Will third time be a charm for Anchorage mask mandate?


Anchorage Assembly member Meg Zalatel is bringing a last-minute item to Tuesday’s agenda: Mandatory masks for all in Anchorage while in public places such as stores and restaurants.

A similar measure has failed twice, 5-6, in recent weeks. But last week Mayor Ethan Berkowitz indicated he is open to mandating face masks. The mandate proponents just need to flip one vote, and Must Read Alaska has learned they are going after Assemblyman Kameron Perez-Verdia for that vote.

Zaletel has “laid on the table” a resolution calling on Mayor Ethan Berkowitz to mandate masks via his emergency powers, which are granted by the Assembly. It’s not on the agenda but is expected to be raised during the meeting as a last-minute item, circumventing the ability of the public to be made aware or for opponents on the Assembly to gather their opposition arguments.

Take the Must Read Alaska Facebook poll on the face mask mandate here.


  1. So will they fill the prisons with people who refuse to wear masks? Set the criminals free but arrest freedom loving people who refuse to be brow beaten into submission by the elite, who would form a socialist dictatorship. My what an opportunity for Socialism? There are no Kings in the USA but there are lots of would-be Dictators.

    • Thank you for saying what majority of us want to say, but at this time and place I’m not sure it’s safe to have freedom of speech anymore. Sadly.

    • No prison needed you just won’t get served with no mask and any Business that’s caught serving people without a mask should pay a penalty or at worst be shut down!!!This is very serious stuff and people are dying a public health crisis. But we want to complain about wearing a silly mask to Protect ourselves and others.No different from no shoes no shirt no service

      • People are dying??? We have had more death due to driving this year then to covid!! We have more deaths yearly due to flu then we have had to covid! It was never about stopping the virus… we just needed to slow it down … 34 patients in hospitals due to covid! We flattened the curve!! We are seeing more positives for two reasons, first, we are testing at higher rates because know we have enough test to support that. In the early days of covid you were only tested if you showed symptoms and were referred by a doctor. Now you can drive up and get the test as many times as you like. So of course numbers are going to go up based on the number of test done. Do the math !!! The % of positives are no higher based on the %of test subjects!

        Secondly, the number of false positives has also increased do yo the number of test done. The numbers look big because even when it is determined that the positive is false… the number of positives is not rolling back to remove the false positives from the count!! Studies are showing that over have the positive test results are false positives! This whole thing is about control and money!!

    • What type of mask? A Cowboy Bandana? An old Crown Royal bag?
      Silly isn’t it? It is not about safety but about being a mind numbed robot. This is all about the exercise of power.

      • Well, considering that both health organizations the CDC, WHO have said the masks do nothing for the virus which everyone knows then the assembly and mayor look very stupid.

        • The box of masks from Costco even say they do not stop the spread of covid! It says it on the box!!!!!

        • Where do you get your news? OAN?? They have BOTH said that masks reduce transmission! Studies have proven that masks reduce transmission! They aren’t as effective in keeping you safe from others as they are in keeping others safe from you, but if both are wearing a mask it prevents more than 80% of transmission!! It’s about caring about others! Love thy neighbor, as the Bible says.

      • Not really. Do you really think it’s all about getting the whole world to do a certain thing? There will always be conspiracy theorists. Sometimes it’s just about keeping humans safe.

        • No it’s about the world listen to a small voice who think they control the world…. in the us more then half the covid cases and deaths are out of 2 states… NY and NJ…. 2 states make up over half of all covid cases and deaths!!! Why??? Because people are stacked on top of each other’s there…. we are not NY or NJ… we need to make decisions based on alaska numbers not world numbers!

      • Some things are just common sense and aren’t political at all. This is one of them. And it doesn’t really matter as long as it keeps your exhalations away from others.

    • Will you leave the state if it mandates masks? Good riddance for Anchorage. There are too many selfish people who don’t care about others here already!

  2. Ms. Zaletel should tell the mayor to stick it. The assembly should discipline their little tin god instead of rubber-stamping his stuff.

  3. There is a simple way to deal with the Mask issue.. our family will not visit or support the downtown vendors. The merchants in Anchorage need to wake up. Folks can order everything needed in our home via Amazon direct to our home.

    • Exactly. Not to mention that people can drive to the Valley to do their shopping at Walmart, Target, Fred Meyer and the other many small local businesses who are open and serving their community. The valley is thriving while Anchorage is stagnant and businesses are losing money and shutting down. Way to go Berkowitz.

  4. Oh Dear, Meg Z, all you have to do is click your heels together three times and you’ll be back home in Michigan, where it’s possible (though highly unlikely) that THEY are the ones requiring leadership precipitated by infantilism.
    Go! Hurry! Wear your mask! Go!

  5. Let’s be honest here: The mask mandate is about sticking it to the independent and risk-takers, in other words, conservatives. This is simply about the Left having their way. Seizing firearms is next, with re-education camps and confiscation of property not far behind.

  6. Presuming such a mandate is actually enacted, how shall it be enforced, pray tell? By ticket? By fine? By threat? By arrest? By force?

    Please, by all means, pass such a mandate.

    And please, by all means, go pound sand, as a resultant, but very polite suggestion.

    Just saying.

    Have a great day!

  7. They passed the same thing down here. Are you any more proud or elite than the rest of the world? Stay safe and stop spreading it. Wear a mask like the rest of us.

    • You mask wearers are adamant that the mask protects you from the virus. If you are wearing your mask, and someone else isn’t, then by your logic shouldn’t you be protected and those of us not wearing a mask are not? Therefore it is none of your business whether I wear a mask or not as I am the one taking responsibility for MY health decisions and it is none of your business. Unless you forgot, this is a free country.

      • Respectfully disagree Anne. The science behind the masks is others are protected from a mask wearer unknowingly spreading disease in the event they are spreading disease as asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic carriers. I see it similar to vaccines; you may not get the flu shot each year, but me getting the flu shot will still help protect you in that I will not be a vector of the flu in the event that you and I cross paths. My wearing a mask provides some protection to you in event I have Covid-19 and our paths cross. You not wearing a mask, offers zero protection to me in the event our paths cross and you have Covid.

        • Got to admire someone who sets the example by masking up pretty much 24/7/365 for every other viral outbreak from Ebola to plain ole flu.
          It is all about “some protection”.
          As every team player knows, this never-ending crisis could fail just like global warming if herd immunity accidentally replaced herd mentality
          …and even falsified government statistics couldn’t cover it up.
          So, we gotta be thinking about what’s next to keep it going… how about something like mandatory periodic China flu testing cards, carry one at all times, show it to any city official on demand.
          Probably too soon for mandatory MOPP suits, but surely we can get there with our parent-government’s help, yes?

          • Thank you for sensationalizing my post.

            Don’t wear one for the “plain ole flu” as I get a flu-shot every year in conjunction with my immune system’s historical knowledge of many common influenza strains.

            Don’t wear one for Ebola as it has a low transmission rate, and is transmitted by bodily fluids and not respiratory secretions.

            I wear a mask for this novel coronavirus and only this virus as it is transmitted via respiratory secretions and my immune system has no historical context to work from, as I never had SARS.

            It helps, and collectively it helps even more.

      • Meg needs to move to the bush where she can try to muzzle the bears instead of trying to bend us all to her will. Maybe she should see the damage her left wing lunatics have caused in cities around the nation. More business failures by the radical left wing policies is not what Anchorage needs or wants. Are you listening Mr Mayor!

      • This shows the non mask wearers intellect and ignorance. You may be an asymptomatic carrier, you don’t know. By wearing a mask, it lessens the chance that You will spread it to someone else.

    • How about you want to stay home you stay home? These are human beings. They aren’t yours or the governments toys to play with and them put away when you are done. They have rights. You have the right to stay home, or wear a mask. You don’t get to subjugate me or my family to your fear mongering and whims. Quit trying to control your neighbor and just live your own damn life.

    • When you wear a mask you recirculate the carbon monoxide in your system.
      You can lower your immune system up to 30%.
      Also if you happen to get Also if you happen to get covid19 , You’re recirculating that in your lungs.
      Get educated.

  8. We could always refuse to wear Ethan’s masks, calling it a protest against racism and prejudice. Alternately, wear MAGA masks and the mandate will leave pretty quickly. Either should work. Cheers –

  9. Another power grab by our little dictator who delights in controlling peoples lives like puppets on a string. When all else fails, he gets one of his stooges on the assembly to do the dirty work. Studies have shown that cloth masks do nothing to stop fine particles, such as Kungflu from penetrating. What will the punishment be for non compliance, execution by firing squad in the town square? Count me out.

  10. It’s official – a recent study shows Democrats more likely then others to wear masks. Once folks realize that masks are nothing more then a political statement for many sheeple then they can understand the desperate push to force everyone to wear one even though there is little empirical evidence to justify the efficacy of that action.

  11. How do you eat in a restaurant with a mask? Lol. Little dictator has the “Little man syndrome”. I will not be leaving any of my money in Anchorage if this emergency mask order goes in effect. Sorry Anchorage businesses.

      • Ok Greg. Here we go again – I sit in a restaurant with my handy -dandy useless cloth mask on. I’d like to take a drink of my beer. What you’re saying here is that I should be wearing my mask and then remove it every time I’d like to take a sip? How about eating? Do I remove it for every bite then put it back on? The simple thing to do is to quit living in fear. If you’re so fearful that you’re going to catch the Wuhan Flu then please, stay home.

      • Then what is the point; you have now nullified any benefit that may have come from wearing your mask in public. Allowing herd immunity to develop ( which are why vaccines provide protection to the unvaccinated) is a better way to protect people.

  12. If you’re reading this, please consider sending a quick email today to: [email protected].

    This email address sends an email to all Assembly members.

    They need to hear how people in Anchorage feel about mandating masks. And how people feel about some Assembly members trying to push things through without public comment.

    • Thanks for the address….messages sent from our company and me personally….I don’t think this bunch listens to the public at all but it is worth a try…

  13. Mandatory?. Instead of wasting your time on stupid things, why dont you and the mayor start doing better things for the community, masks dont prevent anything but keeping your nasty bad breath to yourselves.?

      • Greg. I wanted to leave a witty and derogatory comment that explained how illogical your trolling is. But if you can’t see with your own eyes that this nation was founded on the supreme principle that individual rights trump all others, I guess there’s not much I can say.
        Hopefully you and others like you pull your heads out of the sand before you take the rest of the country with you. Good day.

        • First time I have ever been called a troll. I like it. As an individual, I expect you and others to mask up. They shouldn’t have to order you to do it with an executive order but so be it.

  14. This would clear violation of constitutional rights. If they want a class action lawsuit filed against them, try it.

  15. If Submission Signaling is mandated for Los Anchorage….
    And if you can’t find what you need online so feel compelled…
    Consider a PROPER Submission Scarf. Plain white with 666
    in very large letters across your mouth.

  16. Imagine legions of citizens wearing “Trump 2020”,
    “(expl del) the Assembly”,
    “(expl del) the Mayor”,
    or “(expl del) China flu” on their masks,
    luminescent to show up well in low light.
    Imagine government’s tattle-tale lines clogged with everybody tattling on everybody.
    Remember when communism fell in Russia, people just had enough of government crap. Wasn’t any battle between citizens, cops, or troops.
    They all wound up marching together in Moscow. With smiles on their faces…
    And the government fell.
    Of course that can’t happen in Anchorage… sure would be nice if it did.
    Nice weather for it…

  17. How do all you “Americans” manage to be so patriotic? I admire you all and you’re right, my body my choice! I’m too strong willed to be susceptible to that ‘rona! Masks will only make it slightly more difficult to breathe and like others have said, how am I supposed to eat my Big Mac with a mask on?!?!? You know what? If they impose this I’m going to revolt because I am an American and you cannot suppress my freedoms!

    Children being caged? Not Americans, maybe their parents should have thought about that before trying to get a better life!

    People being murdered by Cops? Maybe they shouldn’t have resisted!

    Get vaccines? Yeah right, nice try Bill Gates!

    Wear a mask! Shut up Fidel, don’t you try to control me!

    So let’s discuss the some of the comments. Let’s start with Jmark who said, “Let’s be honest here: The mask mandate is about sticking it to the independent and risk-takers, in other words, conservatives. This is simply about the Left having their way. Seizing firearms is next, with re-education camps and confiscation of property not far behind.” You make some good points. If I wear a mask, the left is going to come take my guns next. The masks are key to their plan, wear masks lose your guns! I see the connection, no Beautiful Mind string board needed.

    John Kiernan says, “So will they fill the prisons with people who refuse to wear masks? Set the criminals free but arrest freedom loving people who refuse to be brow beaten into submission by the elite, who would form a socialist dictatorship. My what an opportunity for Socialism? There are no Kings in the USA but there are lots of would-be Dictators.” Wearing a mask will lead to the United States turning into a Socialist country? I struggle a little more to understand this but I bet if I want some more Tucker Carlson or OAN I’ll get it. I guess there’s no punishment for wrongdoings apart from prison time? Prisons are really full though, let’s release all those with records to make room for the CONSERVATIVES who won’t wear masks! This is straight up prejudice against conservatives!

    I’m only going to do one more person and we’ll look at what Anne says. She says, “You mask wearers are adamant that the mask protects you from the virus. If you are wearing your mask, and someone else isn’t, then by your logic shouldn’t you be protected and those of us not wearing a mask are not? Therefore it is none of your business whether I wear a mask or not as I am the one taking responsibility for MY health decisions and it is none of your business. Unless you forgot, this is a free country.” I’m going to respond a little more personally Anne. So you seem to partially understand the importance of masks. Like I mentioned above they kind of go hand in hand with vaccines which i imagine you also don’t believe in. Well here’s the situation, with immunizations and masks we create something called herd immunity. It’s a great thing which creates this sort of bubble to protect people. The problem with this is the masks are a little different from vaccines. Vaccines will kill the virus whereas masks protect from spreading it. Viruses are these small particles and while they can’t get through masks they can continue to live on surfaces. The problem here is you will use your grubby little hands to touch everything you can and unknowingly come in contact with the virus. Believe it or not you touch your face a lot throughout the day. So here’s where it gets interesting, if we had a vaccine which you probably wouldn’t get, you’d be fine. None of us would need masks but vaccines are complex, Bill Gates needs to produce enough microchips to turn us autistic. The coronavirus is different than the flu, you can be asymptomatic for up to two weeks. For the uninitiated that means be transmitting it while not have symptoms. So whole you’re watching out for YOUR own health you’re not watching out for others. There are people who are immunocompromised, since this is a big word and you probably don’t understand it I’ll explain it. Immunocompromised means a person has an illness which makes their immune system not that great at fighting illnesses. People with these conditions have very little chance of surviving corona. Like I said, it can live on surfaces and you can spread it without knowing you have it. So hopefully you’re starting to understand why people are wearing masks but I doubt it.
    I would hope people would read my comment but they probably won’t. Hopefully if I put a small paragraph on the bottom some of you will. So, as a whole already don’t have immunity to the coronavirus so we’re all susceptible. That is, apart from those who have already had it but right now it looks like they still MAY be capable of getting it again. Also in case you didn’t know, coronavirus seems to case way more problems than we previously thought. Survivors are showing signs of brain damage and other issues after “recovering.” With this said I suggest you “Americans” wear masks because it doesn’t looks like you have much brain function to spare as it is.

    • Colin,
      I read your comment. Your argument fails because most masks are useless. Kindly research the issue and report back to us.
      Thank you Colin!

    • You are condescending and small minded if you think you are the only person who knows a “big word”. I am well aware of big words and use them quite frequently. As far as your diatribe (you do know the meaning of that word?), well you have just proven my point that masks do not fully protect you from the virus. If you are immunocompromised then it is up to you to determine what lengths you need to take in order keep yourself safe. Your right to protect yourself does not infringe on my right to not wear a mask. Stay at home and live in your protective bubble, wear your masks or oxygen tanks or whatever else you deem necessary. As you said “The problem here is you will use your grubby little hands to touch everything you can and unknowingly come in contact with the virus. Believe it or not you touch your face a lot throughout the day.” Newsflash, as you just pointed out, the mask isn’t going to fully protect you. Following CDC guidelines by washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, coughing or sneezing into your sleeve or elbow, and staying home if you feel ill will be far more effective. Also if you are not an American, since you referenced us as “you “Americans”, you really should worry about your own country and not the state of Alaska.

  18. Are the limits in the Alaska state constitution still in place that lists the only powers granted the state for a guaranteed republican form of government. As the states and US constitution limits it’s power legally.

    Suggestions are not statutory laws set in place by the Alaskan legislature. How do you propose to fine or hold supposed violators accountable.
    Let’s go to Federal Court!!!

  19. Okay so masks are cool and all but what about everything you’re touching.

    If you are a carrier, it’s already in your eyes. You may or may not be directly breathing on me. But what about the numbers of bacteria on your clothes and hands.
    Hey Alaska, what happened to mandatory 14-day isolation and people coming in from out of state with no test being done to show they are or are not sick.

    I mean who is standing at each gate and checking these test results that people are supposed to have done 3 days before flying. Who’s making sure they are following the rules?

  20. “Meg” is going for that handmaiden communist look that Americans detest. As to your grandiose idea of masks- piss off. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that employees (that would be you) can tell their employers (that would be we the tax payers) what to do. “meg”, if you don’t like it; pack up and move to a communist country of your choice. You’re not wanted here.

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