Upsets and unknown outcomes: The races we watched



The Republican primary produced a few surprises in some Republican stronghold districts that are typically decided by the primaries:

Rep. George Rauscher of District 9 swept his three-way race with more than 50 percent of the vote. Musk Ox Republican Jim Colver got only 28 percent, and Pam Goode 22 percent. This was a race that many Republican political analysts thought could be closer, due to the massive influx of union political money into the Colver campaign.

Rep. DeLena Johnson held on to her House District 11 seat in decisive fashion, fending off a challenge from Edna DeVries, 59-41.

Former Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom, House District 13, won a three-way primary with  41.38 percent of the vote. This is the seat being vacated by Rep. Dan Saddler, who did not advance in the primary for Senate Seat G.

Kelly Merrick won House District 14 in a three-way race that put Jamie Allard in second and Eugene Harnett in third. That seat is the one being vacated by Rep. Lora Reinbold, who won the nomination for Senate Seat G, Eagle River, 58-42 over Rep. Dan Saddler.

Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, a Musk Ox Republican, lost on election night in District 15, although she is down by only three votes. She could reverse that loss once the absentees and questioned ballots are counted, but considering her opponent, Aaron Weaver, did nothing at all on his campaign, this is a devastating outcome for the head of what are considered the turncoat Republicans. A recount is almost certain.

Sara Rasmussen scored a solid win over former Rep. Liz Vazquez in District 22, 54-46. She will face “nonpartisan” Rep. Jason Grenn in the General Election, along with Democrat Dustin Darden.

Connie Dougherty, District 23, won against Forrest McDonald, 53-47. She’ll face Chris Tuck, a well-funded union representative who belongs to the Democrats.

One of the biggest winners of the night on the Republican primary side was Rep. Chuck Kopp, District 24, who won nearly 71 percent of the vote against challenger Steve Duplantis.

Rep. Charisse Millett lost to Josh Revak, who took the District 25 race by 57-43. Millett wrote to Revak this morning: “Congratulations Josh! Let me know how I can help! We have the best District in the State – do good work. God bless you and your family.” While this district still could go to Democrat Pat Higgins, it’s been held by Millett since 2008. She faced a well-funded Revak, whose family friend poured $30,000 into defeating Millett with an independent attack campaign on her record.

Laddie Shaw upset the three-way race in House District 26, with a whacking 43 percent of the vote, while Joe Riggs and Al Fogle split the remainder. While Riggs and Fogle were the subject of sign-war drama, Shaw worked the doors as a retired Navy SEAL.

Wayne Ogle and Benjamin Carpenter in House District 29 are just three votes apart after all precincts were counted. They are vying for the seat being vacated by Rep. Mike Chenault.

Sen. Peter Micciche of District O trails this morning by 12 votes, with challenger Ron Gillham surprising the senator who has served since 2013. That outcome could still go either way after all the absentee and questioned ballots are counted. A recount is almost certain.


    • I think you should look to the knuckle headed walker who brought on SB 91 from the task force and sought the low hanging fruit of the PFD

  1. I agree compleatly with John Francis! We don’t Micciche throwing temper tantrums anymore! It’s just too bad Geran Tarr, the BULLY, ran uncontested. She DESERVES to be unseated for her unconstitutional sb75!

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