Willow gets final approval from ConocoPhillips


 ConocoPhillips announced Friday that it will move forward with development of the Willow project in Alaska. This Final Investment Decision approves the project and funds construction needed to reach first oil.

The decision follows the Department of the Interior March 2023 Record of Decision and recent positive court orders, including this week’s Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denial of plaintiffs’ request for an injunction.

“We are excited to reach this significant milestone,” said Ryan Lance, chairman and chief executive officer. “With this project authorization, we’ve begun winter construction and Alaskans have started to receive the benefits from responsible energy development.” 

According to the Bureau of Land Management, the Willow project is projected to deliver $8 billion to $17 billion in new revenue for the federal government, the state of Alaska and Alaska Native communities. When completed, Willow is estimated to produce approximately 600 million barrels across the lifetime of the project, decreasing American dependence on foreign energy supplies. Designed to support and coexist with subsistence activities on Alaska’s North Slope, the Willow project underwent five years of rigorous regulatory and environmental review. Willow will be built using materials primarily made and sourced in the U.S. and has the potential to create over 2,500 construction jobs and approximately 300 long-term jobs.

“We are grateful for the many supporters who advocated for Willow. Alaska Native communities and groups, especially those closest to the project on the North Slope, continually provided input that helped shape this project. We also appreciate the unwavering support from Alaska’s bipartisan Congressional Delegation – Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan and Representative Mary Peltola – the state legislature and organized labor groups,” Lance added. “Our employees and the contractor community have dedicated years to designing a project that will provide reliable energy while adhering to the highest environmental standards.”


  1. A hearty congratulations to C-P Alaska! Responsible oil field development is L-I-F-E to us Alaskans, not to leave out the rest of the nation, and the suicidal madness of the plaintiffs must not prevail.

    And we applaud the decision that project materials are “primarily” made in the USA. I would be even more impressed if we were assured that NOTHING would be imported for this good project from the communist dictatorship of China.

    Best wishes to C-P!

    • I doubt that…Remember they’re not legally following the RULES that J.Hammond set down. B.Walker destroyed that..Is there anyway to override the damage of what Walker did??

    • This project won’t contribute to your PFD at all. It’s on federal land and the state only gets some corporate taxes, but that won’t actually occur for a decade. It’s been well documented in Alaska news sites that the State will actually be paying Conoco to construct this project for about the first ten years due to our much hyped oil and gas tax structure. The Willow project will actually decrease State revenues for years, so your PFD will be raided to pay for our dwindling services.

    • At least the folks at Conoco have been paying attention since you can’t be bothered. Then again, they make decisions that actually matter so it makes sense they’d know who supports their projects.

  2. We’ll be able to transport the crude from Willow to Valdez with airships…….
    Bwahhhahahaha hahaha haha

  3. Congrats.. it’s about time, people woke up..The “D. team-ugh”. They’re trying to destroy America, they’re out to cut ALL of the petroleum production.. I can just see us surviving on the windmill power ha..ha Merry Christmas!!!

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