U.S.S. Gettysburg accidentally fires on U.S. jet; ship’s commanding officer is from Alaska

Capt. Justin Hodges

The commanding officer of the U.S.S. Gettysburg, the ship which mistakenly fired on a U.S. Navy jet in the Red Sea this weekend, is a native of Adak.

Two Navy pilots managed to eject safely after their F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jet was mistakenly shot down on Sunday in what officials called “an apparent case of friendly fire.” One of the pilots has minor injuries, according to the U.S. Central Command.

The U.S. Navy has been in the region for over a year as it protects commercial ships from Iranian-Yemen Houthi rebels, which have been attacking ships regularly.

Prior to the friendly fire incident, Centcom said that U.S. forces were conducting strikes against Houthi missile storage facilities, and had been shooting down multiple unmanned aerial vehicles and an anti-ship cruise missile. The ship is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations supporting U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa to defend U.S., allied, and partner interests; both U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy assets, including F/A-18s, are part of the operation.

Video from Centcom here.

Captain Justin Hodges, originally from Adak, commands the Gettysburg. He has a bachelor of science from the U.S. Naval Academy, a masters of engineering management from Old Dominion University and a master of arts in national security from the U.S. Naval War College. Hodges took over command of the guided-missile cruiser in February of 2023.

The U.S.S. Gettysburg, 567 feet long, is part of the U.S.S. Harry S, Truman Carrier Strike Group. The jet that was shot down was flying off the U.S.S. Harry S Truman.
According to Hodges’ official bio, he served as the first lieutenant in U.S.S. Stethem (DDG 63), was a reactor mechanical division Officer in U.S.S. Nimitz Operations Office in U.S.S. McFaul, and reactor training assistant in U.S.S Harry S. Truman. He completed deployments as executive officer and commanding officer in U.S.S. Gravely and served as reactor officer in U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Ashore, Hodges was assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence as surface anti-submarine warfare analyst; Joint Forces Command as an observer/trainer; commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic (CNAL) as the force reactor training assistant; and participated in the Career Intermission Program.
He has earned the Defense Superior Service Medal, Meritorius Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and other personal, unit, and campaign awards.

Centcom said that an investigation into the friendly fire incident would get under way.



  1. All of that exposure from the reactor must have fried some brain cells. How do you shoot down a friendly fighter jet with a missile? Disgusting. He needs to go back to the reactor room for more exposure.

  2. With all of the technology that we have in this world today, our guys shoot down our own plane? I call b.s. Something smells like stinky fish and that commanding officer needs to be held responsible for any lives that were lost.

  3. The Houthis who are obviously motivated and skillful tribal warriors, are performing remarkably well against the “mighty” British and American warships.

    It’s well published in our MIC corporate sponsored “think tank” journals, who chart our permanent state foreign policy, that China is next on the aggression hit list after Russia.

    If our navy is unable to stamp out the resistance of primitive Arab tribesmen with a handful of donated weapons, how will our navy fare against China, who will launch waves of hypersonic anti shipping missiles, for which we have nothing to intercept with?

    The ambitions for global hegemony and interference in every remote corner of the globe of our State Department has exceeded the capability of our incompetent MIC to keep up with advanced technology research and the ability to produce up to date weapons on a mass scale.

    Our military has been compromised by decades of promoting the most incompetent and corrupt officers into the highest ranks, who prioritize their personal financial wellbeing by issuing contracts to the MIC companies, in trade for lucrative Board appointments upon leaving the military.

    Our military has been used exclusively for the last 70 years for overseas expeditions to pacify 3rd world countries who are nowhere near peer opponents. We have even lost all of these projects.

    Couldn’t even manage an evacuation from Afghanistan without causing thousands of deaths amongst the people we were governing for 20 years, as well as the loss of our own people.

    Pathetic what we have done to our military, those who serve now and the memory of those who gave their lives.

    On the lighter side, word is the pilot used the wrong pronoun when responding to identify himself.

    • Wow. I used to know people like you; then I realized that life is more rational, more enjoyable, and has more value after I learned that it was simply better to both ignore you and to hold your opinions in contempt.

      Really, either stop watching YT for your current events or ask for a refund for whatever moneys were spent on your education.

      Reference the US Navy off the coast of Yemen, it is a mere sliver of power available and is proof positive that the Navy knows full well the limits of ANY naval power to influence events ashore.

      Either way, up until now and probably in the years yet seen, your efforts, all of them, seem fruitless.

    • Afghan goat “herders” with ZERO air assets and armed with AK-47’s and IEDs defeated the entire US Military (after they also defeated the military of the USSR). The US has stupidly been fighting wars since WW-II with one or both hands “tied behind its back” just to “keep the fight fair” at a tremendous cost in lives and dollars.

  4. Usually, the Navy quietly removes the commanding officer of such a mishap and transfers them to shore duty somewhere. Maybe he can get stationed at Adak and teach target practice on Green Peace vessels.

    • MH – Unless your father is an Admiral! The late Senator John McCain finished at the bottom of his Naval Academy class, crashed a couple of planes, was involved in a deadly aircraft carrier explosion, but because his Dad was an Admiral, was promoted to Commander in Vietnam where he was promptly shot down by the North Vietnamese and ended his military career in a Hanoi prison.

        • How about you Forkner? Let me guess, SEAL, Ranger, Door Gunner on the Space Shuttle? Bet you have lots of medals too. American hero!

            • Not bad mouthing anyone, just revealing an inconvenient truth! I had 3 brothers in the military – 2 in Vietnam. They convinced me not to join so I took my chances with the draft! Nepotism, the good ole boy network & general incompetence was rife in the military at the time. It appears as if the only thing that has changed is that we can add wokeism to the mixture. I can say this though, when I was 19 years old, I was working 80 to 100 hours a week in harsh weather helping to build the Trans Alaska Pipeline, one of the State’s (and nation’s) premier energy projects. The tax revenues from that endeavor allow you to enjoy your more than generous State pension & medical benefits in retirement in Florida! You’re welcome!

      • Fishing Food, by pointing out the awkward facts concerning McCain you’ll be accused of denigrating a war “hero”.

        Maintaing mythical narratives of the superiority of and the heroism of our superior governing elites must be maintained. To question, much less point out facts that contravene these myths is deemed “unpatriotic”.

        Demeaning comments against your person will follow, as a means to maintain herd stupidity and conformity is important as a societal norm.

        Despite McCains’ extraordinarily poor military performance, his elite family status made him a shoe in for a permanent senate seat.

        He gained the dubious distinction of the sole “Republican” voting to keep Obamacare. This after the Republicans used the issue of repeal over several election cycles to gain the Presidency, Senate and House.

        The public was lied to all along, as the GOP never intended to overturn Obamacare, but it was the perfect narrative to use for achieving power.

      • John McCain’s real hero status is that he served a half dozen years at the Hanoi Hilton, including torture, which he could have avoided when the VC were willing to release him under a political arrangement. McCain chose to stay.
        Would you stay?
        That’s why he’s a hero.

  5. If you read his biography, his an Analyst.


  6. This is unfortunate for the commanding officer, his crew, and that of the plane. We thank God the mistake did not result in the loss of life. However, this incident raises questions regarding the US economy. From the article, it appears US taxpayer’s continue to pay for an international police force to protect “allies’ shipping in the Middle East.” Question: are the allies reimbursing US taxpayers for their cost of said protection? Question: has Obama apologized to US taxpayers for giving Iran $2.1B in retribution and ransom which funded the mayhem of the Houthis?

  7. Maybe instead of striving to promote DEI initiatives, DOD should be training our military to identify our own aircraft? Just a thought.

  8. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity needs to be identified and replaced immediately by Merit and Intelligence….no matter the current level or feelings that are hurt.

    • The military describes him as a native of Adak. It uses terms like this to describe other officers as well, such as “native of Virginia Beach, Virginia,” to indicate the place of birth. He is not a registered voter in Alaska, so no, he is not claiming the PFD. – sd

    • There was a fairly large Naval Air Facility there before it closed, just a guess but maybe his dad was stationed there when he was born.

      • He was not born on Adak. He graduated high school on Adak while his dad was stationed there. I know because he was in my graduating class.

  9. Hold your horses! Before all the armchair warriors start condemning this Captain, at least be aware that the Houthi’s have claimed that they, in fact, shot down the F/A 18 aircraft during a multi missile and drone attack against an American aircraft carrier. Either way it’s not a good look for the Navy.

  10. An Affirmative Action recruit? Naval Academy requires an appointment by US Senator or Congressman. Let me guess ……..
    Lisa Murkowski.
    Maybe he should join a research ship where no weapons are allowed.

      • So was Capt. Joe Hazelwood. The Third Mate that drove the Exxon Valdez onto Bligh Reef was on the bridge, not Joe. Yet, Joe was the one sent to shore and later picking up trash on Minnesota Drive and pouring at the soup kitchen.

      • While it is true that USN ship captains must play the hand they are dealt, it is entirely up to the CO to train and qualify individuals to their various watch stations. Qualifying a Tactical Action Officer (an officer given weapons release authority in certain situations) is one of the most significant within the captain’s gift, and is not give lightly. Command at sea is an unforgiving assignment.

      • The Captain’s qualifications appear much superior to the Chief of Naval Operations- she has a bachelor’s in journalism from Northwestern and a master’s from University of Phoenix- online.

  11. The F/A 18 pilots will always remember this guy. I bet he gets transferred off his carrier support group, like yesterday. He’s a dangerous asset to the Navy. And, a laughingstock.

  12. The commander of the aircraft carrier will absolutely make sure that this DEI/Affirmative Action captain gets transferred away from the battle group. If it was a real combat issue against enemy forces, you don’t want this idiot anywhere near your carrier and combat pilots.
    He will get shore duty, probably restationed to the Pentagon. Or, maybe be given forced resignation, where he can become a college professor and teach DEI and Native culture.

      • 100% correct, Kenaimike. The Navy doesn’t allow seconds with f*ckups. Remember the sub captain in Hawaii who was showing off his nuclear toy, but smashed right through a surface ship during a pop-up? Retired the next day.

    • Dumbest comment ever. Reach up, scratch your head and see if that’ll reset your brain where maybe, just maybe you’ll realize that technology from 80 years ago might have been just a wee bit more archaic than today’s.

      We’re running sophisticated communication and radar technology that should have prevented this type of friendly fire. This incident falls directly onto the lack of training and leadership.

      Or, the Houthi’s succeeded and we surly wouldn’t want our citizens and the world to see our weakness. After all, we spend trillions to be the world’s police.

      • In 100 years, it will look stoneage tech though. WWII tech was cutting edge for the time. I’m so, so sorry I disappointed you. I lay away at night think of ways to keep that from happening.

    • No that is a lie, a lot for sure, but not as many as stars in the sky. Why do you left-wing nuts have to lie so much?
      Justin must be one of “greg’s” family members.

      And remember folks, we are all just visitors in greg’s world!

  13. There will be a very intensive investigation into the circumstances that led up to this ‘friendly fire’ incident. This investigation will go into the Trump DOD era where only hard cold facts will be considered. As commanding officer, CAPT Hodges has ultimate responsibility. His career is effectively over regardless of the findings. Such is the burden of command.

  14. Need to wait for the official inquiry to this incident. Did the jet have it’s IFF on? Don’t be too quick to pass judgement. Former Navy Fire Control Technician

  15. A lot of armchair quarterbacks in here today and nearly all are saying it’s this guy’s fault. Slow down, you hair trigger goofballs.

    The only thing we now know for sure is that you don’t d around in this guy’s quadrant. Nothing more.

  16. So it turns out that a second missile was also fired at a second plane but the missile lost guidance. To the people saying that it was probably a just a random transponder malfunction. On two separate planes? Not very likely. Also the only reason there was not a loss of life is because the pilot and back-seater ejected just before the missile struck or there would have been two deaths. The SM-2 missile fired at them is 15.5 feet long, weighs 1550 lbs and has a large blast fragment warhead and travels at Mach 3. A fighter hit by that missile is going to be an aluminum cloud. An AIM-9X sidewinder missile weighs 186 lbs in comparison.

  17. One curious item I noted that may have contributed in a small way. In another picture, I can see that he wears a certain ribbon with two stars on it, signifying that he has had a total of three overseas deployments. A captain with only three deployments under his belt? Too much staff duty and not enough experience being at the tip of the spear?

    (Signed, retired blue water sailor with ten deployments)

  18. Kind of off topic, but anybody know what the ROI were when the USS Cole was attacked and nearly sunk? I’ve seen the CPT interviewed several times and no reporter has ever asked this question. Also, was he allowed to fire on the approaching small boat which blew a hole in his ship? Was he relieved of his command? Were the rules changed after this incident (I sure hope so, but under Biden I doubt it).

  19. The key-board commandos need to cool their jets until the final report comes out.
    Multi-ship combat maneuvers are a super complicated and dangerous event, involving
    hundreds of people and dozens of computer systems, spread across hundreds of square miles.


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