Wasilla Mayor Ledford wins reelection


Wasilla Mayor Glenda Ledford glided to reelection, overcoming her challenger, Bee Rupright, 266-105, with absentees and early voting yet to be counted.

The election Tuesday was a test to see if Wasilla is still a conservative stronghold in Alaska, and it appears to be.

Ledford is a strong political figure throughout the state, having moved to Alaska in 1986, and running her own small business, a salon, for many years. Rupright was not able to define a lane for herself, with Ledford retaining strong support from the conservative heart of Alaska.


  1. Thanks for the results. I didn’t see any results for the Wasiila City Council, 2 seats. It’s a challenge to stay conservative in Alaska. Stay strong!

  2. Wasilla-Palmer it needs to do better educating its people to one day vote and vote conservatively. One day the Democrats will outnumber conservatives Republicans if the more conservative leadership just continues doing the same things it does today.

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