Video: This is what ‘Save Our State’ looks like to conservatives



A videographer and citizen reporter who films under the name Politadick captured the action at Wasilla Middle School, as several police officers stood by while protesters occupied, disrupted, and essentially took over the Wednesday meeting of several legislators who were in Wasilla, where the governor called the second Special Session:

Questions remain about why Wasilla police allowed the front doors of the school to be barricaded by protesters who chained themselves to the doors, endangering the people inside, who arrived through a side entrance.

The Legislature is split in two, with two thirds of the elected officials meeting in Juneau, and one third meeting in Wasilla. Both sides claim to have the State Constitution on their side as it pertains to the location of the second Special Session.

Save Our State, a loose coalition of groups that has not been transparent about its funding or core organizers, is the apparent parent organization that this group of anarchists is working under. It’s believed that Save Our State is led by Vince Beltrami of the AFL-CIO, the National Education Association, the ACLU, the Alaska Center for the Environment, and other groups who are proxies for the Alaska Democratic Party. But there are others whose financial support might surprise Alaskans.

The interesting thing about the video is that the legislators were polite, unfazed, and handled themselves with decorum, as did the conservatives present in the audience.

These protesters were not Wasilla residents. These were from Anchorage and possibly from out of state.

More coverage on the meeting disruption can be found here:


  1. Where were the Troopers? Since the Wasilla police can’t figure it out on the issue of harm to “public figures” then maybe the troopers need to have full time protection for the legislature, governor and the public that becomes a part of the hearings.

  2. The Wasilla Police should’ve rounded up these protesters and jailed them! What was the point of the police being there idthey did nothing ? This was a disruption of a meeting called by the Governor and the legislators should’ve been permitted to conduct the state’a business! What an outrage!!! Where is our police protection,?? The law needs to be upheld?

  3. I am nearly speechless. This is appalling. Regardless of where you fall in this debate, this behavior is beyond out of control and actually frightening. The police just stood there like they were watching some kind of high school play. They were whispering to each other, arms crossed and almost yukking it up.
    Ok punks. You win on yelling the loudest. You also win on being the most disgusting, immature, vilest, disrespectful punks in town today. Go get a job and be productive. If you think this accomplishes anything other than seal the deal on your stupidity, think again.
    Hey, Bryce Edgmon and Co. Here is your chance for your Rodney King moment. Grab a microphone and beg your followers “can’t we all just get along?” Reel these monsters in. At least do SOMETHING productive this session. This is disgusting.

  4. Unbelievable! Not that the lowlife protesters did this but that the local and state police allowed it to go on! I want to know why the police did not intervene, who made that call and hold them accountable, somebody needs to be fired for not protecting the session and its people!

  5. The Wasilla mayor is a pompous —- for allowing this to happen and why the Troopers and local police allowed this to happen is asinine we have to hold someone accountable and the individual who said stand down must be held accountable for this !!!

  6. I didn’t see any raging anarchy. just a few protesters exercising their rights for a few minutes. The police didn’t do anything because no one was breaking the law. What else did you expect? Jackboots with batons or maybe submachine guns to wipe out the vermin?

  7. This would not have been allowed in Juneau. Since Wasilla MS was the official special session site, how on earth were they allowed to unlawfully protest and disrupt proceedings without intervention by LE? WPD clearly was not ready to provide for the safety of the legislators. This is a ploy that should have been anticipated by the Session organizers, and clearly had been by the liberal left. Remember their tactic is to delay, disrupt and deny.

    • This likely would be and has been allowed in Juneau and involving far more people and worse behavior. ASEA crazies have stormed the Capital carrying picket signs on baseball bats and beating on coffee can drums terrorizing legislators into locked offices. Actually that turned out to be a good thing; I didn’t have the votes to disapprove their pending contract until they did that.

      The Murkowski Administration foolishly tried to put on a lunchtime employee appreciation ice cream social against my advice. I told them there was no way the unions would let the employer put on an appreciation event and sure enough at the stroke of noon there was the mob, reporters and camera crews in tow storming in through the Capitol side entrance of the Juneau SOB. I confronted them and told them they were violating the law and the no picketing language in their contracts; they replied, “so what are you going to do about it? I replied, “Nothing, go be yourselves.”

      I had no confidence that I’d get any meaningful help from the JPD, their union brothers, for simply removing them for trespassing and I really didn’t want the video on every tv in the State because at least the leaders know how to make the best of it by claiming excessive force, assault, and all the females claiming their breasts were fondled, and the whole gamut of lefty bs; why be bothered. The best thing you can do with leftie showing off is ignore them; you react only if they become violent and you have to let them strike the first blow.

      I don’t know if it was accident or design but law enforcement did the right thing in Wasilla. Only if they became violent should law enforcement react, otherwise law enforcement assumes the starring role in the guerilla theatre and the lefties and their lapdogs in the media will not write a script that will be flattering to the government and law enforcement. If you let them be themselves, they’ll do something destructive, violent, and indefensible; then you smash them like bugs.

  8. I’ll bet my bottom dollar the Wasilla police are ‘public employee’ unionists. They are as complicit in this ‘antifa’ style action as anyone else, by (non) virtue of their inaction. Troopers too (don’t forget their 15% raise recently). If any local police won’t do their job and/or are corrupted, it’s the responsibility of the troopers to take over their jurisdiction until new policies are enacted by the locals, to protect their citizens. All their citizens. Troopers have done it before. Why not now? The police are destroying their own credibility as law enforcement, when they become selective in enforcing laws At the least, the “protesters” were disturbing the peace. No valid argument there. This is a prime example of the “good” that public employee unions do for all citizens. The Wasilla mayor and/or city council are the overseers of the departments he/they are in charge of, including the police. Inaction? What does that say, voters?

    • Forget “jurisdiction”. DPS conconted a scheme over a quarter century ago effectively declaring that there are no jurisdictional lines on account of there being one body, APSC, certifying all law enforcement in the state. Besides, go back to various episodes during the Stein, Palin and Rupright administrations and see what a hot potato that police department has been throughout its history. And is Bert Cottle still mayor of Wasilla? What was his profession prior to becoming an elected official? Shame on you if I have to answer that myself.

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