Two more legislators call on Dunleavy to join Texas in election integrity lawsuit


Mat-Su Valley Reps. George Rauscher and Colleen Sullivan-Leonard today requested Gov. Mike Dunleavy and Acting Attorney General Clyde Sniffen, Jr. to join in a lawsuit with Texas against the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, due to violations of their own election laws that led to a win for Joe Biden.

That makes five Alaska lawmakers altogether who have put in a request to Gov. Dunleavy to join the lawsuit.

“There are major concerns by the people in the great State of Alaska regarding the recent elections. Irregularities in the election process in other states have … stripped all U.S. citizens of their constitutional, and legal, right to fair and just election for the presidency of the United States of America,” the two wrote.

“As pursuant to our oath of office to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and that of State of Alaska we, the undersigned, ask that you do the same, and support Texas in suing the States of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for unconstitutional irregulates in the recent election process.

“Amongst other items, the suit asks the Supreme Court of the United States of America to extend the December 14, 2020 deadline for certification of presidential electors so that investigations into the irregularities can be completed by asking the court to ‘enjoin the use of unlawful election results without review and ratification by the defendant states’ legislatures.”’ 

The election statues were disregarded by courtrooms not only before, but also while the election was already in progress, which resulted in opportunities for fraud, the letter stated.

On Tuesday, three lawmakers from the Kenai Peninsula sent a letter to the governor — Reps. Sarah Vance, Ben Carpenter, and Rep.-elect Ron Gillham.

Seventeen states and Donald Trump have joined in the lawsuit, which University of Texas Law Professor Texas Steve Vladeck calls a stunt “relying on an obscure source of the Supreme Court’s power — its ability to hear disputes between states immediately without having them go through lower courts, known as “original jurisdiction.” But the claim at the heart of the suit has nothing to do with interstate relations — like a border dispute or litigation over water rights. Nor does it have anything to do with fraud. Rather, Texas is arguing that coronavirus-related changes to election rules in each state violate the federal Constitution, never mind that most states (including Texas) made such changes this cycle.”


  1. Elections in various states, all of which Trump did not win, have been ongoing since the Great Orange realized he had lost the election. None of these have succeeded, because there is no evidence to back them up. Vague accusations of fraud, and misconduct by election officials count for nothing without evidence that can be shown a d proven.
    The idea that the Texas attorney general can bring a lawsuit against another state’s election is patently absurd. First of all, the TX AG has no standing in the case. He could sue himself and his own state’s election officials, but not Georgia”s, or Wisconsin”s, or Timbuktu’s. This is a fool’s errand that will go nowhere.
    Why Alaska would want to pile onto this crazy attempt to subvert a national election goes to show how silly this whole, stolen election clown show has become. It’s over. Attempts to subvert it by trying to hijack electors will fail. If they don’t, then we will have a real problem.
    Everybody take a deep breath, accept the inevitable, place your bets for 2024, and get on with it.
    Then ask yourself why Trump thinks fraud occurred only in those states he lost, and where many local Republicans won.

    • Greg, this election was ALREADY subverted, by all the mail-in ballot fraud, the systemic fraud in various swing-state cities in the middle of the night, and now by leftist activist judges, an openly fascist corporate media, and gullible and hyper-partisan useful idiots like you, all who refuse to examine or even consider the growing mountain of evidence of that fraud. If this election is not RIGHTED, and all the fraudulent ballots discounted, then you and your ilk have just invited Civil War II, and you and your ilk will bear the responsibility for it.

    • Greg did you actually finish high school? Dude, you need more secondary education. The down ballots didn’t need to be filled-out when the Democrats stuffed the boxes with only Joe Biden votes. That’s why Republicans won on the down ballots, which were “legally” cast. Republicans in US House picked up 15 seats. The avalanche of illegal Biden votes cared not who was on the down ballots. Think, next time before you print your idiotic bullsh*t. Back to high school for, bud.

    • You and the Democrats are starting to sweat, Greg.
      You know in your heart that Biden did not really win the national election, only massive fraud (appears to have) put him over the top. If there is any, ANY justice in this world, that massive election theft and treasonous crime will be overturned; if not, prepare for violence in the streets, and it won’t be BLM domestic terrorists and antifa soyboys this time.

    • It sounds like you’re getting scared, as you should be,, all your cowering behind these words you know you don’t believe and you know also, Amy has been waiting to thank your President properly.

    • There is more proof than the Russian Scandal! Video, affidavits, ballots missing, dead people voting, non-existing voters. All the lower courts have passed since its to big for them. It needs to go to the SCOTUS. There is no way anyone can believe that biden beat Trump. joey would be an illegitimated president voted by a computer program.

    • Hey, if you’re cool with deleting security measures in elections, why not just send your ballot to Russia next time? After all, even in Alaska, you no longer need a witness signature for absentee ballots because that might have disenfranchised TWO voters here. I mean, really, why did we bother having a witness in the first place? Obviously, this kind of election security is silly! Just let anyone in the world vote; no one would cheat! What are we thinking? No one would actually hack your computer if you turned off your firewall and anti-virus, either!

    • Greg:
      I am sure with your encyclopedic knowledge of law, you are aware that a sworn affidavit is in fact…. evidence!
      The Trump legal team has plenty of affidavits. Each and every one of them sworn, and carrying the threat of perjury if it is proven false.
      The stolen election clown show. Like the absolutely ridiculous Mulluer investigation? Three years of Russians stole the election for Trump, and you are calling this a clown show? Let’s see, the red flags that led to Russian collusion claims consisted of Facebook ads and a dossier paid for by the losing candidate.
      Red flags leading to claims of election fraud in this election: Statistically improbable vote tallies for a single candidate, more absentee ballots counted than were mailed out, hundreds of thousands of voters magically registered on election day, decades dead people requesting absentee ballots and voting, and the list goes on.
      Just because your candidate was the beneficiary of the anomalies does not mean fraud did not happen.

      • Greg, is not a smart man. He just borrows words and phrases of others and incohesively unites them. Joe Biden used to do this too, until he got nailed for plagerism. Meanwhile, dementia Biden is still trying to protect his corrupt, criminal son, Hunter. Joe being the man, gladly took his kickback from Hunter while digitally penetrating one of his staffers. This is the farcical man that Greg voted for. Comic relief for our effed-up times.

  2. Only five? What is the problem? Didn’t all of them swear an oath? Send the rest to Cuba. Don’t they have a clue as to the people that they are paid to represent? Enough is enough. Our rights have been kicked around way too much. Our grandparents are kicking in their graves. God bless America. You dumb idiots.

    • My guess: Most of them are looking forward to the next legislative session to figure out how they can fleece productive Alaskans to fund freebies for nonproductive Alaskans and raid the Permanent Fund in the process, all while forcing productive Alaskans to pay a progressive income tax to bolster the Permanent Fund so the free handouts and ridiculous spending don’t make a dent in its earning potential.

  3. WE all need to call the Governors office and or send a message urging him to get the AG in gear and join the Texas suit before the supreme Court…

    • It would only bring up the irony of the state of Alaska having to sue itself, for having been guilty of the exact same unconstitutional crimes. Again, due to politicized, activist and far-left judges, who think that they can legislate from the bench.

  4. Just sent a note to the Governor, as well as to my State legislators encouraging us to join TX’s lawsuit.
    The changes these states made to their election rules opened the door for fraud. Ignoring established law because COVID!!!!! is not acceptable. Ignoring signature requirement, postmark requirements, allowing the chain of custody to be broken. None of these measures were necessary, and all of them lay the foundation for fraud.
    Even if zero fraud actually exists, the rule of law must be respected. Just because there is a pandemic is no excuse to ignore the existing laws, or to change them without following due process. Something all the states named in the suit have done.

  5. Come on, Governor. Get with it! Now is the time for all Republicans who believe in freedom, liberty and fair/honest elections to come to the aid of their fellow Patriots. Don’t be a coward. Join this suit……..NOW.

  6. Don’t get your hopes up. Dunleavy has been useless since Mommy Giessel sent him to his room at the Wasilla Surrender.

    He’s been a political eunuch ever since.

  7. But you won’t join will you, little Mike? What a disappointment and an embarrassment you are, Mike Dunleavy.

  8. Mr. Dunleavy’s silence and inaction tell us everything we need to know about his appalling absence of anything resembling a backbone.

    We can surmise that he’s not truly a leftist but then we need to ponder whose retribution he’s afraid of. AFN? The public employees unions? Who else could he be so afraid of that he’s willing to shy away from taking a principled stand or any stand at all, for that matter?

  9. Send your request to Ed Sniffen at [email protected] – 17 other states have joined TX as of Dec. 9th – Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah & West Virginia. Alaska needs to join that list~! This is about ensuring Election Security, now and in the future.

  10. Big, tall man with no spine nor cojones. Pathetic. Kristine Noems and Ken Paxton stand 10 times taller than him.

  11. AWOL Mike……………………….always a day late and a dollar short. A Pathetic wretch of a faux conservative we have as Governor.

  12. Wait, I thought that the readers of Must Read Alaska stand for no-out-of-state interference in Election ? One should explain to me how the AG of one state filling against another state is not interference in the Election.
    My best guess, is that the Red-Republican motto is very alike the Communist one: Do as I told, not as I do!

  13. Alaska joining this Law suit may actually hurt the Texas Law suit as Alaska did the same thing that those 4 states did. We had a judge change our election Laws as well, when she decided to remove the “Witness Signature” mandate on absentee ballots. Judges do not have the power to do that, only Legislators. See Susan’s article from yesterday on “Election integrity lawsuits filed in District 27”.

  14. Perhaps the Governor is embarrassed that his administration didn’t take the outrageous opinion by the AK Supremes before the election that removed the witness signature requirement on absentees to federal court immediately. It’s still not too late to do so. Failure to do so should be considered dereliction of duty.

    I would expect all the Trump states to sign on to this lawsuit, as it is better to fight this out in court than on the battlefield. If they do, this would be expected vote for president should the whole mess get into the House to decide. Cheers –

  15. The height of hypocrisy? Or don’t we all recall that the AK Supreme Court decided that Alaskans did not need their ballots witnessed this election? Why isn’t AK on the list of states that Texas is challenging? The answer, of course, is that AK swung for Trump. This isn’t about the integrity of the election or anything close. It’s about sore losers and wanting to disenfranchise the voters that voted Trump out of office by 7 million votes.

    • Katherine, your logic is flawed.

      Texas is not challenging Alaska simply because it was not a “swing state” that (fraudulently) threw the (s)election to Biden. It is purely a matter of expediency, not hypocrisy. The fundamental legal issues still stand on their merits, with or without Alaska. But you are correct in that Texas and the other allied states SHOULD by rights be suing Alaska for the same unconstitutional weakening of voting security as well — and I hope that they do so.

    • How can you even say that when election integrity is gone? We don’t know who voted for who.

      And next election, when your candidate loses, are you going to feel he lost fairly if the election is easily frauded?

      It’s not about who won or lost for me. It’s about how we suddenly changed a lot of security measures “due to the pandemic.”

      Tell me, would you feel your computer was safer if you turned off your firewall and anti-virus because you needed to install an application “due to the pandemic”? Do you really believe no one would hack or infect your computer?

  16. Dunleavy,……..get on board. Back your fellow Republican governors and fight this Democrat corruption. You do know how to fight, don’t you?

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