On Sunday night, Anchorage police officers responded to the 9600 block of Independence Drive in reference to a domestic disturbance. Residents in the area noticed there were over a dozen police cars in the area, as many as 18 patrol cars, some witnesses said.
When officers made contact with 32-year-old Christopher James Nickalaskey he began to fight officers and reach for a gun in his waistband.
During the altercation, Nickalaskey managed to get his hand on the the gun and pulled the trigger. The round struck Nickalaskey in the lower body and also stuck an officer in the lower body. But Nickalaskaskey wasn’t done. He continued to fight and bit another officer on the hand, according to the police report. Officers secured the weapon and Nickalaskey was restrained and placed under arrest.
Nickalaskey was transported to a hospital for treatment of his non-life-threatening injury and was remanded at the Anchorage Jail for the charges of Assault 4, Assault 3 (x6), Misconduct Involving a Weapon 3-Felon in Possession, and Misconduct Involving a Weapon 2.
The officer struck by the bullet and the officer who was bit were treated for minor injuries at a hospital.

Nickalasky has an extensive criminal record with the Alaska Court System, including assault, violation of probation or parole, having or selling metal knuckles (for fighting), possession of controlled substances, and being involved in illegal drug sales.
No, the police reported last night that the suspect shot himself as the police took him into custody and wrestled for the gun. The police were not shot… Hopefully the cameras that the police should be wearing, will tell the real story. But, they may not have had their cameras on their uniforms. We don’t have police that are cooperative for that goal.
He finds clothing confining and uncomfortable.
Attempted murder of a police officer should be adequate to remove this guy from society until he can never again pose a threat to society. Maybe forever or at least till he is 80 or so.
Agree, a judge will put him away for at least three weeks on attempted murder Maybe even a full month since it was LEO that he tried to kill.
He is probably out on bond already.
I agree–my first thought was why was he even loose right now? He had a probation violation and other charges. He should already be locked up somewhere and the key conveniently lost. It reminds me of the time many years ago when a talk show host had a high ranking police officer (maybe the chief) on for an interview about possible gangs in Anchorage. Someone had insisted we didn’t have any but he said we sure did. They were trying to get extra funding for some special task force on gangs. So the host had him define what a gang member was and how did they know they were part of a gang. The police guy said they were people who joined together to commit crimes and had already committed crimes. And yeah, they knew who many of them were. When asked why they didn’t round them up ALREADY (if they knew who they were) and jailed, he had no good reply!
Would the soft on crime anchorage assembly and the police who are under their thumb push for such charges?
Sad, APD had a chance to rid us of this repeated source of crime.
In the words of Willie Nelson, send him to meet his maker and he will settle him down…
I expect he is due a serious talking to by a liberal judge followed by more probation and a firm slap on the hand.
Why can’t we just keep these hotheads behind bars until they permanently cool off (by aging). Not to be released until 79 years. A nice looking young man, he be a danger to our Alaskan women whom are too confused by their own past troubled and childhood trauma not to know the qualities of a healthy man nor healthy relationship.
Ah, the continued Californication of Alaska. Las Anchorage, indeed.
This is Biden’s Amerika, right here, right now, every day.
If you don’t want to see things like this happening all the time, everywhere, every day, then vote for the ONE GUY who actually put a dent in this kind of criminal behavior.
Trump 2024!
What an absolute loser. Wonder if that firearm was legally procured? I doubt it. Please throw away the key. Or drop him into North Korea. Very sad and infuriating.
Felons are disallowed from buying firearms over the counter and the approval process required up front prior to paying is what weeds them out.
Sounds like this gentleman missed a meeting. Kydex has its place and its place is IWB.
One donut for the guy that got gnawed up. Two for the guy that might be limping for a bit. Bummer that you boys couldn’t have returned the favor in situ.
Are you serious Richard a judge will let him out in 30 days. If the cops knew who this clown was they should have finished the job. They failed. 18 cop cars and what 25 cops to bring 1 guy down ?? Our system has failed miserably. Liberal judges liberal attorneys what’s to say.
It’s not the job of the police put him away. They bring him in. It’s the Democrat prosecution job that between them and the judge or jury they put him away. If the police shot and killed him, Dougie, then you and all others will be crying and complaining that police officer was trigger happy. The police officers are just as frustrated as us how they bring them in only to see the Democrat city prosecutor and court quickly release these criminals.
I would never cry to see a multiple felon put 6’ deep. This moron thinks he is a bad ass. Been watching to many movies. I absolutely think Alaska should institute the death penalty. So there is my answer Jennifer. My tolerance for criminals is non existent. I actually work my ass off for my money.
You guys are all just jealous of that 6 pack.
Im not jealous of what his “daddy” is going to do to him when they get tired of his BS and he gets to meet “Big daddy” for a little vacation time at the crossbar hotel….
Okay, my big question in all this has to do with brass knuckles. If one can legally carry a weapon concealed, as in a firearm, why are brass knuckles, sword canes and black jacks still illegal to carry?
Fairly certain that they aren’t. Buy them as ‘paperweights’ or ‘decorative pieces’ online, you only get in trouble if the cops are already looking into you
Misread your comment and realized my response is wrong, can’t take comments back very quickly…
Those things are likely illegal because you can get them without an ID or background check, unlike a firearm if purchased legally
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