Your voice matters: Public input opportunity in search for Anchorage school superintendent



As the Anchorage School District searches for a new superintendent to replace retiring Superintendent Deena Bishop, it is asking for community input, even if that request is buried on its website.

This “superintendent search” is the kind of item that would normally be found on the home page of the district’s website, so all can easily find it. Instead, it takes three computer clicks to find the “superintendent search” page, and another click to find the “community survey.”  It’s difficult, even for those who visit the school district website often.

Most Anchorage citizens have probably not heard of the community survey that is being done by the district, but survey construct is similar to a “push poll” structured to get the desired answers.

The survey is divided into categories of respondents. Teachers are listed first, followed by administrators and then all other district support staff.  One would think all the ASD employees would be a single category. Why were these employees divided into three categories if the answers are not to be weighted?

Then parents (of students) are listed, followed by students and lastly, “non-parent community member.”  Indeed, the majority of Anchorage citizens fall in the last category. Are these groups’ answers also to be weighted with the majority counting the least? It’s impossible to tell from the survey.

The survey itself lists 31 qualities/characteristics that a superintendent should possess. The respondent is to choose 10 of those qualities that are of greatest value to the person taking the survey.

One superintendent quality is: “Has a strong moral compass that is rooted in justice and equality.”

Another quality is: “Is able to lead district diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts,” which is a dog whistle for those who understand how Critical Race Theory is being actively pushed in the district.

Most of the remaining qualities are commonly found in a school district leader, such as an emphasis on student achievement/performance would be at the top of anyone’s list. Accountability of staff is not found in the survey.

Those who want to help influence the choice of the next superintendent can complete the survey at:

The survey closes on Feb. 2, 2022.

David Boyle is Must Read Alaska’s education writer.


  1. David Boyle, you are completely correct in that the ASD seems to purposefully make their website hard to navigate. And thank you for providing the link.

  2. Today is such a hard day for Patriots, not only are we exhausted by all of the daylong gaslighting D.C. events promoted by Nancy Pelosi and her ilk, we also feel voiceless and powerless. It’s a bad day for responses. I’m so discouraged that I heave a sigh. I will respond, though. Take the survey people.

  3. IMO … Fire the entire ASD and shut it down immediately. Contract it out to an organization such as Virginia Military Academy. A strict and organized program that offers: Academics, Regimen, Structure, Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Accountability, and Discipline.
    Maybe we could get our Esteemed Political Leadership enrolled (ie – Ski, Sully & Yung)?

    • I agree, John! I applaud and salute Suzanne for her tireless efforts to bring the (politically-incorrect) truth to light — a.k.a., old-time REAL journalism, such as is sadly rarely practiced in this incredibly corrupt and decadent age.

  4. The survey options aren’t great but you’re unable to submit unless you’ve chosen 10. Zero confidence ASD will get a superintendent that stands for academic excellence and represents the community at-large.

  5. The survey requires that you check 10 of the qualities that they put in the survey. Most of the selections are not what I feel are important. Therefore the survey is already slanted. The survey does not allow you to leave comment unless you check 10 boxes.

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