Sen. Mike Lee of Utah didn’t agree at all with Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s statement made this week to reporters in Alaska, when she said Republicans are afraid of Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency.
“I don’t know a single Republican senator who feels that way. Not even one,” Sen. Lee wrote on X.
Well, he does know one: Murkowski had told reporters that no one but her is speaking up because they’re all afraid of Musk.
“I get criticized for what I say, and then everybody else is like, ‘How come nobody else is saying anything?’ Well, figure it out, because they’re looking at how many things are being thrown at me, and it’s like, ‘maybe I should just duck and cover,’” Murkowski said. It’s why you’ve got everybody zip-lipped, not saying a word. Because they’re afraid they’re gonna be taken down, they’re gonna be primaried, they’re gonna be given names in the media. You know, we cannot be cowed into not speaking up,” she said.
Sen. Lee’s response to Murkowski’s statement was noticed by Elon Musk, who amplified the post by reposting it, and added two American flag emojis in his response to Lee, a signal that he aligned with Lee, not with Murkowski.
Maybe(?) // Most Likely(?) … She realizes the fact she deserves to be primaried.
I’ve read some of the comments and I just wanted to say thank you to my fellow Alaskans for having common sense, I know the right side is winning on every level, but it feels like the more that the one side wins the harder the other side pushes is there no end to the madness? Is it really gonna take a catastrophic global event for us to come together sad.
She might try listening to her constituents.
I don’t think that is possible. It is all about her and getting attention. She does not belong in office.
Typical politispeak. A lot of words spoken, but nothing of importance was said.
Wanna know how Trump is doing a good job? All the right people are panicking.
Good job Trump! Keep it up! Their beloved system of money laundering and self congratulating is coming down in real time and We The People are here for it!
See me! Look at me!
5 minutes of negatives is, I guess, one way to keep your face in the news.
Senator Lee, there are a whole bunch of Alaskan voters who are really tired of Murkowski’s antics.
Demagogues rely on emotional delivery as opposed to content because they need the passion that resides in negativity.
Let’s face it: Lisa has something to hide! How much money have you received from the government Lisa?
Musk as accomplished and exposed in 90 days or less, than what Murkowski knew and knows, of the corruption and waste that exist. Nothing hurts more than to have a “Wedgie”” given in public which is the case with Congress as a whole. They ALL must have some idea of this sorry mess.It took an outsider, Trump to bring it to this point.
It is a continued question to the depth and volume against this Musk success that Murkowski is screeching, much as the Democraps are in obvious fear of being exposed. Perhaps it is a bi-partisan collusion in that exposure. Only the “Shadow” and Murkowski can answer that worry.
Maybe Murkowski has good reason to be afraid as she may be hiding something? Likewise for any others as fearful as her. She has no basis for making such assumptions about anyone else. She does not seem stable and it sure seems time for voters to loudly and solidly retire her next election go-round.
I’ll regret appointing Lisa until the day I die. She has been a spoiled brat since the day she learned to say, “Daddy.”
The Good Senator Murkowski is making an embarrassment of our state, if you take the time to comment here make sure tou take the time to let the Good Senator know your thoughts by sending her a note.
Hubris run amuk. Murkowski has aligned with ‘the squad’ where theatrical ‘sress’ has replaced any form of productivity. Make a contribution to Alaska, after all that’s in your job description.
When your remarks are nonsensical and you know no one else speaks up in support of your position but you still believe you’re right it’s time to leave the party; you’ve had one too many.
Elimination of RCV may be the only way Alaskan voters can send Ms. Murkowski to the land of broken toys next election cycle.
Does she understand that the majority of.the country voted for Trump and DOGE? We approved it.
She’s not afraid of being primaried because she’s got it rigged with rank choice voting!
Based on what I have seen in recent weeks, operations at USAID, EPA and other agencies are a massive and undisguised money-laundering operations for the Left. Is Senator Murkowski really that blind? Probably not, but she is curiously invested in continuing these operations and protecting the Deep State. Are greedy billion-dollar NGOs really the “good guys” in your world, Senator? What is your definition of good government?
On a different topic, the Senator was obviously absent in law school for the lectures on Article 2 of the Constitution. Embarrassing.
Just another lame excuse on her part as to why she will be primaried. At least I hope she will be! And making herself out to be the ONLY brave one, what a joke! She is the weasel trying to stay on top of the fence. Unfortunately the joke is still on us for another 4 years, ugh!
Lisa lost any credibility she may have had by embracing TDS. She isn’t rational about anything any more. She was never great at representing us, but now she is just a liability. If she had any shame, she would resign. But, she’s not that cogent.
After hearing about Gates’ planted nanobots in COVID vaccines, I’m stunned that we have not heard a thing in regard to Musk’s brain chip company, Neuralink. Why are we defending Elon Musk? This guy wants a chip in all of our heads. I guess since Trump said he is ok, he is.
DOGE and primary the little princess.
Like all Democrats, Lisa is scared and enraged that Elon is working for free, to uncover waste, fraud, and theft of our tax dollars.
What does that say about them, hmmm???
If only Lisa had a fraction of the sense & integrity of Mike Lee, Alaska would be sitting pretty indeed!
Lisa, it’s just not working anymore. Please leave. We are done with you.
Like Sourdough Sam used to say “ you need a prostitute and a politician for the same thing” !
Well Alaska how much longer are you keeping her in office. Been voting against her since Frank the bank exercised nepotism and gave her the job. Catch up people!
What a great time to be living. Watching these grifters being exposed is magnificent!!
Princess Pork gets more shrill by the day.
Sam Bankman Fried is her shining star. At least He believes in her to the tune of a $10,000 donation.
Maybe He will figure a way to get her over the hump next time around as well.
Do us all a favor and just leave, Lisa. Adios.
Speaking of corruption and money laundering, we have it right here in Alaska. Just look at all the so called non profits, and NGO’s we have operating in our state. And they are running by the same people making tax policies on the rest of us. Want to make big changes in Alaska politics? Cut off their cash flow by exposing these organizations