A recently released report by the City and Borough of Juneau provides insight into efforts to increase summertime revenues at Juneau’s city-owned ski area which would allow it to become financially self-supporting.
To be sure, there are some uncertainties associated with this endeavor, and assumptions and projections will need to be examined to determine their validity. However, the basic premise of counterbalancing the ski area’s subsidized winter operation with a profitable summer operation is realistic and achievable.
Historically, much of the concern about Eaglecrest has centered around their uneven financial performance which, in large part, is due to unpredictable weather and their chronically underfunded maintenance and replacement program. This is why the summer program is so vital. It would stabilize revenues, eventually precluding the need for ongoing subsidies, and fund a replacement reserve that will provide for dependable equipment and facility operation.
It’s generally unknown but Eaglecrest’s taxpayer-funded subsidies, while seemingly sizable, are at a level far below those enjoyed by the city’s other recreation facilities. For example, the combined proposed FY25 budget of the Treadwell Ice Rink ($1.0 million) and that of Aquatics, the city’s two swimming pools ($2.98 million), approximately equals that of Eaglecrest Ski Area ($4.2 million). Yet their subsidies are vastly different.
Treadwell Ice Rink anticipates recovering 43% of its expenditures through user fees and charges. Aquatics only projects recovering 23%. Their combined subsidy totals $2.85 million. Eaglecrest, in contrast, proposes to recoup 78% of its expenses in FY25 requiring a subsidy of $930,000. (Later revisions to Eaglecrest’s budget reflect a 66% recovery rate which is listed in the CBJ report).
In fact, as the city report explains, Eaglecrest has averaged an expense recovery since 1997 of 70%, a record that is unmatched by any other city owned recreation enterprise, and a tribute to fiscally vigilant Eaglecrest board members, management, and staff, past and present.
So, let’s give them (and the Juneau Assembly) credit for pursuing a plan to erase the remaining 30% subsidy.
There has been some controversy surrounding the city’s purchase of a used gondola as part of this effort. Yet, the subsequent $10 million investment in the project by Goldbelt, Inc, Juneau’s urban Native Corporation (well-versed in tourism operations and the owner/operator of the successful Mt. Roberts Tramway) indicates this can be a viable and profitable enterprise.
A summer operation model has been proven successful in other ski areas – even without the advantage Eaglecrest has, in a location where 1.5+ million cruise passengers disembark every summer.
Predictably, the installation cost of the gondola has ballooned over the initial budget estimates. Nevertheless, it appears that the costs will be contained within the total funds provided by Goldbelt assuming operations commence by the summer of 2027.
As envisioned, the gondola would transport visitors to the top of the ridge at Eaglecrest, offering the opportunity to experience spectacular vistas and hiking in a pristine subalpine forest.
The city’s report details a range of possible revenue options which would price gondola tickets at $45, $65, or $85. After adding bus transportation, cruise line commissions, and taxes, the tour could sell on a cruise ship for $118, $145, and $171.50, respectively. This compares favorably with other competing shore excursions offered by cruise lines. For example, the zipline adventure currently located at Eaglecrest is priced at $245 through the vendor’s website, markedly less than if purchased aboard a cruise ship.
Using the more conservative midrange estimate, Eaglecrest would reach operational breakeven in 2029 based on a projected summer visitation of 55,000 riders. This represents approximately 3% of cruise passengers and is well below the number of skiers that visit Eaglecrest during the winter season.
It is desirable and beneficial for city leaders to maximize utilization of the ski area in every way it can. This, not only to preserve a valuable city asset, but so thousands of residents and visitors alike can enjoy the health benefits and recreational opportunities that Eaglecrest provides.
Eaglecrest is on the cusp of achieving financial independence. Year-round operations and an expanded customer base can guarantee its future for many years to come.
After retiring as the senior vice president in charge of business banking for Key Bank in Alaska, Win Gruening became a regular opinion page columnist for the Juneau Empire. He was born and raised in Juneau and graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1970. He is involved in various local and statewide organizations.
What does moving the capital have anything to do with a local ski hill?
I’m stunned. Had no idea that Eaglecrest was NOT self-sustaining. I know people who spend their weekends and evenings, almost year-round, volunteering at Alpenglow to keep it running and help it be self-sustaining. Why isn’t Juneau following this model?
Buying a 35 year old used gondola that spare parts are not readily available for , that was built for Europe that runs on 50 cycle as apposed to North America which runs on 60 cycle, that was used in a very harsh environment, that was then dismantled and transported half way around the world and now lies in the mud has puzzled me from the very beginning. If you want something that is modern and going to last and you are banking your financial future on, BUY NEW!
The lift is easily converted to run here. The parts are fine. And it is a very simple design that will prove very cost effective to operate.
good to see you bullish on the ski area. Ski areas are a great asset for a community. I hope you can work out a financial stream to keep it going. At mount eyak they are fortunate to have cell tower leases for steady revenue. Hope things cool off and your season improves.
So Local Government is increasingly competing for tourist dollars? I’m shocked!
As a business-banking expert, Win, you know any report can show anything is self-supporting, the devil being in the details.
If hell froze over and Mayor Win said, “Make this thing self-supporting, stick a casino in there if you have to”, we’re confident major sh… stuff would happen.
But hell didn’t freeze over, Win’s not mayor, the business acumen and personal integrity to make it happen could be there, but what we’ve seen of Juneau’s ruling class to date suggests holding one’s breath, waiting for “self supporting” to happen may not be the best option, no?
Assuming the boondoggondola project even moves forward, I don’t think it will progress within the proposed timeframe. I think there are only a very few companies that have the expertise and logistical ability to install lifts, such as Leitner-Poma USA, Skytrac, Doppelmayr USA, etc. I don’t think they have any immediate (read within the next year or two) openings. An even more limiting factor is the cable. A lift takes multiple spools of cable and for this level there are only a handful of cable splicing experts in the entire world; they’re likely already booked for the near term.
We already have the lift technicians on board for when it actually gets built. The same folks that dismantled it and are providing the additional parts. And they will provide logistical and training support for the 1st year of operation.
1 thing I can assure Juneau of, if Hannah says something then that is how it is!
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