Victim was 18; shooter still at large


Anchorage police say the dead man in a shooting on Sunday was 18, not a juvenile, as earlier reported. It also appears that the other person taken to the hospital was not the shooter, because detectives are still on the hunt.

Police say that their initial investigation has found that an altercation between a group of young people started in the sports fields near Sullivan Arena, and ended in the wooded area near the Chester Creek Trail along 20th and C Street. The suspect fled on foot after shooting the two victims multiple times.

The deceased teen’s identity has not been released, but detectives are aggressively working at identifying and locating the suspect. The shooting took place at about 6:20 pm on Sunday.

[Read the original story here]


  1. Might be a good time to think about making federal background checks required for ALL sales and transfers of firearms in State.
    I know this will not prevent ALL black market sales, yet it could prevent stolen firearms from re entering the market and winding up in the hands of criminals.
    I also do not see any restrictions to lawful owners by requiring that gunshows and private online sales require the mandatory paperwork work.
    Too many guns are in the hands of criminals and nothing is being done to stop the cycle of violence in our communities.

    • Steve,
      Did you miss me? I was camping and hiking up north the last few weeks and no internet connection. It was bliss!
      I disagree with you on this. My partner and I (as all his large native family and friends) are subsistence hunters and fishers. While out hunting, or even visiting relatives in rural Alaska, it’s common to swap guns or transfer them to friends.
      Don’t make what is predominately Anchorage problem an Alaska-wide issue. You are once again trying to make guns the problem, like all Democrats seem to be doing these days, while blatantly ignoring the underlying issues, like lack of decent schools, lack of job opportunities, drug addiction, and mental health issues. And the DOJ not that long ago admitted that they’re not going after felons with guns. Alaska’s SB91 certainly has helped make some of these problems even worse. Some of those dead people this last year wouldn’t be dead if the shooter had actually been in jail and not out walking free even though some of those shooters had quite extensive criminal history.
      Steve, please try and help find productive issues without resorting to yet more laws and gun restrictions. London certainly has a severe issue with homicides yet not a nary gun used. Guns are just an object, no different than knives, cars, even hands and feet. Focus on the actual problem Anchorage and Alaska has, not the object issued.

  2. Steve, an NICS background check only determines if the potential buyer of a firearm is a “prohibited person”, It cannot tell you if the firearm being purchased has been stolen.

    • Scott,
      Is the serial number registered with the feds upon initial purchase from a registered dealer?
      If so, it could be checked upon resale or if guns are brought to a store on consignment.
      I was told by a local gunshop who sells guns on consignment that the dealer keeps the records (make, model &SN) and the resold weapon is not registered to the new owner?
      There seems to be many loopholes for stolen guns (of which there are nearly 1 million a year in America each year) and prohibited buyers engaging in open markets (like gunshows and flee markets in rural communities)…
      I am all for legal firearm ownership (of all legal makes and models) but I feel in today’s world of unlimited “cloud storage” that better checks and balances in the system desperately need “updates”…

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