the public, Dunleavy helped her with that since he needed a lt. gov and no one wanted the job, so he swept it all under he rug so se was clear for the run to job. She has poor performance where ever she goes. How Trump came to acknowledge her or support her says a lot on the info he has been given. Dunleavy team is the worst yet and won’t ever be better. Vote for Begich and do all voting only once on the ballot, do not rank an names.

      • You have to rank Begich and then Dahlstrom and no one else. If you do not rank Dahlstrom, it is a point for Peltola.

  3. Nick came to the Kenai and took hours of questions at our last meeting. He knows his stuff. I’m glad our clubs are taking a stand; the people outside should stick to their own business.

  4. Unfortunately there are too many idiots out there that cannot get over his last name, they are too lazy to do their own research and believe everything they read on the internet and on social media. He’s the right man for the job and will be getting our votes, again.

    • Hunter, I agree that if folks would do their research they would honor the name Nick Begich! Nick was a wonderful Congressman and it’s my opinion that his Grandson NBIII might even do better!

      Go Nick!

  5. I don’t believe RCV was passed fairly, however I believe that within that framework, Mary won fair and square. She had, what, like 40 some percent. The combined votes of Nick and Sarah would have won without going into runoff. I would have been happy with either. I would also be happy with Nancy. Somehow, conservatives have to end up with ONE candidate to win. In this case, logically, Nancy would step down. Of all people involved, she should understand RCV best.

  6. If it’s any indication, Nick & his staff have always been accessible. He has traveled the state and answered everybody’s questions & listened to their comments. Nancy, on the other hand, has been harder to contact. That’s likely to continue once they are in office. So I choose Nick.


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