Video: Sen. Sullivan blasts Democrats over defense filibuster, Green New Deal


Sen. Dan Sullivan blasted Democrats on the floor of the Senate for filibustering defense spending and putting national security in peril

“Since I’ve been in the Senate, there’s been no bill filibustered more by Senate Democrats than the bill that would fund our military,” Sullivan said. 

“My colleagues on the other side of the aisle have, time and again, leveraged funding of our troops to gain political concessions on other issues. The men and women who serve in the military don’t deserve this.

“It’s clear to me that supporting our troops and military readiness is not a priority for Senate Democrats, and I think that’s shameful.” – Sen. Dan Sullivan

“I hope Americans across the country get word of exactly what is happening, contact their Senators, and let them know that filibustering this critical troop funding is unacceptable.”

The Fiscal Year 2020 defense appropriations bill provides:

  • $694.9 billion in funding for the Department of Defense, including $1.7 billion in disaster recovery funds
  • A 3.1 percent pay raise for America’s troops
  • Funding for 96 F-35 fifth-generation fighter aircraft
  • Funding for a hypersonic and ballistic tracking space sensor, vital to the future of America’s missile defense
  • Funding for the U.S. Army’s 58 Brigade Combat Teams, 6 Security Force Assistance Brigades and 11 Combat Aviation Brigades

Senate Democrats are withholding support because the bill has funding for the southern border wall sought by President Donald Trump, and they don’t want to give Trump any kind of victory going into an election year. The bill failed on a procedural vote of 51-41, short of the 60 votes needed.

“I’ve been here for almost five years. One of the big reasons I ran for the Senate was to stop the gutting of our military and take care of our troops.” Form 2010 to 2015, readiness plummeted, defense spending plummeted. We’ve turned that around…this congress, Republicans in control, with a Republican in the White House, we’ve turned that around,” Sullivan said.

Sullivan gave credit to those Democrats who realize that the Obama era cuts were harmful to national security.

The package of spending also included money for the Departments of Labor and Health and Human Services.


  1. Ike warned us against the Military/Industrial Complex. There is indeed that concern, always. However, we do need a strong military, and those in power need to maintain a semblance of balance between the 1%ers greed, and the optimum force levels to deter and defend.
    As for the F-35 … the P-51 mustang was considered too expensive during WW-2, but it proved to be a war winner. The F-35 may prove to be a dud, but eventually American industry manages to get things right.

  2. “putting national security in peril”
    I think the Elephant in the room is the Quagmire in the Middle East and the fact that after 20 years of combat we still have NO long term Exit Strategy.

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