Tuckerman Babcock retires from Governor’s Office


Former Chief of Staff Tuckerman Babcock has retired from the Office of the Governor. He had been appointed chief of staff after Gov. Michael Dunleavy was first elected in November, 2018. In July, Gov. Dunleavy swapped him out for Ben Stevens, who had served as a senior policy adviser. While Stevens is now chief of staff, Babcock became the senior policy adviser.

Babcock was on a road trip today and out of cell phone range.

He had served as the chairman of the Alaska Republican Party and before that had spent several years at home raising his children. He earlier told Must Read Alaska that he looked forward to spending more time with his children and grandchildren, after many months of absence from their lives.

In his resignation letter, Babcock said he was grateful to have served and had every confidence the office was in good hands.

[Read: Tuckerman Babcock’s resignation letter here]

Leftists had the long knives out for Babcock, often calling him “Governor Babcock” and blaming him for much they didn’t like about the Dunleavy Administration.

As for his future plans, Babcock said he was delivering a car to his son out of state, and would return shortly to his home in Kenai. Some have speculated that he intends to run in the Republican primary against Rep. Gary Knopp, but Must Read Alaska is not able to confirm that he will … except that it has crossed his mind.


  1. I am far from a “leftie” and I totally agree that the vast amount of challenges Governor Dunleavy had came directly from the over inflated ego of Tuckerman Babcock.

        • Going to need a lot more. What does it take to be considered a Republican that is not a “Republican in Name Only?”

          • People like Knopp, Kopp, Giessel, Stevens,Stedman, Stutes. LeBon. All prime examples of RINOs in voting against the PFD, voting for inflated budgets, all voting with the Socialists.

          • Finally, we are getting somewhere, although it may not be to a good place. If payment of maximum PFD, a government handout, has become a mandatory Republican principle, then all conservatives are in trouble. I do appreciate the resource royalty distribution argument and also the notion we should follow the law. Those are understandable but do not, in the long run, rise to the level of a high conservative principle.

  2. Run, Tuckerman. RUN. Take out the Knoppster. Dunleavy will soon appoint another conservative to Laddie’s old House seat. You fellows will get this sorry legislature turned around yet. Luvin it!

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