Watchdog files complaint, says government had little to no science to back up school Covid policies

An Anchorage classroom during the Covid pandemic

While the policies coming out of the Covid-19 pandemic set U.S. student achievement levels back by two decades, according to the federal government’s determinations, parents were misled by that same government into thinking the school closures and quarantine policies were based on actual science.

Protect the Public’s Trust, a watchdog group, filed a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services regarding guidance given to the Department of Education by U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on August 26, 2021 that set the “physical distancing” recommendations to stop the spread of Covid-19 in schools. Dr. Murthy’s specific statement was that if “students maintain 3-6 feet of social distancing and are not within 3 feet of a person who has tested positive for more than 15 minutes then they do not need to quarantine.”

Protect the Public Trust filed a Freedom of Information Act request to get the evidence on which Murthy based his guidance.

“We received only a 33-page report titled, ‘Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Prevention,’ and none of the evidence in the report supports the Surgeon General’s claims about social distancing. The five studies cited in the report did not look at the effectiveness of social distancing in isolation and did not attempt to study the correct distance to use to avoid spread. One studied SARS-COV-1, not COVID-19, ‘in a hospital setting,’ not a school setting,” the watchdog group reported.

Another claim in that study was based on a non-peer reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association opinion piece, another referenced multiple studies in which a variety of social distances were employed with inconsistent results. The other cited studies either did not address social or physical distancing at all, were silent on the optimal distance or actually appeared to undermine the claims made by the Surgeon General, the group said.

“The education establishment often points to academic research demonstrating that school suspensions, even those for misbehavior, can have deleterious impacts on student performance, attendance, and behavior. Quarantining students who have been exposed to the virus is the functional equivalent of an out-of-school suspension, and was imposed on students who had merely been exposed to someone who appeared to have been affected, even though most of them never exhibited symptoms nor tested positive for COVID-19. The use of arbitrary, unproven social distances to help determine who was exposed shows how unserious these policies were,” the group wrote.

Within days of taking office, President Biden issued the Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking stating that “[s]cientific finding should never be distorted or influenced by political considerations,” and vowing that his administration would “make evidence-based decisions guided by the best available science and data.”

Among the principles laid out in the HHS scientific integrity policies are that “HHS agencies shall ensure that the scientific information used to inform and support policy decisions represents the best science available,” and “HHS shall convey scientific and technological information to the public such that the presentation is accurate, transparent, and informative.”

“This episode merely represents the latest revelation of an ongoing string of episodes in which, despite the Biden administration’s professed fealty to scientific integrity, these principles appear to have been cast aside or ignored. PPT has documented many of these in our Science Undermined series,” Protect the Public


  1. Doing this now why?

    I understand wanting to get out the information, but what good does it do to whistleblow anyone?

    Can’t undo the damage done by overzealous “educators” and power drunk swamp dwellers.

  2. I’m sure they’ll get right on that complaint ” we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong!”

  3. Last week. Fauci testified under oath that the word “vaccine” was not what the shots were for the virus. He is being impeached and after that, I hope he goes on trial for the false issues presented to the public. Jail time for him and many others is on the horizon.

  4. I still cannot get over those guards sitting on the desks. People sure showed how they would roll over and do as they were told. Of course “viruses” only travel forward and then just fall to the ground. I wonder if the kids were allowed to turn around in their seats and looks towards the back of the room OR did they have to lift their guard up and keep it in front of them the entire time?
    I pray that this upcoming time will be met with full, common-sense defiance.

  5. The Covid frenzy had just some God-awful effects on our nation’s children, including stealing their futures from millions. Many kids will never recover and the teachers’ unions, the various government levels, and the Education Industry will never ever admit that they stole our children’s futures. These groups will profit from their failures by demanding even more money to make up for their horrible decisions. One very bright spot–parents became aware of what their children were being taught in the government schools and removed them from these schools. Now the Alaska Supreme Court has a golden opportunity to help all these “lost” children by empowering parents to choose the best education fit for their kids. That is, using so-called government funds to pay for the “indirect” K12 education of their children. We can only hope for the best outcomes for Alaska children.

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