Wasilla election filing deadline passes, and here are the candidates who filed


Wasilla Mayor Glenda Ledford will appear on the Oct. 3 Wasilla ballot for reelection, and as of Friday’s close of business, Bernadette Rupright is her only challenger. Rupright has not yet filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, as of this writing, but appears as a candidate with the city clerk’s official list.

Filing for Wasilla City Council seat C was Timothy Johnson. He is the incumbent, first elected in 2020, and no one filed to oppose him.

Filing for Wasilla City Council Seat D is Simon Brown II, and Ian Crafton. Brown is the incumbent, serving since 2020. Crafton is running on a pro-business and pro-family platform.

The lack of multiple candidates means there will be no runoff this election. Normally, if no candidate for mayor receives more than 40% of the votes cast, a “runoff election” is held between the two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes in Wasilla. To vote by mail, follow the instructions at this link.

The deadline to withdraw a candidacy is 4 p.m. on Aug. 4. The deadline to register to vote in the Wasilla election is Sept. 3. Early in-person voting starts on Sept. 18.