Saturday was a bright November day in Southcentral Alaska that came with an outpouring of election enthusiasm and support for both Donald Trump for president and Nick Begich for Congress.
At least two convoys gathered and drove around to show excitement for their candidates, with flags and banners flying. There was even one garbage truck that was festooned with Begich and Trump signs.
Also joining the convoys were “No on 1” (no to hiking minimum wage) and “Yes on 2” (yes to getting rid of ranked-choice voting) supporters.
Bernadette Wilson, owner of Denali Disposal and a senior advisor to the Nick Begich campaign, told the crowd that she’s been using her garbage trucks to lead convoys and freedom rallies ever since the Anchorage was shut down by the mayor during Covid.
“Got to love Alaska! Alaska is constantly at the forefront. We are leading even when the rest of the country doesn’t realize it. We’ve been leading rallies with garbage trucks, so welcome to the party, Mr. President!”
The Anchorage group, with about 40 cars and truck, gathered in a parking lot on Old Seward Highway and convoyed to Eagle River and back.

In Palmer, another group gathered and drove to Wasilla and back, with banners, signs, and American flags.
Mikaela Enswiler, with the “Yes on 2” ballot initiative, reminded the Anchorage crowd that ranked-choice voting had put a felon and a Hollywood actress on Alaska ballots, and that it’s time to vote “yes” to getting rid of the controversial voting scheme. This year, a felon who has never stepped foot in Alaska and who is in federal prison is on the final-four ballot for Congress, and in 2022, Shoshana Gungurstein ran against Sen. Lisa Murkowski in what appeared to be a reality TV show stunt.
Voting continues this weekend, with many polling places open Sunday. The election ends at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Due to ranked-choice voting, results may not be known until Nov. 20.

bullet voting Trump and Begich nothing other!! One single vote per office. Too damn old to change.
I agree – in most races, there is only one candidate that I will vote for.
But I’ve heard it recommended that we fill in all the “ranks” with our single choice. Not that it will make a difference to our preferred candidate if that person gets eliminated …but it *will* prevent someone else from “helpfully” filling in remaining empty ovals with a candidate we do not want.
God Bless Bernadette Wilson, Thank you for all you do.. ^5
Sun Tzu said “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Alaska’s Republicans are not part of the first crowd. They don’t understand the huge disparity between media muscle possessed by the Left – and not possessed by the Right.
Perfect assessment there. The Republicans across the nation seem to think holding the high road will bring in the voters. It will not.
There is a reason pigs do not get into politics. It is too dirty for them.
Thought I smelled trash in the valley today, now I know where it came from
That is NOT what you smelled. You need to take a shower. And use soap.
spot on!:)
Yet you’re no better than a Trumper. While they scapegoat marginalized populations and revel in vulgarity, you are voting in support of the current genocidal regime for political expediency.
You’re not as superior as you like to pretend. In fact, you’re part of the same problem. To distracted by your own outrage and anger to look in the mirror and act like a responsible adult.
Partisans are children. Genocidal children.
Mixing meds???
No, I do not think so. I have noticed that as the polls get closer and closer, certain commentators on this site get more unhinged and outlandish in their accusations.
It would be nice if “I want my coffee…” instead of haranguing all, tell us why and who he supports and will vote for, but we get only insults.
What “Trumptrash” is smelling is desperation amongst his fellow Trump detractors, who simply can not comprehend that the people do not see this much maligned candidate ONLY in their light (how dare they have a different opinion!). It infuriates them that he may actually win and their anointed one may loose. All the while bemoaning “democracy”….
Vicious rhetoric generally speaks of poor ability to reason or have good arguments. I feel sad that they can not be rational.
Assuming you’re like most of these tribal partisan types, you’ve had over a year to contemplate your political party being complicit in genocide, and you failed to oppose it, even now. You failed in your duty. You’re obviously not qualified to to talk about anything important. Go watch some more TV, “taxpayer”.
You seem nice.
Thank you.
Oh, how mature of you.
People are supporting a candidate you do not like, so insult them. Very five year old.
You know, I would stop calling leftists children if they just… stopped acting like them.
My word, are you even listening to yourself. You do the same thing.
Very old saying, greg.
It takes one to know one.
Bernadette Wilson for governor.
It breaks my heart to see that the citizens of the Great State of Alaska, which I love with all my heart, will vote for Donald Trump.
He is unfit to lead. Watch him. Listen to those who know him best. He demeans war heroes. He cheats on his wife, his business partners, and his associates. He stiffs his contractors. He promotes violence and looks up to those who practice it (not having what it takes to actually participate himself). He’s a draft dodger. He’s a mean-spirited and cruel individual who brings down all those with whom he associates. He’s a clown and a buffoon on stage. He loves and deals with autocrats, and will give away free people and democracies to appease them. He is Putin’s poodle. He tried to subvert an election and remains a threat to democracy. He helped overturn Roe, with terrible consequences. His corruption and lawlessness go beyond elections: It’s his whole ethos. He lies without limit. If he’s re-elected, the G.O.P. won’t restrain him. He will use the government to go after opponents. He will pursue a cruel policy of mass deportations. He will wreak havoc on the poor, the middle class and employers. Another Trump term will damage the climate, shatter alliances and strengthen autocrats. And finally, he’s becoming increasingly unstable, just as he accused Biden of being.
Alaska, you will regret electing this man again if he wins, and I pray to the non-existent God that this doesn’t come to pass.
So, repeating headlines that have been proven false is somehow proof of… something.
Try being informed, instead of just opinionated.
Proven false? Are you truly that dense? Everything Whidbey listed is supported by plenty of evidence, if you’re willing to read outside your Fox news echo chamber. But keep telling yourself it’s “fake news”. The inability to accept the reality of Trump’s character is the the most severe form of TDS.
When a sitting President is, well, anywhere except for his private residence, there are always several folks within earshot. But, whenever Trump “demeans” war heroes, somehow, it is only one individual that hears it. Weird. And, weirder still, that person has made it a personal crusade to discredit Trump. But… OK, if you say that is true, sure… fine.
He promotes violence? When? Jan 6th, where it is extremely clear to everyone he is advocating for a peaceful protest? Or are you talking about the Charlottesville thing that even the left wing folks at Snopes admitted was bogus?
Putin’s poodle? The US taxpayers spent millions to demonstrate that was BS.
A cruel policy of deportations? Do you, or anyone alive, actually think Trump is going to be breaking up families? How about starting with the criminals? Gee… I wonder how many deportations will happen before he deports the first law abiding illegal alien. Oh… wait… in the country illegally means you are not law abiding, but let’s pretend.
I am not exactly in an echo chamber, I just recognize it when someone has nothing except headlines. Especially when so many of them have been proven to be exaggerations at best.
Dawg, Only someone who is mentally ill would support a candidate like Harris. Her policies are a joke and beyond that she cannot complete a logical sentence. But hey, if you hate Trump more than love America, then She’s your girl!
I wanna ride in THAT garbage truck!
Thanks for correctly pointing out that a felon is on the ballot, MRAK missed noting the felon at the top of the ballot
And, thanks for reminding everyone. We appreciate it greatly.
And, we are going to vote for him anyway. Know why? Because when a DA uses a “novel application of a law.” people with half a functioning brain cell understand the charges are bogus.
If you have kids, will you urge them to use Trump as their role model? Be honest. Nope, I didn’t think so. And that says is all.
Drill baby drill! Let’s open this state back up! Common sense will prevail!
When Trump was in the White House there were no new wars and relative peace in the middle East. Inflation and unemployment were at or near record lows. The North Koreans were not terrorizing the region with rockets and missiles. The brutal conflict in Ukraine with Putin did not exist and the U. S. was energy independent with the price of regular gasoline at about $1.87 a gallon. My personal investments did very well and the economy was strong. The Southern border was secure and crime was in check. Apparently there are some folks that prefer unchecked open border illegal immigration with resultant influx of violent gangs and crime, high inflation, high energy prices and all the rest that we have dealt with during the Biden/Harris regime. I will take Trump on a garbage truck anytime! Harris is a propped up failure.
You have a point on the war and peace front, which is the one thing a president has an enormous amount of influence on above all else.
In that regard, Trump is the better of the main party candidates despite whatever other criticisms people may have. I ditched Harris and voted for Stein because supporting genocide for political expediency is a redline for me.
I hope Trump supporters help Trump prevent wars and genocide. We on the left failed to do that and Harris will hopefully lose because of it. I’ll support you guys 100% when it comes to the common goal of peace and friendship. 100%. I know we have a lot more in common than what divides us. Peace brother.
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