With Sullivan in DC, Alaska can be first again



I was born and raised in Alaska, believing this was an exceptional state that provides unlimited opportunity. Alaska changed the course of my family’s destiny. My parents went from living homeless in a tent to seeing me graduate from Harvard Law School.

Alaska is first in our hearts, but it repeatedly has finished near last in the nation with respect to crime, education, budget, and the economy. If my parents were homeless in Alaska today, I would be less likely to grow up in affordable housing or learn to read, much less attend a prestigious law school. 

It is time for Alaska to be first again. That is why I support Dan Sullivan for the U.S. Senate.

Sullivan is bolstering our economy by opening up ANWR for oil and gas development, overturning six decades of restrictions. He also has helped reduce regulations, fought for access to federal lands, and secured about $1.6 billion in funding for military construction across Alaska.

When the COVID pandemic hit us, Senator Sullivan was instrumental in securing billions of dollars of coronavirus relief for Alaskan families, small businesses, Native communities, and front-line healthcare workers.

Senator Sullivan is committed to our safety. He has helped secure $50 Million for public safety in rural Alaska. He has also played a key role in ensuring the investment of $2 trillion to rebuild the strength and power of our U.S. military, which was decimated by the Obama administration.

As the daughter of a long line of military service members, that matters to me, and I know it matters to Alaskans, too. Senator Sullivan is the only member of Congress who continues to be an active service member. He understands what is at stake if Biden wins and tries to reimplement the 25% cut to our military that occurred when he was VP during the Obama administration.

Senator Sullivan has confirmed over 200 judges who believe their role is to interpret the law, not legislate from the bench. Alaska has seen an appalling streak of lawless court rulings lately; we know it is critical we have a Senator who is committed to appointing judges who are dedicated to the rule of law.

Finally, Senator Sullivan understands Alaskans and will continue to serve us well in D.C. He may not have been born here, but he got here as fast as he could! Like many of our military service members, when he was stationed in Alaska 23 years ago, he fell in love with the state we love. He then spent his career as a dedicated public servant, serving Alaskans.

Whether continuing to serve in the armed forces, which he still does today, serving as Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, or serving as Attorney General, Senator Sullivan has demonstrated his commitment to serving all Alaskans, and he is here to stay. 

Senator Sullivan will fight for us on Capitol Hill. He will stand firm for all Alaskans and he will help Alaska rise again. 

For every Alaskan family to have the same opportunities my family had, and so many other families need and deserve, we need to send Senator Sullivan back to D.C.

The views expressed here are the writer’s in her personal capacity and do not reflect her role as the Commissioner of the Department of Administration.


  1. ANWR has done nothing to bolster our economy. Yeah, the polluters are moving forward on ANWR, but there has been no economic bolster from it.

    Like so many military, he continued to seek government jobs while voting against the government paying anything but his next job. So he has a military government pension, a state of Alaska government pension and a federal senate pension.

    THAT is not small government. Vote Gross.

    • Maureen
      You obviously don’t know that ANWR has done nothing to bolster our economy because no one has yet been able to drill there yet. You also seem to be a troll but not a very educated one at least on the facts.

  2. The Senator has our votes and you have them as well if you ever decide to run for office in Alaska….and it is great to know the Senator has your valuable support while he is our Senator….

    • Unfortunately, you may have identified the principal purpose of this column: An effort to raise the author’s own public profile prior to seeking elected office. If that is the author’s goal, she should talk about her own goals and maybe some new and interesting ideas that she has developed. Cheerleading strikes me as a poor way to become a candidate.

      • What does your crystal ball say about someone that runs for public office? I think it’s a pretty honorable occupation or at least it can be if you don’t follow in the steps of some unmentioned congressman.

      • Wow. I know the author quite well and I have not heard her mention she is interested in running for office. Actually when people like myself mention it she states she is here to support Governor Dunleavy. In actuality that is what people of the same party do, they support each other. Sorta like Nancy Pelosi giving Galvin money and Chuck Schumer talking about how wonderful Al Gross is. Perhaps Gross should take your advice because all I have heard from him is how bad Sullivan is but not a damn thing about what he will do but be a little lemming for the Democrats!

        • I respect your views on the author. We will see. I have no use whatsoever for the Bear Doctor. And you are correct, if Mr. Gross would spend half of his money setting forth his positions and ideas, he would be better off. He will still lose, fortunately.

  3. Soon as I read “Harvard” my alarm bells chimed in.

    “The HLS Democrats is a student-run organization at Harvard Law School that provides a way for students to become engaged in advancing the causes and the candidates of the Democratic Party. We connect students with alumni who share similar career goals in Democratic politics — whether at a national, state, or local level — and we organize opportunities for our members to learn more about the world of politics and campaigning through organization trips and speaker events. We also have an active campaigning arm, and have helped students coordinate canvassing trips for important elections across the nation.

    In the 2018 election, the HLS Dems served as a hub for progressive activism on campus. We worked with campaigns across the country to help get progressive leaders elected to office. Our initiatives included regular phone banks, voter protection efforts, and canvassing trips to rally support for candidates and progressive ballot initiatives. In addition to our work on behalf of candidates, we host a full slate of speaker events that provide students with insights on the current state of the Democratic Party, the future of liberal politics, and practical training as they seek to improve their own political and activism skills.”

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