Which Fairbanks House candidate says white men need to sit down and shut up?


Joy Beth Cottle, who changed her registration to Republican immediately before filing against Republican House Rep. Frank Tomaszewski of Fairbanks, has gone on the attack. She’s attacking conservatives and she’s attacking white men for the crime of being white.

She blistered Tomaszewski and two other sitting Republicans because they attended a symposium in Washington, D.C. that focuses on conservative, Christian-based leadership. Two of the Republicans she blasted were ethnic minorities — Rep. Jamie Allard and Rep. Stanley Wright.

In her attack, Cottle linked an article from a leftist blog out of Anchorage, whose founder is now employed by Rep. Alyse Galvin, the Democrat from Anchorage who flies under the false-flag “undeclared” category now.

It’s not a blog that a Republican would go to for her talking points, but Cottle jumped right in to become the first ever.

Cottle, who is a firefighter battalion chief, recently texted someone in Fairbanks a message stating that white men need to sit down and shut up. While she had railed about legislators attending faith-based conferences, calling them extremist and unconstitutional, she was not at all concerned about the constitutional rights of white men:

Cottle, who is deeply involved in union politics, has been identified here on Must Read Alaska as a false-flag Republican. Now, she is showing her true colors, blasting white men for being white, and falsely characterizing the leadership workshop that Republicans attended.

Cottle receives support from the same organizations that support Democrats almost exclusively, including the Alaska Public Employees Political Information Committee for $1,000, ASEA/AFSCME for $1,000, NEA for $1,000, IUOE Local 302 for $1,000, and Alaska Laborers Local 341 for $1,000, to name a few. All of the Democrats running for office are receiving the same level of support that Cottle is getting from these and other unions.

Cottle also has taken in donations from Democrat Sen. Scott Kawasaki, Democrat Grier Hopkins (NEA employee and candidate for mayor), and numerous other Democrats.

Tomaszewski, an electrician for over two decades who started a birch syrup company before running for House, defeated incumbent Democrat Rep. Grier Hopkins, 55-45%, in 2022 and is running for reelection for his first time.



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