UPenn transgender swimmer wins two more events at meet with Harvard women


Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer who until 2019 was competing as a man, won two races at the University of Pennsylvania meet with Harvard University on Saturday.

Thomas finished first in the 200 freestyle and the 100 freestyle. Harvard won the overall meet, however, 187-113.

Thomas is a senior from Austin, Texas who took a year off of swimming competitively to chemically and surgically transition from being a man to appearing and competing as a woman in college swimming..

“The most heated issue in swimming this year only emerged in the last two months of the year as University of Pennsylvania senior Lia Thomas recorded the fastest times in college swimming in the 200 and 500-yard freestyle as well as an elite performance in the 1650 freestyle. Those performances caused a stir because of Thomas’ stauts as a transgender athlete. She competed for the Penn men’s team for three years before completing the required one year of ‘testosterone suppression treatment’ in order to be eligible to compete as a female,” writes Swimming World Magazine.

Thomas ranks first in the NCAA among women in the 200 and 500 freestyles this year. Thomas’ best time in the 500-yard freestyle is 4:34.06, about 10 seconds behind Katie Ledecky’s record set in 2017.

Thomas posted record-setting times that qualified her for the NCAA championships in early December. Since then, the NCAA has posted a revision to its policy on transgender athletes, but Thomas continues to be allowed to compete against biological women.

Her win on Friday in the 50-yard freestyle is nearly five seconds faster at 50.55 than Alaska Olympian Lydia Jacoby swam in 2019, when she posted a time of 56.51.


  1. On one hand this article seems intended to reveal the unfairness of males competing with female athletes. I agree with this perspective and reasonable manner in which it is presented.
    On the other hand, I ask, why add the unnecessary adjective “biological” to the noun “male?” He is either male or not. Effeminate males are entitled to be treated with full humanity but that does not include calling them female. Please note that I say “humanity” rather than “respect” because respect is earned, humanity is intrinsic. In any event, the only way to cease being male is to change your chromosomes. Until that is possible, the idea remains a fantasy.
    The article ends by saying, “Her win on Friday in the 50-yard freestyle is nearly five seconds faster at 50.55 than Alaska Olympian Lydia Jacoby……” Notice the pronoun “Her” rather His? It’s a classic example of pandering to the fantasy I mentioned above. The writer simultaneously criticizes the fantasy while, at the same time, pandering to it. The woke female athletes engage in this type of virtue signaling as well; they refer to the man as a woman and then complain about competing with him. Hypocrisy on display.

  2. Absolutely nonesense and a total disservice to the REAL women competing. These things wanna compete, make a transgender confused competition they all can be part of.. Leave normal people out of their insanity. Kids are suffering…. At what point are we going to start pushing this garbage back??

  3. He keeps winning empty victories, the legitimacy of which, I’m sure, will one day be rescinded.
    It should be racing against fellow trannies or actual males.

    Feminists, where are you?

    • Most feminists are “woke” and would therefore call this guy a woman. Most women in general (including the women athletes) would do the same. They bring this problem upon themselves. Then they complain about unfair competition.

    • Most feminists are “woke” and would therefore call this guy a woman. Most women in general (including the women athletes) would do the same. They bring this problem upon themselves then complain about unfair competition.

  4. It’s a guy. I don’t care what he got cut off of what hormones he’s taking, it doesn’t over rule 20 years of nature.
    “Party of science” my butt.

  5. Or maybe no league, we need to stop encouraging this behavior. It is a mental disorder through and through and these people need counseling!

  6. I am waiting for how the real women will respond when they get tired beaten agianst a man in a womens arena. More interesting how will the public react to theirs and their parents complaints. Will they cry racist? Homophobe? The parents didn’t invest in their daughters sport only to see them beaten by a man.

  7. I don’t mean to be crass or insensitive, but am I the only one who thinks Thomas looks way more like a man than a woman?

  8. Alpha Mayor (they must hate that point) should instruct his next library appointee to say:
    “I identify with having a masters degree library sciences, so go screw yourself anchorage assembly.”
    Or does this only work one way, for the changelings?

  9. No matter how many mutilating surgeries a person subjects himself or herself to, their DNA will always remain the same as it was at birth.
    According to the 2022 ICD-10-CM Codes, this creep should be diagnosed with Code F64.9
    Approximate Synonyms:
    Gender dysphoria
    Gender identity disorder
    Clinical Information:
    A disorder characterized by a strong and persistent cross-gender identification (such as stating a desire to be the other sex or frequently passing as the other sex) coupled with persistent discomfort with his or her sex (manifested in adults, for example, as a preoccupation with altering primary and secondary sex characteristics through hormonal manipulation or surgery).

    Though I perceive that this particular dude is not confused at all; rather, he is a conniving, swindling opportunist, con artist, and parasitic free loader.

  10. Why are there even women’s sports and men’s sports anyway? Isn’t their existence essentially “separate but equal”, a legal doctrine that was overturned over 65 years ago, in Brown V Board of Education (1954) 347 U.S. 483?

    Just have one sports league for each sport and then it won’t matter what anyone has or used to have in their pants.

  11. Looks like UPenn girls have to well, grow a set, and boycott the program since it doesn’t seem to represent what they signed up to do.
    Maybe they should all “transition” to male, show this fool a thing or two.

  12. What a complete travesty of epic proportions that we find ourselves and our society “wrapped-around-the-axle” on this issue. However(!!!) … As wrong as it sounds, it does appear that based on “performance” that the male gender is far superior and out-classes the female gender. If that postulation is indeed true then, maybe that’s why males command – deserve greater compensation in the work place over females? Possibly, because a man’s utility and production is of greater value than that of a woman? If the women were indeed “equal” then, why aren’t they winning these competitive events?
    Is that what the fear is all about?

  13. Will women have to take testosterone treatments when they are young so they can be big enough and strong enough to compete with these guys?

  14. Every woman/girl in sports competition against a biological male should walk out just before the event starts. Until that happens, they are complicit in this bizarre gender twisting agenda by the woke leftist mob. I have no sympathy for female athletes if they are not willing to fight. By the way, I have pleaded with several conservative legislators to sponsor legislation prohibiting this in Alaska and they are apparently to afraid of who knows what to move forward. Very disappointing.

    • Mayor Dan, you need to realize most women athletes are part of the woke leftist mob. It’s why you see so few actually complaining.

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