Truth unmasked: GoFundMe site pops up to show other side of mask debate


Anchorage resident Bernadette Wilson has started a fundraising campaign to produce high-quality videos featuring local doctors who have concerns about an upcoming face mask mandate that Mayor Ethan Berkowitz has warned he will order.

Wilson said that the doctors who are willing to help with the message have already stuck their neck out during public testimony at the Anchorage Assembly meeting earlier this week. And she has a production team willing to turn around a few videos of about two minutes each.

She plans to raise at least $1,500 for the videos, and then purchase social media space and radio ads to educate the public about two main topics:

  • The alternative viewpoint that doctors have regarding masks for the general public, in the doctors’ own words.
  • The legal rights the public has regarding the mask mandate and how to proceed if you are denied service due to the mask mandate.

As of Thursday afternoon, her Truth Unmasked project had already raised $1,270.

Wilson was the recent organizer of the Open Anchorage rolling rally and the impromptu Memorial Day observance in Anchorage, after Mayor Ethan Berkowitz had cancelled the city-sponsored event.

She said any excess funds donated will be used to purchase radio ad time to get the messages out about legal rights for those who cannot wear masks.


    • You must be referring to Uncle Joe and his comment how 120 million people in the US have died from Kungflu. Same ilk.

        • All that matters is the rate, not the numbers. With widespread testing numbers will rise and the death rate fall. Of course for those desiring only to foment hysteria and control, facts will be manipulated to justify drastic dramatic actions.

  1. Great! I love seeing conservative activism.
    This lady is a great example of a can-do attitude for taking action.

  2. Oh please…. It’s the rate of hospitalizations and deaths, and not the rate of asymptomatic positives….. Get a snicker’s bar!

  3. What are you referring to by 5,000 a day? Because when I look at the DHSS stats website it shows that in the nearly four months they’ve been reporting only 816 people have tested positive. And that total of 816 people was from March 3 – June 24. And right now there are 1,200 people in the hospital for any reason in Alaska, but only 14 of those have Covid or are suspected of having Covid. So that means that only about 1% of people in the hospital have Covid. But there are lots of stats out there – I’m not sure what you mean by 5,000 a day?

  4. Are The limits in Alaska state constitution still in place that lists the only powers granted the state for a guaranteed republican form of government. As the states and US constitution limits its power legally. Suggestions are not statutory laws set in place by the Alaska legislature. How do you propose to fine or hold supposed violators accountable Berkowitz? Law of the land the general misconception is that any statue passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any Statute, to be valid must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as fallows: “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. Marburg vs. Madison, 5 US (Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

  5. Are the limits in the Alaska state constitution still in place that lists the only powers granted the state for a guaranteed republican form of government. As the states and US constitution limits it’s power legally.

    Suggestions are not statutory laws set in place by the Alaskan legislature. How do you propose to fine or hold supposed violators accountable.

    The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of the law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as fallows:

    “ALL laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void”. Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

  6. ‘Truth Unmasked’ UPDATE!

    We have done it. We hit our fundraising goal Alaska!
    Thank you – to each and everyone of you. You have all played a vital role and brought to life ‘Truth Unmasked’.

    Video production begins in the morning at 6 AM with the first recording. Once we have the final production ready, we will get it out on social media and again depend on each of you to help us spread them far and wide.

    We have also successfully raised almost $1000 more than our original goal. As stated in our initial request, these additional funds will be used towards purchasing radio ads.

    Thanks to one generous and well credentialed freedom loving Alaskan, the cost to produce the radio ads has been 100% donated. With my background in media, I have an idea as to where to place these so we will not be spending any additional money on an ad agency. This means that literally every single extra penny we raise will go directly towards straight air time.

    Tonight, we will begin story board ideas on the radio ad. Again, our focus will be education on the effectiveness of masks and your individual rights if you choose not to wear one.
    I will keep you all posted as to where and when our/ your radio ads will be playing once the buy is complete.

    This is about as grassroots of an effort as you can get – and I’m grateful to each of you for your role in making it all happen. Spread the word and we will purchase as much radio as people give money for!

    • You can do absolutely nothing if a business refuses to serve you for not wearing a mask. They have a right to keep themselves and their customers safe. You do not have a right to shop there.

      • If a business chooses to do so of their own free will, I have no problem with that. I don’t go to gun free zones and I would not enter a business that requires masks. This is not about businesses or people who make the personal choice to wear one. This is about a power grab and about liberals who are literally grabbing at every possible straw to take down this country and rebuild it as a socialist state. It has absolutely not one whit to do with public safety because this virus is not that dangerous.

  7. This is fine with me, either way. But now we are seeing an increase in the number of people having the disease in Alaska, and what disturbs me is that the federally funded – that is we taxpayers!! – Indian Health Service is unashamedly limiting its health care to one race. But at the same time the media preach to us that we are all in this together. Let’s start calling a spade a spade; what the Alaska Public Media, Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Anchorage Daily News, and especially so many Alaska elected officials apparently want is to have white people die as compensation for what we are told every day in so many ways is a history going back at least 2,000 years of white people taking advantage of everything else on the planet; conquering people, causing climate change, etc. Apparently the entire United States, including Alaska, is entering an era during which white people – however that is defined – have to begin looking out for themselves, and no one else. Alternatively, so-called white people can begin designating themselves anything but white so that the designation disappears. The media are driving a wedge between those identifying themselves as white and everyone else!

    • I went into a native clinic once to get a flu shot. A gay man said it would be $500. He didn’t know I was a native since I look white mostly. BTW, the current speaker of the house looks whiter than I am and claims native status from his predominantly Norwegian genes. Just saying. I walked out and got free flu shot at a pharmacy because I didn’t support the BBNC racism even though I am a native American. It’s all fubar but yeah, we still hate whitey for the loss of culture forced by early missionaries.

  8. Cany achieve “herd immunity” without positives..

    Those at risk should stay home. Sissies should stay in Florida! 🙂

    J/K Greg. Sort of.

  9. California has a law to wear masks at all times. And the COVID19 cases continues to rise in CA. If masks work to prevent the virus.then the rate should fall.
    Mayor Berkowitz is such a Demon!!!

  10. I agree with the comments regarding watch the number of hospitalizations. As testing becomes more common, we will find more folks with mild illness or even no symptoms. I agree that we need to protect those at high risk, but mandatory masking is not enforceable and is only some what effective in limiting spread. If worn correctly, then masking those that are symptomatic is a good idea. Cover your cough and sneeze, as well as keeping your distance is also effective. I believe we will all eventually be exposed. The whole point of all the measures was to avoid overwhelming the healthcare resources. We have plenty of hospital beds and ICU beds in AK and most projections don’t show this as a concern for us, even if we didn’t use any measures. Other states do have concerns, notably CA, TX, and FL.

  11. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, stay away from people. Masks MIGHT, COULD, MAY. POSSIBLY help if you social distance and wash your hands and don’t touch your face. If you stay away from others, and follow basic sanitary guidelines you don’t need a mask.

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