Yikes! CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus



On Saturday, the New Jersey Department of Health notified the Maryland Department of Health that a person confirmed with the coronavirus had attended the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland from February 27-March 1.

“Those who attended or worked at the conference may be at some risk for acquiring COVID-19,” according to a statement from Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.

Speakers at the 2020 gathering included Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska, as well as President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

In fact, numerous people from the Trump Administration also spoke at the conference: Sec. of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, Sec. of Energy Dan Broillette, Sec. of Transportation Elaine Chao, Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos, Sec. of State Michael Pompeo, Acting Director of OMB Russell Vought, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., Sen. Ted Cruz, along with a long list of other political luminaries. Even Ronna McDaniels, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee was there.

In other words, practically the entire leadership of the Republican Party.

“Immediately after learning of this individual’s interactions in our state, we began coordinating with the White House, the CDC and federal officials, the New Jersey Department of Health, Prince George’s County officials, and conference organizers,” said Gov. Hogan.

“Due to the scale of this conference, we are urging attendees who are experiencing flu-like symptoms to immediately reach out to their health care provider. We are providing this update not to unnecessarily raise alarm, but in the interest of full transparency and out of an abundance of caution,” he said.

The Maryland Health Department asks that those who attended the conference monitor themselves for symptoms of a respiratory infection including fever, cold-like symptoms, cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.

“Persons who attended this event should check their temperature twice a day and notify their health care provider and local health department if their temperature exceeds 100.4 or if they develop a respiratory illness. They should remain at home until they receive instructions about next steps from their health care provider or local health department,” the official statement said.

The White House said it had investigated and found the chances are low that the president or vice president had been in contact with the attendee who subsequently tested positive and is being treated and quarantined.

A Washington Post reporter, however, begs to differ. Colby Itkowitz wrote, almost excitedly, that “CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp tells me he interacted with attendee who has tested positive for coronavirus. While the timeline is unknown, Schlapp shook Trump’s hand on stage the last day of the conference.”

To which a number of liberals on Twitter responded with glee at the thought of taking down the government with a virus.

CPAC is the major political gathering each year for conservatives and this year’s attendance was said to be over 19,000. The event started in 1974, with just 400 in attendance; the keynote speaker that year was California Gov. Ronald Reagan. This year it was President Trump.


  1. I wouldn’t be surprised if they plant sick volunteers to try and disrupt things. The left really is that low.

    • Matt Schlapp, chair of CPAC, knows the guy. “I know the person. I feel bad for him. You don’t want any of your friends to ever get sick. But I’m certainly not alarmed.” -sd

  2. I wonder if this was on purpose. There have been several liberals that said that they were going to get exposed to COVID 19 and go to a large conservative gathering to expose as many conservatives as possible including the president.

    • I think that this is not the case. Matt Schlapp, chair of CPAC, knows the guy. “I know the person. I feel bad for him. You don’t want any of your friends to ever get sick. But I’m certainly not alarmed.” – sd

  3. How long did the world think they would be able to.murder millions of babies before God responded to the blood crying out? Anybody see a child with this yet?


    1 Peter 4:16-19 KJV
    Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

    • Never interject delusion and magic into a conversation surrounding science. It just doesn’t work. Here’s one for you: Genesis 1:26…

      Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

      He should’ve given mankind dominion over microbiology as it’s been a bigger problem than fish. Or birds.

      By the way… we know what causes eathquakes now. And waves, wind, stuff like that. You can toss that old book as it’s full of wrong answers and makes a terrible textbook.

  4. MRA, If people have glee about anyone getting ill that’s their individual shame, but to pin it on any political party is just fostering hate, tension and distrust of each other.

    • C:. In this political year and Age of Trump, do you really think that Leftists don’t hate or distrust conservatives? It’s everywhere and about to get worse.

  5. Wait until the liberals/socialists/dems start coming down with Wuhan V (and they will). It will definitely be a different tune they sing then. They only have one response readily available. “Blame Trump”. Oh, and don’t drink Corona beer. It may be contagious. At least that’s what 38% of beer drinkers claim.

    • Speaking of different tunes, it can’t help but be noticed by any and all among the halfway self-aware that ‘concern’ ramped up among the right when their own mortality finally emerged from the clouds of fallacious lunacy generated amongst and between the right wing commentariat.
      A week ago, Italy had 3 cases, today it’s over 3,000.
      Of course, they are testing so they have better handle on what’s happening,
      Effective testing is still being denied in America, but we still passed the 500 mark.
      It’s going to get much worse before or if it gets any better.
      Best start comprehending what science tells you instead of relying on fallacious folly like Trump has offered you.

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