Watch Rep. Don Young being awesome on ANWR


The U.S. House on Thursday voted 225-193 to reinstate the ban on oil and gas drilling on the Coastal Plain of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge … the same day the Bureau of Land Management announced its decision to open up the entire Coastal Plain of ANWR.

The Democrat-controlled House’s vote was symbolic, but shows what can happen if a Democrat takes control of the White House and if the Democrats flip the Senate in 2020. That would be the end of Alaska’s energy economic rebound.

Trump says he will veto the legislation if it ever reaches his desk. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan will ensure that doesn’t happen as the legislation heads to the Senate.


  1. I hope we can trust Senator Murkowski on this one. Some of her recent “evolution” on issues gives cause for concern.

  2. I ask Don Young where in the “Constitution of the United States” is there any Law to create ANWR. The only Land that Congress can hold is in Art. 1, Section 8 for Arsenals, Dock Yards etc. ANWR is a stealing of the Land that belongs to We The People. If Don Young says differently, he is a Liar. Seymour Marvin Mills Jr. sui juris

  3. The word ‘trust’ and Murkowski should never be used in the same sentence, unless of coarse, it’s prefaced by ‘dis’ as she has forgotten / set aside / lost her Republican values.
    I’m hopeful that Glen Clary is working to find an alternate. Otherwise, the dog will continue to run loose, off the leash, venturing off uncontrolled doing whatever it deems important, regardless of loyalty and duty.

  4. As awful as Murk is on just about everything else, at least she has her head on straight about energy policy. And that’s pretty important these days.

  5. Please, Don…

    Introduce bills to close San Francisco Bay to all powered marine traffic. Simply to save the planet from Californication and California from itself.

    Then move on to forcing Seattle to clean up its act.

    Save the……whatever!

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