Wikileaks hacked DNC emails fret over Alaska rebels



There is a lot of old fashioned river panning needed to find nuggets in the WikiLeaks dump of the Democratic National Committee’s emails.

Items relating to Alaska are gold: Begich’s link to Margaret Stock, Alaska Dispatch reporters getting critiqued, worries over Bernie rebels in Anchorage.

As DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz prepared to be the keynote speaker at the Alaska Democratic Party’s Convention in May, there was the usual back-and-forth email exchange, including a gazillion copies of her draft speech among the WikiLeaks documents.

But there was also plenty of handwringing over rumors of a planned walk-out of the state convention when DWS, as she’s referred to in the emails, rose to speak.

Kay Brown, executive director of the Alaska Democrats, was being pressed by comrades at the national level to have her spies get more intelligence about the protest event that was being staged at the nearby Egan Center in Anchorage by Sanders supporters, an event that would start with the walkout at the Dena’ina Center, where the Alaska Democrats were gathering.


From: Khan, Ali Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Bonosky, Garret Cc: Alvillar, Raul
Subject: Alaska “Counter” Event

Hey man, I know Kay Brown has already told me she’s been in touch with you guys regarding the “evolving” situation on the ground in Alaska, but, nonetheless, I wanted to flag this newest development for you. Just in case! I’ve also mentioned it in the political briefing, FYI.

Thanks and enjoy Alaska, Ali

Miranda, Luis <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

There’s no way Kay doesn’t have someone who can get her intel. We need to push them.

To: [email protected]
Date: 2016-05-12 14:42
Subject: Re: Alaska “Counter” Event 

We can’t go to DWS [Debbie Wasserman Schultz] with just Facebook intel. Kay told me she has friends inside the Bernie organization there who may be able to provide some more information.


Then there’s a diss from the Alaska Democratic Party communications director on Alaska Dispatch reporter Alex DeMarban:

To: Miranda, Luis
Subject: Alaska Dispatch News Inquiry 

Alex DeMarban from the Alaska Dispatch News is wondering if the chairwoman or yourself would like to respond to criticism he has been hearing a lot at the convention that the chairwoman stacked the deck against Bernie and for Hillary Clinton. I don’t think he’s particularly friendly, as he wrote this article: I have no history with this reporter and he seems to have a difficult time comprehending and recording information.

All the best,
Jake Hamburg Communications Director, Alaska Democratic Party


5/14/16 – Anchorage Alaska Done with meeting; wandering. Checking out market then going to meet with Schawna [Thoma] and [Margaret] stock at 5:45pn; speech prep 5-530 with Luis

Readers will recall that Schawna Thoma is with Mark Begich’s Northern Compass Group, and that Margaret Stock is charading as an independent as she runs for US Senate for Alaska.


From: Kate Houghton Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 12:16 PM
To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cc: Tracie Pough; Miranda, Luis; Banfill, Ryan; Bonosky, Garret; Alvillar, Raul; Moore, Colby; Khan, Ali; Maureen Garde
Subject: Alaska Update
Importance: High

DWS – I spoke with Kay who is the Executive Director at the Alaska Democratic Party. She cannot tell us what level of “enthusiasm” folks have on the ground but she has taken meetings with a few people who are of the “Trump-style” enthusiasm (aggressive and angry). There will be 550 people seated at the dinner. Of those about 50 are expected to walk out. However, they do want to stay for dinner so we are switching your slot in the speaking program from the end to during the dinner. This adjustment will not be made public. There are no mags at the event and I have told them not to purchase any. The event is barely breaking even and it will also be difficult to find them at the last minute. The Mayor’s Office will be assigning an Officer to be with you. As you know this is pretty standard practice and I will make sure to speak with the Officer in advance about how you like to be staffed at events. The state party is aware that Shelby will be in the audience and that you will not be addressing any of the questions from the letter. The Chair of the party in her opening remarks will make sure to tell everyone that this is a civil event and that they are looking forward to hearing about the national Democratic work happening to support whoever will be the nominee. Signs have also been banned from the event. Please let me know if you want additional follow up. Thank you, Kate

On May 13, 2016, at 12:37 PM, Miranda, Luis <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

I spoke to Scott Arceneaux. He’ll lean on Kay for the state party to be more assertive in taking ownership over the fact that they’re happy to have the DNC there. Ryan is putting together points on her record as a progressive and what the DNC has been doing to strengthen state parties and build national infrastructure that he’ll get to Scott, and Scott to Kay, for them to talk positively about why she’s coming in advance. Also mentioned to him that Begich should introduce the Chair.

So much gold, so little time for panning.