Wasilla residents to vote in runoff for mayor on Tuesday


Wasilla’s mayoral election went to a runoff when neither candidates Glenda Ledford nor Doug Holler received over 40 percent of the vote during the Oct. 6 Wasilla municipal election.

Early in-person voting in this election ends at 5 pm today, Oct. 26, at Wasilla City Hall, Council Chambers, 290 E Herning Avenue, Wasilla.

On Election Day, Tuesday, Oct. 27, polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Voters and poll workers are required to wear face masks inside the buildings where voting will take place. Polling place locations are:

  • 07-120 Wasilla No. 1 – Wasilla Middle School, 650 E. Bogard Rd, Wasilla
  • 07-125 Wasilla No. 2 – Wasilla City Hall, 290 E. Herning Avenue, Wasilla

Ledford has been endorsed by the Alaska Republican Assembly Forum as the conservative candidate in the race. As deputy mayor, she was appointed to the Wasilla City Council in 2017 and was then elected to the position. She owns a business that trains hair stylists.

Holler is an Airport police officer in Anchorage and has previously served on the Wasilla City Council. He has lived in Wasilla for more than 40 years.