Joy Beth Cottle, who changed her registration to Republican immediately before filing against Republican House Rep. Frank Tomaszewski of Fairbanks, has gone on the attack. She’s attacking conservatives and she’s attacking white men for the crime of being white.
She blistered Tomaszewski and two other sitting Republicans because they attended a symposium in Washington, D.C. that focuses on conservative, Christian-based leadership. Two of the Republicans she blasted were ethnic minorities — Rep. Jamie Allard and Rep. Stanley Wright.
In her attack, Cottle linked an article from a leftist blog out of Anchorage, whose founder is now employed by Rep. Alyse Galvin, the Democrat from Anchorage who flies under the false-flag “undeclared” category now.
It’s not a blog that a Republican would go to for her talking points, but Cottle jumped right in to become the first ever.

Cottle, who is a firefighter battalion chief, recently texted someone in Fairbanks a message stating that white men need to sit down and shut up. While she had railed about legislators attending faith-based conferences, calling them extremist and unconstitutional, she was not at all concerned about the constitutional rights of white men:

Cottle, who is deeply involved in union politics, has been identified here on Must Read Alaska as a false-flag Republican. Now, she is showing her true colors, blasting white men for being white, and falsely characterizing the leadership workshop that Republicans attended.
Cottle receives support from the same organizations that support Democrats almost exclusively, including the Alaska Public Employees Political Information Committee for $1,000, ASEA/AFSCME for $1,000, NEA for $1,000, IUOE Local 302 for $1,000, and Alaska Laborers Local 341 for $1,000, to name a few. All of the Democrats running for office are receiving the same level of support that Cottle is getting from these and other unions.
Cottle also has taken in donations from Democrat Sen. Scott Kawasaki, Democrat Grier Hopkins (NEA employee and candidate for mayor), and numerous other Democrats.
Tomaszewski, an electrician for over two decades who started a birch syrup company before running for House, defeated incumbent Democrat Rep. Grier Hopkins, 55-45%, in 2022 and is running for reelection for his first time.
Sounds like the average AKGOP candidate to me.
MA, if you actually knew what you were talking about painting all Republicans like this false flagger, we might respect you more. With this post you sound just as lame as the trolls you so quickly put down… I do respect your freedom to put your foot in your mouth.
You’re a lucky little man. I dissected you and for some reason the post was deleted.
You don’t merit enough attention to bother a second helping. I’ve got paint to watch dry.
Think you have gotten too close to some of that paint and inhaled too deeply.
I live in the Goldstream Valley and drive by Joy’s house everyday. Recently campaign posters for Morgan Dulian have showed up in her front yard. Morgan led the borough effort to raise the tax cap. She also paraded around with leftist Savannah Fletcher and Ashley Carrick. Pretty sure it’s safe to say that Joy is on a mission to trick Fairbanks voters, specifically conservatives, into thinking she’s a Republican. Her actions speak otherwise! Thank you, Suzanne for exposing this closet lefty for who she really is! They will turn Fairbanks into a mini Anchorage if we allow it.
Junior Hopkins learned his lesson from Frank Tomaszewski. Don’t mess with real men. Junior Hopkins, learned to keep his mouth shut around sneaky women, unless of course, he is vocally supporting LGBTQ, climate action, and DEI. Little woke boys like Junior won’t stand up to anti-Christian, cat women like Cottle. Little White boyz are learning to keep quiet, unlike real men who voice their opinions openly. Junior can coddle cat-women like Cottle, but must still obey.
Pretty soon there won’t be any real men left to fight, at least in the mind of cat-women like Cottle. Real men, like Frank, John Coghill, and NB3 can still find their victories by taking all the stray cat-women to shelters and making appointments with their pet psychologists.
100% Scottie. 100%.
You forgot little Scottie, who flipped me off at a traffic intersection while taking right of way that wasn’t his… That is a metaphor for lefty politics, not just reality.
Is she a black person in white-face?
And Alaska’s GOP does nothing to disavow, censure, or otherwise expunge this vermin from GOP registration?
Exactly! They need to stand up and get regulations in place to repel this behavior.
GOP wants that, but state supremes say no…
Please tell me why the AK GOP has NOT gutted her as a fake GOP candidate?
Why ZERO official position from REP Party?
Because they are useless.
In a short amount of time I was able to ascertain she is a waste of space and a racist. She should be fired from whatever fire department she works for. She should sit down with tape on her mouth.
She needs to sit down and shut up.
Is this Cottle related to the Cottles in the Mat-Su Valley? Curiosity only…
Good question I have never heard of a joy cottle here in Palmer. Not sure who she is but I’m an offended WHITE male.
Once again, “democracy” is being defended by ordering people to be silent.
Mao would have approved.
That’s racist!
Why hide the identity of the Fairbanks person who received the text message? How can your readers verify that this was actually sent by Cottle? Why hide what looks to be the text that Cottle supposedly responded to?
On the other hand how about all us white boys put it in park for a year. Be kind of fun to watch the carnage from a distance. Imagine it if you will. Sounds kinda fun.
Stock market would crash , medical system would crash, airlines would well grind to a halt, manufacturing would grind to halt, trucking would stop in its tracks. Our military would fall to its knees. Well you should get my point. After 12 months US white boys wouldn’t be looked down on.
From the picture she looks white. If she has a problem with her own color, then by all means she should step down and be the example.
sounds like we have a misandrist here. I know who i won’t be voting for……..
And once again I’ve had a comment just disappear.
Shut up!!! She explained
The anti-White sentiment in our society is rather concerning. If you want White people to become angry and racist again or to become more racist than some of them already are, keep stirring the pot. People are not going to tolerate this for very long before they become the monsters you insist they are to prove a point or to get back at society. Today, it seems like all ethnicities have sins that are more common to their cultures versus other cultures, but only White People sins are the sins that actually count and are publicly criticized. This sort of blanket hypocrisy is how you revive racism and a desire to segregate society all over again.
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