Kenai lawmakers ask governor to join election lawsuit with Texas


Three Kenai Republicans have asked Gov. Mike Dunleavy to join in a lawsuit filed by the attorney general of Texas against four states — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin — over elections.

“Trustworthy elections are a cornerstone of our constitutional republic,” they wrote. “Recent action by our judicial branch, with the effect of allowing absentee ballots to be accepted without a witness signature, is contrary to state law. The judicial branch has no constitutional authority to change state law in this matter.”

Signed by Reps. Ben Carpenter, Sarah Vance, and Rep.-elect Ron Gillham, the letter asked the governor to direct Acting Attorney General Ed Sniffen to join in the Texas lawsuit.


    • ALASKA must join the Texas lawsuit! However, it will also mean that ALASKA elections must fully comply with Alaska law and the Alaska constitution. All precincts must operate under the same rules. Absentee ballots must comply with state law. Ballot harvesting can only happen when prescribed by law. Voting machines must not be on-line and also be forensically proven reliable. Under the circumstances of the widespread election fraud throughout our country during this election, Lieutenant Governor Meyer MUST make a declarative statement Alaska’s election was fair, accurate and in accordance with all laws and our constitution.

    • Exactly. While the Texas suit may help an audit of Dominion software, Alaska needs to void all mail-in ballots not verified. That is the only thing that is going to help us get back the results we had on Nov. 4th. All who voted have been disenfranchised by the court’s malfeasance.

    • Include Alaska? Texas didn’t require a witness signature. There were only six states this election cycle where either a witness or a notary were required.
      We appear to be grasping at anything at this point, its getting embarrassing.

      • Who decided that in Alaska you could vote WITHOUT ID and just using an electric bill? Who decided that there didn’t need to be any signature verification on mail in ballets?
        Our election laws were bypassed this election, regardless of who won our state that needs to be investigated!!

  1. There is NO downside to this. This should have been done this AM- but better late than never. We need 26 states signed on. Hell- the states in question should be suing the other ones!

  2. This needs to happen right away. States need to line up behind Texas. The media keeps saying “there is no evidence of rampant election fraud.” And that’s a carefully worded phrase for a reason. The truth is that there was targeted election fraud in specific counties of swing states. Corrupt democrat counties who knew they could use the new covid-19 election rules (or lack thereof) to manipulate their vote totals.

    That targeted election fraud has disenfranchised every state that voted for Trump and Governor Dunleavy must stand for the rights of Alaskans by joining Texas in the battle to save our nation – to prove our constitution still works.

  3. A tremendous idea. Alaska’s election, without legal interdiction, will change Alaska’s future, and not for the better. Excuses come out of the woodwork for why Alaska has 48,000+ more voters than are registered to vote in Alaska. Mail in voting, requiring no witnesses, with ‘mail in’ votes and electronic counting (Dominion?) changing Alaskan election procedure to a joke, making Alaska one of two states that actually have the ‘ranked vote’ leftist system. Before the ‘mail ins’ were received, ballot measure two was a failure. That must be coincidence with those few hundred thousand citizens who were hacked through the election system. Of course, those hacks didn’t change any votes.
    Join the lawsuit, Alaska. Watch the critters scurry.

  4. Unfortunately, this will do nothing to releave the situation here in Alaska. What our House reps should be doing is suing the state of Alaska for violating the Constitution, and by so doing, disenfranchised all who voted the proper way. When the Alaska Supreme Court ruled to allow mail-in ballots without verification, they violated one or more of the federal requirements for elections (i.e., equal protection, due process, and the Electors Clause) as well as state law.

    Using the COVID-19 pandemic as a justification, Ak Supreme Court violated state statute that establishes our House as the only entity responsible for law on elections, SCOTUS has ruled that the pandemic does not constitute a threat significant enough to warrant this violation. (after all, if folks can gather at Costco, they can stand in line to vote. or request an absentee the legal way).

    Either Alaska’s election needs to be nullified, or all unverified mail-in ballots rejected.

    This is soooo frustrating.

  5. Alaska should sign on to the Texas suit. Other red states should as well. Proud of our KP legislators!

    Alaska Division of Elections suit should be appealed to SCOTUS too.

  6. Yes, please do Governor Dunleavy.


    And hopefully develop a decent SCOTUS precedent to knock down these ridiculous unconstitutional lawsuits seeking to gut our election laws.

    • I Art, to which “ridiculous unconstitutional lawsuits” are you referring? From your comment, it is unclear whether you believe that all the loosened (corrupted) election laws that were put in place prior to the 2020 election were the problem, or that the CHALLENGES to all those loosened and corrupted laws are the problem.
      As things stand, though, this last election was rampantly corrupted and inherently illegitimate. That is the undeniable reality and truth.

      • Actually, there is no evidence that this election was corrupt at all. When allegations of fraud have been tracked down, they are either of such small consequence involving a couple of votes, inadvertent mistakes by voters, or figments of someone’s imagination.
        The fact remains, that there is no evidence that any of the accusations amount to even a tiny hill of votes. Certainly nothing to amount to the numbers our whining loser is alleging.
        But, there will always be those who believe whatever they want, no matter how strong the evidence against it.

    • Please Governor Dunleavy, Back the Texas suit. We the People of the United States and Alaska need to know our election process is valid, true and not influenced by anything outside of We the People’s will. Sign on to the Texas suit.

      Thank you KP legislators, thank you for taking the lead.

  7. Alaska changed its mail in ballot election rules for no signature verification. Joining this suit causes the the state to be trying to invalidate its own mail in ballots.

    Is this a wise use of state funds? (NO)

    What are these representatives thinking? There is a major budget deficit to worry about.

  8. We’ll need to send Mr. Dunleavy back to teaching or whatever else he wants to do with his life if he declines to do the right thing and join the suit immediately.

    He’s been a monumental disappointment in far too many critical matters thus far and we need to draw a line in the snow with him. Enough is enough.

  9. I agree! are we a red state, a pink state, or are we turning blue and becoming a new member of the left coast. Wake up Dunleavy and Kevin Meyers and support the majority, Please.

  10. These three need to stay tuned to the illegal activity of Alaska. Alaska is guilty of the same thing as those states. The Gov, Lt Gov, and Div of Elections had ample time after Justice Alito ruled the PA mail-in ballots must be separated out and not included until after the SCOTUS had a final ruling.

    AK allowed the AK Supreme Court to illegally change the election laws by ruling the mail-in ballots did not to be identify verified by a witness and removed the witness signature requirement established in law, allowing unwitnessed mail in ballots to be included.

    This is a a direct violation of the equal protection of those voting in person and having to verify their identity, and violates the US Constitution stating ONLY the State’s legislatures can make election laws.

    If anything Alaskans should be calling for an investigation of Juneau’s malfeasance, and removal of the activist judges on the AK court.
    Texas should have included Alaska in the law suit.

  11. Let’s hope our State Legislature is watching and possibly reviling from what has happened in our State Election over Ballot Measure 2. They should also urge Gov Dunleavy to join the Texas lawsuit. Then, someone should introduce a bill to rewrite what that lame-ass judge did in October. Then watch the Democrats start whining and crying about “racism and hatred” towards our Native population. We need strong voter laws and ones that cannot be arbitrarily changed by the Judicial Branch. If it is left to stand, kiss goodbye what freedoms we have and you can bet that there’ll never be a fair election held again in our state.

  12. Governor Dunleavy, Please do join in support fo the Texas AG’s suit. Now its the time to stand strong against the fraud and illegalities of the 2020 election!

  13. He was part of the crime here with Kevin Meyers and others, got them dead to right… info already given to Sydney Powell… look at your PFD application where they registered you to vote when you applied for YOUR MONEY, this is RICO Conspiracy… they will be going down.. can follow developments at

  14. What a bunch of nonsense. Alaska should be glad we are not being sued for our election. Lt. Governor Kevin Meyer should be ashamed of himself for letting such election malfeasance take place in our State. Governor Dunleavy’s silence and inaction regarding what is happening in our State elections is noted. Work to secure the vote Governor.

  15. Yes. Red States need to keep a united front. And, this will get to the US SCt. quickly. Moreover, it will reverse the idiots on the AK Supreme Court, who are all Left-wing Democrats/Marxists.
    The AK 2020 election was FRAUD!!! Lots of illigitimate Democrats in the Legislature because of absentee mail-in ballots.

  16. Seventeen states have joined Texas:
    Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia.

  17. Add Matsu as well Suzanne. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard and George Rausher sent a letter to the Gov as well.

  18. I will concede to allow others to voice their own opinions regarding voting. I on the other hand feel confident regardless of opinion. party that it is time for Trump to go. If republicans wanted to retain this form of government they should have had a backup runner rather than putting all eggs in one basket. Trump has caused nothing but problems since he set foot in the Whitehouse.

    He will never accept responsibility for the problems he has cause simply find excuses for what was his responsibility as an alleged president elect.I hope the governor has the good sense to stay out of the mess created by Trump. It is time for him to leave.

    • So, CL Jones, do you believe that your “feelings” that “Trump should go” override any and all electoral fraud? So just because ‘your side’ (supposedly) won, no matter how illegitimately, that’s it, case closed, and there is nothing further to look at or say?

      I am so utterly disgusted by those who are willing to condone ANY fraud, ANY theft, ANY cheating, ANY lies, ANY subversion of the law and the election system, as long as it gives them their preferred outcome. There are much, MUCH bigger issues here than “Orange Man Bad”, CL Jones, and I am sad and sorry that you are too blind and too short-sighted to see them. The corruption and theft of a national election should rightfully make EVERY American outraged and livid, regardless of their party or candidate preference.

  19. Trump is an outsider, the swamp has spoken!
    Fight for what is right or accept and be silent!
    Courageous people need to speak out!

  20. Our reps & governors should definitely join the fight against all this election fraud. It’s obviously reached Alaska! Too bad! President Trump has been treated so badly from the get go and he’s done so much for the American people.

  21. Well, it’s news to me that the signature requirement on mail in ballots was changed by the AK Supreme Court. (They are proving themselves over and over to be scofflaws!) I received an email from the state stating that the signature wasn’t required and thought it was a careless/reckless decision. But I made the mistake of assuming that the change had been lawfully made. This process sucked big time. All those mail in ballots without proper signatures (as required by AK law) need to be invalidated. That would include one from one of my own kids who voted while out of state.

    There is no doubt Trump won, and that the Democrats cheated massively. Trump has done great things for America, and the treasonous Democrats and RINOs wanted him out. For alternative news about election fraud evidence, check out Gateway Pundit and Citizen Free Press.

  22. CL Jones, President Trump has done a wonderful job of making America strong again, protecting unborn children, and standing independently of China’s bought-and-paid-for politicians. You want that sleaze ball Joe Biden and Commie Kamala Harris with all their Marxist friends in the White House? Why do you hate our country? If this fraudulent election is allowed to stand, our beautiful, FREE country will not recover.

  23. Other legislators are doing so as well. Some from Matsu have also requested. George Rauscher district 9 and Colleen Sullivan-Leonard district 7 have both drafted and sent a letter. Hopefully more will join in.

  24. Seriously folks. Alaska cannot join Texas in this suit. We would muck it up, since we did the same thing that those states Texas is suing did. We violated constitutional law with unverified mail in ballots. We need to be suing our own state for allowing leftist judges to legislate from the bench. We need to join with Lance Pruitt.

  25. Drop a note to the AG Sniffen as I did to join the lawsuit article today said Alaska is not so it cant hurt to ask they do..
    For good analysis of this election and vote issues I recommend Viva and Barnes law ytube and or Locals site, Barnes definitely involved for Trump.
    As well as Rich Baris Peoples Pundit ytube, perhaps the most accurate pollster in the country that can totally explain the fraud by the numbers and involved in various areas.

  26. I believe Robert Barnes would agree that the case is not enhanced by Alaska participation and may in fact hurt it.

    The fact is, our governor and legislature failed us, and as a result, our state is going to continue down the road of destruction initiated by lying, unethical, immoral, feckless politicians who lack integrity, such as Louise Stutes.

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