One week before the Alaska Primary election, candidate Shoshana Gungurstein has been exposed as probably a fake candidate, but one who is most certainly on the ballot for U.S. Senate, along with 18 others, including Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Gungurstein’s real name appears to be Shoshana Chagall, a Hollywood actress with a long list of credits in fantasy films.
Suspicions about Gungurstein, who is nonpartisan, had arisen over recent weeks in political circles. She had not applied for a Permanent Fund ever, and she was first registered to vote in Alaska in April of 2022.
Her address is at a bed and breakfast establishment in Juneau, and a post office box. Beyond that, she has no internet history as a Gungurstein. She has left no trace. Finally, an Alaska political blog took the plunge and called her out as a fake candidate.

Gungurstein has sponsored the Must Read Alaska Show for the past several weeks. Her ad appears on the Must Read Alaska home page and she paid promptly. Gungurstein was featured on the Must Read Alaska Show several weeks ago. She has yard signs in Juneau and a few in Anchorage. Gungurstein has been in parades, and last week attended at least one event in Anchorage, an instructional seminar on Ranked Choice Voting by Americans For Prosperity Alaska.
She voted as a Gungurstein, which means she had enough identification to get a voter registration card. As a candidate, she has amassed over $29,000 in contributions, mostly from out of state, but also over $16,000 loaned by herself to her campaign.
Anyone from any state can apply and run as a candidate in any federal race for any state. Vic Vickers of Florida ran in Alaska in 2008 against Sen. Ted Stevens. He had only moved to Alaska that year for the purpose of running for Senate. He quickly moved back to Florida.
Attempts to reach Gungurstein for comment were unsuccessful. Attempts to reach the Division of Elections to get more information about how Gungurstein ended up on the ballot were unsuccessful.
Read more about Shoshana Chagall at this link.
Visit her Federal Elections Commission financial statements here.
I’d rather have her than Princess.
She’d be a total Dem puppet, like demented Sloppy Joe.
Irony not your thing?
Election Integrity? Disgusting!
AOC the sequel. This is exactly what Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks did when he conducted interviews for a candidate to control and support financially for Congress. Hence… Sandy Cortez.
Gungurstein before Lisa.
Grunge before Chew.
Anyone have her Only Fans account?
Rank Choice Vote was touted as more honest and better for AK. BS! In my opinion this only proves how dishonest it is. So how does an AK voter know who to vote for? How many of the 18 candidates running as “Independent” are really Demorats or Socialists in disguise? Walker & Murkowski are a couple that come to mind. Now add in this unknown seemingly Independent Shoshana. All I can say is vote the proven Alaskan Republican candidates for ranks one and two and leave the rest blank.
Get out and vote people, Alaska is on a collision course with Communism.
Any random can campaign and run for national office in the State of Alaska if they claim to inhabit the State.
There is no residency requirement for US House or US Senate.
To run for local office one must reside in that district.
To run for Governor, one must have lived in Alaska for at least 7 years prior to the filing to run
Just vote for your favorite! No others…
Ha! – reminds me of the infamous John Lindauer, who won the Republican primary for governor. His stories about himself were mostly wild lies, especially when he was repeatedly questioned about the source of his campaign finances. Among the many fantasy claims was that he made it investing “with a crazy inventor”.
In the end, his campaign self-destructed, and he was convicted of campaign finance violations, and Tony Knowles stepped in for another 4 year term. Shoshanna’s (if that’s her real name) flame-out probably won’t be as spectacular or as impactful, but that don’t mean it ain’t fun.
Don’t forget to revenge vote for Dustin Darden for Senate as paybacks for the anti Constitutional ways of the Anchorage Assembly. Rank him second! You’ll thank yourself later.
DD is on the backside of the ballot which is a “pick 1” primary for the Nov. (pick 4) general election.
We can only chose Kelly here (or whomever) … it is a “pick one” primary with 19 candidates.
Last time was a “pick one” primary w/ 48 candidates
The top 4 in the “pick one” primary will be on the “pick 4” general election ballot NOV 8th for US senate.
That will be the Kelly …. Lisa …. Chesbro …. Dustin Darden …. etc “rank 4” election (Nov 8)
And be careful there is a “Dave Darden” right next to Dusten Darden in that list of 19 (pick 1) names.
But you have an excellent point. Since Kelly & Lisa and Ms. Chesbro (the Dem) will all certainly make it to the NOV rank 4 general election …. I think I will chose Dustin an help him get into the general on Nov 8th.
As a non-partisan, who would she be taking votes from?
Is this a leftist experiment? “Let’s see exactly what we can get away with in tiny Alaska”
Have her be a MRAK supporting candidate and see if the red necks notice.
Who gave her the $16K … I suppose it could be her Hollywood money; I hear they pay well.
Pretty ironic. She’s not the only one. There’s a faceless postal bureaucrat running as an Alaskan after spending 19 years in DC.
She’ll never make the top 4, on the vote once jungle primary. So she’s irrelevant. She won’t be on the top 4 ranked choice ballot. She’s just wasting her money.
I’ve grown tired of the ugly politics of Kelly Tshibaki and Lisa Murkowski. And I’m done with the party hacks. I’ve decided to vote for Shoshana Gungurstein for no other reason than beauty! As Keat’s wrote, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty!” So, yes, I’ll be voting for poetic beauty and Shoshana Gungurstein!
Ah, but have you seen her photos without makeup?
Touché! Thoreau once wrote that beauty is where it is perceived! Perception being insight! Now where might we find poetic justice?
Any publicity is good publicity.
Also, I’ll be voting for poetic justice! And why not? Everything needn’t be dirty or ugly.
Find out who her handler is.
Good sleuthing there Suzanne. Apply those same skills on Gerace, the Bronson appointed (and assembly supported) fraud.
Alleged. – sd
All cleverly designed to take away votes from Kelly, making it easier for Lisa to sneak in for another round. Manipulation.
Irrelevant ….. Kelly & Lisa & Patricia (the Dem) are all going to the rank 4 on Nov 8th (just the way it is)
The other 16 names on that pick one list are not going to change that.
I wonder where Vic Vickers is now?
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