Fed’s gasline decision timeline pushed to 2020


The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has published its timeline for completing the Alaska LNG project’s environmental review, and it’s later than Gov. Bill Walker had hoped for.

The December, 2019 deadline that FERC has set for the final environmental impact statement means certainty for investors will be pushed off until after March 8, 2020, to accommodate a 90-day public comment period. That’s nearly a year later than expected by project advocates.

Walker and Alaska Gasline Development Corp. President Keith Meyer had set mid-2019 for the timeframe for an investment decision for the massive project that is estimated to cost north of $43 billion. If built, it would bring North Slope natural gas to Nikiski for liquefaction and export to Asia.

AGDC is crafting a deal with the Chinese government that would give China the right to 75 percent of the natural gas, and China would also be largely financing the construction as well.

Governor Bill Walker said, “I thank FERC for approving a timeline for the Alaska LNG Project. This is a major step forward that establishes clarity and predictability in the federal permitting process, which is critical for investors. Keith Meyer’s team at the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation deserves immense credit for continuing to advance a project of this magnitude.”

AGDC will meet with FERC next week to iron out the wrinkles in the relationship between the two. FERC has asked for studies and documentations that AGDC has refused to complete, leading to a stern letter from the federal agency to the state agency in February.


  1. That map’s gonna be a collector’s item!
    In just a few years, Communist China will own and operate that part of the United States.
    While we sit around, make noises, and do nothing to stop it.

  2. Exxon decides the terminus to be at Nikiski then pulls out of the project. Wouldn’t the pipeline cost be less if the Terminus were at Point MacKenzie where I happen to have some property? I’d like that, I think.
    But I doubt I’ll see any gas line from the North Slope in my lifetime.

    • My guess is we’ll see the start of another never-ending project.
      The chance to grab $64B worth of Permanent Fund is too good to pass up even if our lobbyist-legislator team has to split it with the Communist Chinese.

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