‘We’ve Had Enough! Recall Zaletel” group launches website in advance of October election


The group called “We’ve had enough! Vote yes! Recall Zaletel” has launched a website.

The group is working to unseat Anchorage Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel, who has one of two District 4 seats in Anchorage, in the midtown area.

The Supreme Court said the petition to recall her was sufficient because she broke the law when she violated the mayor’s emergency orders last summer during an Anchorage Assembly meeting. She argued in court that it was a minor infraction, but her recall was approved by the Alaska Supreme Court.

The recall election takes place until Oct. 26, with ballots going in the mail around Oct. 5.

“A majority of the Anchorage Assembly have ignored the City Charter that Anchorage residents passed. They have ignored spending caps and enacted the largest budgets in Anchorage history. They have misappropriated COVID Cares Act funds to buy buildings and fund political allies. They have increased property taxes and imposed taxes on selective sectors. They have shut the public out of public places. They have mandated business closures that have destroyed many of those businesses. They have restricted access to churches and sporting events. They have literally ignored the law,” the website says.

“Meg Zaletel wrote legislation in 2020 to prevent Anchorage Police Officers from protecting themselves from dangerous criminals,” the recall advocates say.

“Many Assembly Members deserve to be recalled – but a recall of Meg Zaletel is now on the ballot for October 26th and that is the beginning of the end for an Assembly that has ignored the will of a majority of Anchorage residents. They have redefined the entire municipal government to make it serve a small minority who believe in dismantling the rule of law and the standards of society that America was built on. The standard which has made us the greatest nation on earth!

“We are saying enough-is-enough right here at the local level!” the group writes on its website.

The defense for Zaletel is also busy. It has two groups registered with Alaska Public Offices Commission.

“Stand Up for Meg Zaletel” is chaired by AFL-CIO President Joelle Hall, who signed the Recall Dunleavy petition in 2019. “No on Zaletel Recall” is chaired by another person who also signed the Recall Dunleavy petition, Carolyn Ramsey, of Anchorage.

The “We’ve Had Enough” group is chaired by Dr. Russell Biggs, an Anchorage doctor who also tried, but failed, to get Assemblyman Felix Rivera recalled earlier this year. The unions brought in tens of thousands of dollars to keep Rivera in office, vastly outspending Biggs and his small group of grassroots activists in midtown.

Learn more about this recall on the election and see if you are eligible to vote in Anchorage municipal District 4, check the Municipality’s website here.


    • you trolling again? exactly how is this cancel culture? this is a case of accountability with the covid rules only applying to the plebs of society and not the elites. a loss of her ability to dictate to the plebs is far from a cancelation.

    • Do you think the Assembly can impose illegal rules on us and then turn around and break them when it suits them? I don’t.

    • Actually I think they should allow Reinbold back on the plane. Let the gal get to work, plus if she don’t put her mask on it will now cost her $3,000 fine since she’s a repeat offender. It’s the best way hit her where it hurts right in their pocketbook.

    • I agree but this assembly has ignored rules on the books repeatedly and behind closed doors so no one can object. That can’t fly. The website for the recall does a poor job of explaining how she has ignored and violated the rules. I agree that many recalls should just be issues brought up at the next election, but I don’t mind her feeling stressed and making her life difficult because she and the assembly basically decided to do whatever they want behind closed doors. And I don’t know if it is recall worthy, but using the Cares Act money to address old pre-pandemic muni issues and to send more money into the trail system as they snubbed and went after small businesses is pretty brazen and any assembly that makes those kind of decisions better expect some heat.

      The muni attorney needs to go too. She behaves very partisan and protects liberals and blocks conservatives. Bronson needs to kick her out, in my opinion. I believe she lives in my neighborhood and has one of those smug, arrogant, self-righteous, and divisive virtue signaling lawn signs that say “in this household we believe black lives matter, science is real, no human being is illegal, ….” Sorry, if you are the muni attorney, you gotta behave as bi-partisan as you can and she obviously isn’t making any effort to do that.

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