Valley Republican Women of Alaska pass resolution supporting Nick Begich for Congress

Nick Begich III

After President Donald Trump endorsed Nancy Dahlstrom for Congress, Republicans across the state have become fired up, and all of the activists seem to have an opinion. Although they aren’t abandoning Trump, many have told Must Read Alaska that Trump was fed some bad information before he made his endorsement, during which he insulted Nick Begich.

Valley Republican Women of Alaska, one of the major Republican activist groups in the state, met on Tuesday night and passed a resolution wholeheartedly supporting Begich. The resolution says nothing of Dahlstrom, but reiterates the club’s endorsement of Begich.

VRWAK club was originally formed by Sarah Palin supporters when she was running for governor in 2006.

After acknowledging that the club supports Trump for president this year, the resolution said that Begich has reached out to all areas and demographics of Alaskan voters since he filed for Congress in July of last year, and that he exhibits the qualities they value, including America First Values, the club wrote. He is endorsed by Rep. Byron Donalds, Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Scott Perry, the Freedom Caucus and Vivek Ramaswamy.

“In pursuit of respect and dignity Nick Begich has run a positive, solutions-oriented campaign focused on the future. Promoting a unified and prosperous Alaska,” the resolution said.

“Be it further resolved, the Valley Republican Women of Alaska stands with NICK BEGICH FOR ALASKA in his bid for U.S. Congress. Nick has our full endorsement and support as we continue to pray for our nation and seek the unity in that which we preach. Nick Begich is the right choice at the right time for Alaska,” the resolution concluded.

Begich came in third in 2022, after Rep. Mary Peltola, the Democrat; and Sarah Palin, the Republican political influencer who joined the race for Congress 30 minutes before the filing deadline, and five months after Begich filed. In July of 2023, Begich filed again, and Dahlstrom jumped in six months later.

In Anchorage, Judy Eledge, the president of the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club, said her club supports Trump but believes Alaska Republicans know best about their candidates and she would have preferred that he not get involved in this race.


  1. Not sure what’s worse, the Trumpster throwing his weight behind the latest interloper Dahlstrom or the ignorantly stupid self-titled “republican” commenters on here that say they will ONLY rank vote for either Begich or Dahlstrom but not both. I would have thought they would have learned what a stupid move that is in the last election for Alaska’s ONLY Congressional member…and now we have Trump repeating the same stooopid endorsement mistake…Don’t let Dahlstrom “Palin” us again and give PelTOOLa another term…THINK!!
    Also pretty telling about Dahlstrom’s commitment to Alaskans that Begich has agreed to back out if Dahlstrom gets more primary votes but, as of this morning, Dahlstrom won’t make the same commitment…

    • Trump obviously got some bad advice but never mind, as we know better, albeit voters need to wake up and not do the same stupid thing they did last time! Good grief is there a short term memory issue with conservatives? Rank the two republicans. Do not add the Democrat. So either a Begich, Dahlstrom or vice versa. If you only put in one you are giving more power to ‘Patoola’ yes.

  2. It’s absolutely ok to support trump and a candidate he hasn’t endorsed. It means you are an educated voter and know the candidates running.
    Nick is a conservative and trump is listening to the wrong people. Nancy has said she had no issue with lisa Murkowski supporting Peltola and that it made sense, that statement is all you need to know about Nancy-RINO!
    I will vote for Trump and Nick Begich

    • k8t, you are right to state the obvious: that “Trump is listening to the wrong people.” It is likely more accurate to say his campaign staff is listening to the wrong people. It is even more likely those “wrong people” exist within the Alaska Republican party. The conservative majority of Alaska needs to learn who these “wrong people” are.

  3. Nick got into this race first! nancy should have stayed out! makes no sense for her to get in this race, she is 67 yrs old!
    the governor should have never endorsed her! gov dunleavy is to blame for this.

  4. nick has the endorsement of byron donald and vivek ramaswamy and Alaskans! trump is listening to the wrong people. i proudly support trump and nick begich!

  5. I am glad to see the Republican women groups getting involved and voicing their support for NB III in spite of Trump’s endorsement. If that was Dunleavy giving Trump the recommendation, I hope that Trump takes a serious, hard look at Dunleavy again before he seriously considers him for a position. I hope that President Trump comes out with a statement regarding this. Didn’t Trump, also, recently give an endorsement for someone else that was not favorable?

  6. I think it’s obvious. We love Nick. We will vote for Trump. No one is perfect. Nancy is a fine person but she is controlled by Washington and she is too old to be starting a fresh career. We need someone who can build the seniority for Alaska again and that means at least 12 years. In 12 years Nancy will be 80 years old.

  7. nick was not the candidate that split votes last election and is not the candidate that will split votes this election. if nancy wanted to be in congress she should not have run for lieutenant governor. career politicians are the problem in this state

  8. This story is correct, Nick does run a classy campaign.
    He also will give a straight answer to any question that is asked of him when he is at one of his many many appearances, telling the audience what he stands for, and taking questions.

    I am voting for NB3 again.

  9. Suzanne,
    That is a wonderful picture of Nick!

    It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and in this case it’s certainly true.

    Let’s get behind Nick’s candidacy and move forward.

    • I agree! Maybe we would have more candidates if financial status did not weigh in so heavy. Seems like the only ones who enter or stay in the race are those with lots of money. These races should not be based on money, but on those with an honest heart to serve our state and our country.

    • ” Great One”
      The question is, how is it that you are unable to recognize a GREAT candidate when they do run for office?

      Again, I’ll forgive you for copying the name of a Chevy SUV for your MRAK handle!

    • We have good candidates.
      Its the rigged choice the vote counters use to pick “their winner”

    • Why can’t America come up with better candidates, one Dementia patient and one Convicted Felon Russian sympathizing traitor. Really America, really….

  10. This does not have anything to do with the merits of Mr. Begich or the Lt. Guv. This is about Donald Trump. Trump only acts in Donald Trump’s best interest. That is the only operative principle. This will anger some: If Trump believed it was to his advantage to do so, he would endorse Mary Peltola.

  11. Nick is a Murkowski RINO plant whose main purpose is to help Petola, originally get elected and now re-elected in a 3 person race.

    • Bob, I’m pretty certain that you have this thing backwards. Nick is the real deal, it’s Murky, Nancy and your pal Mary that rely upon massive infusions of Lower 48 Swamp Rat Ca$h for their campaigns. This is self evident if you bothered paying attention. I mean who is clamoring for Nancy Dahlstrom to get elected? Said NO ONE!

        • What you don’t see, Greg, are the dozens upon dozens of attacks on you personally, Greg, simply because you now live out of state. The hundreds of posts I have not approved that demand that you be banned from the site. You only see that I removed your post that referred to someone as the antichrist. Sorry, these are my decisions. – sd

          • If Suzanne had a penalty box, or a sanctions department at MRAK, Greg would be paying big time to get back in here.

            • Lol. You have no idea. While my wording was a bit harsh, I was trying to say you can’t trust any politician. The only thing that is correct is history. It never lies.

          • What’s funny is they think I’m the only person on here that lives in Florida. It’s politics, which mean all politicians kiss baby’s while stealing their lollipops. Thanks for having my back.

  12. Folks, take a deep breath. Nancy knows she doesn’t have a chance, even with Trump backing her. It’s all about her on the 2026 run for Governor.

    • She won’t have a chance there either. After she foils the Republican opportunity to put NB3 into Congress, Nancy Dahlstrom is toast. Period.

      • I agree. Nancy is crazy to think that people are going to forget that we were already through this vote splitting twice and that we’ll forgive her and vote her in as governor? Noooooo, elephants don’t forget.

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