Trust the COVID vaccine? Alaska conservatives are more hesitant than most


Vice President Mike Pence received his COVID-19 vaccination on national television today, in what looked like an effort to calm the concerns of the Republican base that the vaccine is safe.

The Kaiser Family Foundation has been monitoring pubic attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccines, to find out how receptive Americans are to getting the vaccine.

In the KFF research, hesitancy among Republicans is at 42 percent, much higher than the national average.

The percentage of Americans who are receptive to the vaccine is growing. 71 percent say they will take the jab, compared to only 63 percent in a September survey that was conducted in partnership with ESPN.

About 27 percent of the general public remains hesitant, saying they either won’t get the vaccine if it’s available to them for free and considered safe by scientists.

The Must Read Alaska poll on Facebook is yielding a different result. Of the over 1,000 who took part in the MRAK poll in a 16-hour period, more than 850 said they do not trust the vaccine, while fewer than 60 said they do.

The MRAK poll is not scientific and the readership of the Must Read Alaska Facebook page leans Republican.

Nationally, vaccine hesitancy tends to reflect political leanings. In the KFF poll, of those ages 30-49, just 36% were hesitant to take the vaccine, and 35% of black adults said they definitely or probably would not get vaccinated. One third of those who say they are categorized as essential workers and 29 percent of those working in health care are also hesitant.


  1. Vice President taking his vaccine live on TV is a great PR stunt! This is a dangerous vaccine and I recommend that you research this information before you take a DNA altering bio weapon into your body. If you decide to take it I hope it works out for you.

    • You forgot about the chip they will sneak into your forehead and the infertility it will cause . Sarc.

      At least try to educate yourself about DNA and human cell structure

      • Wow. The UK Government actually excludes pregnant and breastfeeding women, women who might become pregnant in the next two months, and recommends “excluding pregnancy” (i.e. administering a pregnancy test) before administering the Vaccine to women of child bearing age because of the ABSENCE of data on fertility, pregnancy, and birth outcomes. The FDA here in the US routinely pretends that “lack of data” = “safety.” Our record on so many drugs deemed “safe” and later turning out to be a disaster speaks for itself. NO ONE should be pressured or coerced into participating in an experiment that VERY REALISTICALLY could have multigenerational life-altering impacts.

        • I think it makes sense to caution against taking the vaccine if you are pregnant because the vaccine was not tested on pregnant women.

          On the other hand, how do you account for the thousands of pregnant women who have lived through the wild virus while pregnant, with no reported complications in their pregnancies ?

    • Who know what the political elite are injecting into themselves could just be placebo. Remember Gerald Ford was injected with one flu vaccine in the 70s while the general public was given another that destroyed many lives.

    • …And due to Mike Pence’s age, he closer to being out the door anyway as well as he not looking to make anymore daughters. The man has nothing to lose! Hahahaha

      • that’s a pretty cold thing to say – I take it you are young. I would prefer to enjoy my life for as long as it lasts and hope that my older years are filled with joy and love from the younger generations. It is very unkind to find joy in someone, no matter who, being out the door.

    • Agree with Sheryl. It Charlie Bussell and Ken D are your typical vegetables; believing all the spoon-fed propaganda.

    • Sheryl, why do you insist on believing things that are demonstrably false, and not in your best interest?

      Do you actually know anything about what you are taking about, or are you just parroting what you read on Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart, etc.?

      You do yourself a disservice in believing you can outsmart science, and that you know “better”. Unfortunately, you may not understand that until the ventilator is rolled into your room.

      • Whidbey, once again, spoken like the self-righteous and arrogant leftist elitist.
        Let us ask you: why do you insist on believing propaganda from an establishment that has proven itself over and over again to be self-serving and untrustworthy?
        Do you actually know anything yourself of what you are talking about, or are you just parroting what you read and hear on CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and the New York Times?
        You do yourself a disservice in believing that you can trust and believe so-called “experts” who frequently have their own agendas, and who most often do NOT have your own best interests at heart — that is, when they are not outright malevolent, as we so more and more often.

        • Jefferson, I believe in medical science and the scientists who have devoted their entire intellects and lives to curing disease and healing people using the scientific method.

          I do not believe those who have devoted their lives and careers to preaching false things they don’t actually believe, and who do it only for the sake of notoriety and money – Fox, Breitbart, OAN, QAnon, and sometimes Must Read Alaska.

          Happily, Darwin’s Theory will eventually reduce their numbers.

        • It’s in everybody’s best interest for the coronavirus to be tamed, rich and poor alike. It’s irrational to think there’s a cabal of elites and scientists out to get you. ?

          • Rooster, your first statement just proves how utterly clueless and naive you really are. Have you NEVER heard, and understood, the phrase “Never let a good crisis go to waste”? Which is simply a more modern version of the famous old quote “War is the health of the state”.

            In other words, learn some history, grow up, and stop believing in Santa Claus already.

    • Not DNA. Messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid) stimulates and activates the immune system to produce the antibodies which directly combat the pathogens. The bio weapon, of which you speak, is the coronavirus itself and it’s growing number of new strains which may eventually prove to be resistant to the vaxx.

      • This virus is already mutating. Whether the Moderna or Pfizer vaxx can immunize against the new strains remains to be seen. If not, 2021 and 2022 are going to be more of the same. Thank you, China, for your great contributions to mankind.

      • The relatively few anaphylactic reactions to the vaxx are probably caused by the lipids contained in the MRNA, a component in the vaccine. @

    • I too wonder what The Vice President received in that injection. Was it the vaccine or maybe it was a harmless B12 shot?

  2. The fear-mongering about this vaccine is almost as ridiculous as the fear-mongering about the disease… This Republican will be taking the shot – because of the fears of my friends and neighbors, and because I travel. I am very curious about side-effects – and will enter into this armed with s much knowledge as can be gathered – KNOWLEDGE, not fantasies.

  3. Creepy Uncle Sam wants to control your every move, put you out of work, stick you with a needle, and leave you with a trillion $ more of tax burden, …because he cares about you.

  4. It’s sad because the media hypes it up. When the first vaccines were given in the UK and some people had an adverse reaction they focused solely on that outcome. The same goes in the US. The first adverse reaction is all over the news. Flu shots have adverse reactions to a few people but nothing is said Media Crickets. Who cares if you’re Republican or Democrat — you either take it or you don’t…..Freedom of choice!!

      • And by exactly what standards do you determine and define “real information”, Mike? Everything and anything which the power establishment tells you? I suspect that that is very much the case.
        It is so sad nowadays to see supposedly intelligent and ‘educated’ adults who have all the naivete and gullibility, and the lack of critical thinking abilities, of a small child.

    • Alaskans should beware! Just today, Friday, a nurse at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital took the Pfizer vaxx and went into anaphylactic shock. It took her into the Emergency Department and a shot of epinephrine to bring her out of shock. That makes three Alaska health care workers sickened by the vaxx. If you get the vaxx, stay close to the ER.

      • Marla, as a retired Paramedic, I am very aware of the treatment. What I find encouraging as well is that something kicked off the reaction. Now, that has been put into the body and still there, so if it was such that the body was rejecting via the anaphylactic response, the, agent is still there so the epi and benadryl would only reverse for a short period of time.
        From what we are hearing, all three back on their feet in short time. I haven’t heard about the first, last I saw was under observation the next day. I’m sure if that person was still having issues or had died we would have heard by now.
        So, am I worried? Nope.

      • An allergic reaction is not being sickened by the vax. There is an ingredient in the vaccination that is a known allergen. It is there as a stabilizer, and if you are allergic to it, you should be prepared for it. Having an epipen nearby is a good health care move.

  5. Just an observation from listening to Mike Porcaro’s show the other day when Dr Bruce Kiessling was on with him. Kiessling stated he won’t be getting the vaccine because its NOT recommended if you’ve had COVID-19 within the last 90 days. So that begs the question. Unless we get tested, and tested with the antibody test too, we have NO IDEA, if we’ve got/had COVID within the last 90 days. Therefore, WHAT are the issues that may arise?

  6. Latest information for vets that read this. Once we get the Moderna FDA go ahead, the VA will get an unknown amount for Alaska. From the Director the the VA in Anchorage, this will most likely be given hopefully this upcoming week. The VA will make decisions on priority within a week, maybe two.
    So, for those vets that want the vaccine, like my wife and I do, we may be getting the opportunity within the next week to 2 weeks. Personally, can’t come soon enough. All that I have found out, even though I normally don’t wear a mask, I will soon be burning mine within a week after my last shot, hopefully in mid or late January.
    For those that don’t want the vaccine, that is up to you. Your freedom is yours and to hell with the mandates of the socialists that have done all they can to deny our freedoms. For me my freedom to choose is right there with you that choose not to. All I ask is the courtesy that I give you.

  7. Here in Juneau we made national news with one our nurses becoming very ill once she received the vaccine. I hear there is a second. I have a strong feeling there are more of these cases but that the media is staying mum about it. When I saw the article in a fake news outlet telling us we all must get the vaccine I knew something was up. I will never take this vaccine. Like everything else with COVID, the cure is worse than the disease.

  8. Let’s get serious:
    Vaccine development is faster because of something very simple: TECHNOLOGY.

    In 2000 you could not call on your Iphone. It did not exist!! Now you have Iphone 12. (technology)
    Advances in technology affect ALL fields of endeavor, including medical research.

    Myth: COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA
    The vaccines do not alter DNA, the Mayo Clinic said.
    Vaccine front-runners Pfizer and Moderna use messenger RNA technology that triggers your cells to create a protein. That protein then triggers an immune response, according to the CDC.
    Messenger RNA does not interact with your DNA at all. In fact. mRNA is broken down by cells in the body after it follows its instructions.

    • Herb,
      You have your facts mixed up. RNA is the ‘messenger’ that transmits the DNA signals and distributes them to the appropriate cells with instructions from the DNA to the cells. If the RNA is interfered with or compromised, like wuhan v does, counterfeit messages or no messages are transmitted to the cells, inducing them to not perform necessary functions, and in fact, changing functions of the cells, not as sent by DNA, like changing orders for red blood cells to deliver oxygen and pick up waste (carbon dioxide, monoxide). RNA refusing to order red blood cells to pick up waste is what leads to organ failure. Death follows. Do a little research.

  9. You can die first or sterilize yourself or child before I ever get that experimental vaccine. I rather listen to AmericasFrontlineDoctors . com the ones whose Hydrochloriquine video was pulled from big tech after a millions views.
    Most will be fine without the vaccine, but try telling that to the millions who are living in fear to a virus with a 99% survival rate unless fear takes yourself to the hospital and they stick you on a ventilator. Hahahaha

  10. Doesn’t anyone wonder about all the celebrities and ‘influential’ people getting jabbed on live tv? Ever heard of saline? Sleight of hand/needle? U.K. is putting ‘resuscitation’ units at all their ‘inoculation centers’. Too many people having severe reactions to the vaccine. Sound like something you want to try? How about the reaction between the flu shot and the vaccine? Is it really deadly? You still have to wear a mask and ‘social’ distance, even if you have the vaccine. The vaccinators still don’t know if the vaccine will keep you from contracting the disease or how sick you will get if you do. They say you can still spread it. Oh, and the vaccinators have liability immunity. A different kind of “vaccine”, available only to a select few.

    • There are a bunch of placebo shots in the mix as-is, only a select few know who gets them, they’re controlled by lot number as part of the double blind study that is supposed to run through winter 2021. Someone like Mike Pence or Joe Biden would have zero issue getting the placebo for PR purposes on camera. A Nurse in Texas however, would have to try that bad sleight of hand nonsense, and that does nothing to aid their cause, they should hire professional PR people.

      • Joe Geldhof
        Propaganda specialist. Vaccine pusher. Leftist. Why don’t you get your “vaccine” and tell everyone how it works out? close to four thousand severe reactions now and rising. At least five in Alaska. Where is the news there? Major medical centers suspending the jabs due to ‘side’ effects and uncertainty. If the first one doesn’t work out, the second could kill you. Fool should come into your description but I am too polite.

        • One more item Joe. CDC has stopped reporting any flu fatalities. Now they are all wuhan v. Gunshot deaths in Colorado are now wuhan v. Most every fatality in America is now “wuhan v”. Get a grip and do a little research before trying to talk more people into the “vaccine”. Get yours first.

  11. They won’t give this administration any credit for getting the vaccine to the public this quickly but as soon as someone has a lethal reaction to it –
    BAM! – Trump’s fault.

  12. I love the cartoon at the top of the article. “Not So Much” should be the party motto. I would be fine with that. Both the party elite and the average GOP voter can get behind that statement. For the rank and file it means “Not so much.. taxation.. regulation.. government intrusion..”

    For the political class it means “Not so much.. courage.. integrity.. guts.. backbone..”

    So see, there you go. The little caption in the cartoon for the front of this article really sums up the party well.

  13. Remember the 1976 “Swine flu” epidemic? The vaccine for that one caused Guillaine-Barre Syndrome in some recipients – a not-insignificant side effect. We have every right to be cautious about vaccines, especially brand new ones that are developed at “warp speed.”

    • I remember the 1976 Swine Flu very well. I was serving in the Marine Corps at the time and President Ford ordered everyone in the military to get the vaccination. I was fine, until I get vaccinated. I ended up getting Swine Flu, along with 20,000 other active duty military members. The Swine Flu epidemic of 1976 was self-inflicted.

      As a result of the botched Swine Flu vaccination in 1976, I refuse to get any influenza vaccinations, and that includes the vaccination for COVID-19.

  14. When the Government fast tracked the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 they botched it.
    The Government cannot be trusted. My first instinct is they are lying to us.
    Take a look back in history.

  15. Using RNA to reprogram your DNA to make a spike protein sounds an awful lot like the sort of changes that result in cancer. Not to mention the danger of autoimmune disorders when your body is manufacturing this spike protein and your immune system begins to attack it. One done, it cannot be undone. Biggest human experimentation program in history.

    • That is Fake News from anti-vaxxers. Here is truth from the Mayo Clinic

      Myth: COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA
      The vaccines do not alter DNA, the Mayo Clinic said.
      Vaccine front-runners Pfizer and Moderna use messenger RNA technology that triggers your cells to create a protein. That protein then triggers an immune response, according to the CDC.
      Messenger RNA does not interact with your DNA at all. In fact. mRNA is broken down by cells in the body after it follows its instructions.

  16. Mike Pence just got one shot of a series of two. The first will knock you flat. The second one in two weeks which you must return for, will be worse than the first. This is coming from the CDC. I don’t buy into vaccines ever, especially this one. Read the inserts for it. Your most likely going to see some scary ingredients just as with the flu shot. Just a couple days ago a headline read how an Alaska Healthcare person had a bad allergic reaction to it, as well as others in Britain. If you think this thing is gonna save you, or give you extra privileges over the rest of us that choose to not put poison in our bodies, good luck with that. We know nothing about vaccines other than what we are spoon fed by the CDC. Do your research and read those inserts and ask what the ingredients it may contain. You will be very surprised.
    I will be just saying no to all of it!

  17. This is probably just the beginning. Wait till this vaccine has more time to wreak havoc in more people as the supplies grow. No way I’m taking this. I recovered from COVID in an afternoon so I will take my chances with it, much safer.

  18. I’m going to use the democrat excuse of “my body, my choice” and pass on this because billy gates’s idea of eugenics is pretty scary and I cannot trust him.

  19. PERSPECTIVE: This comment from the Ketchikan woman who had a reaction.
    Please drop the anti-vaxxer and fear mongering rhetoric.

    Despite her reaction, the employee, who officials wrote in the release prefers to maintain her privacy, still recommends people get vaccinated.

    “I would get the vaccine and recommend it to anyone, despite my reaction, to help our country get immunized which is needed for the health of all Americans, for the economy, get families hugging again, for getting children back to schools, and to get the country on the other side of this pandemic,” she wrote. “I’ve seen firsthand the suffering and death of COVID patients, and my adverse reaction to the vaccine pales to what COVID infection can do to people.”

  20. Question for Epidemiologists

    I am no epidemiologist, but I do have a question for epidemiologists on why they all recommended continuing lockdowns after the virus “broke out” last March. I understand the initial idea that was to “flatten the curve” to avoid overtaxing health facilities.

    However, once it was obvious the projected crisis in acute care wasn’t happening it still was almost universally recommended by health officials to continue the lockdowns to “contain” the virus, which now seems to be spreading no matter what governments do. This, by the way, is what we are told is the spreading pattern of most viruses in the past.

    Now here is where an average person’s logic comes into play. Apparently we know that viruses in general don’t do well in the warmer months for a variety of reasons. Logic would seem to indicate that the best time to have a “surge” in the virus would be in the warmer months of the year, instead of the fall and early winter, the worst months of the year, not only for this Covid-19 virus, but for all the other aliments with which humans do worse in cold weather.

    Why then did our “experts” recommend a policy that would temporarily delay the virus spread (and resulting “surge”) until the worse time of the year as we are seeing now? Had we not “locked down” everyone this spring and summer, might not the “surge” have happened then when humans are best able to deal with it thus allowing the natural “group Immunity” desired to progress?

    Just asking.

  21. As to this so called issue of sterility with this vaccine. One, where is the proof first off? But what is even more important as to this so called “issue” is that us 65 and older are not worried about that issue! Now, if and when all of us mature citizens get the vaccine, no adverse effects and if people still believe in t;his, maybe by that time it will be scientifically refuted. You, the young have the time to decide what you want to do, us mature citizens may not.

  22. Even FORD & GM are saying they will not force workers to be vaccinated…why, B/C this whole plandemic has been nothing more than a cash cow for bankrupt hospitals.
    Now the CDC, Big Pharma and Big Brother are working “lockstep” to maximize profits for vaccine manufacturing shareholders.
    Most vaccines take around 7 years of full R&D until they are used on the public…somehow this one flew through ALL the regulation hoops in 7 months.

  23. For those interested in facts, in Alaska we’ve now had 5 people with severe reactions to this vaccine, that’s more than everywhere else combined as far as I can find. Now there are reports of “extra” vaccine in each vial only here in Alaska, if they are that sloppy with the measurements how are we to trust any of it?
    I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I get my flu shot every year. This vaccine is rushed and we do not have enough information to make me comfortable getting it yet.

  24. Anecdotally, I took the vaccine on Thursday and have not experienced any side effects. I look forward to the liberation from this pandemic and contributing to the reopening of our economy and society. Sure there is a very small risk, but it is manageable and is the right thing to do. 310,000+ fellow citizens unnecessarily dead and no one has died in the development or in the administration of the vaccine.

    • “310,000+ fellow citizens unnecessarily dead “, what did they die from? The Wuhan did not kill them, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, COPD, etc, is what killed them. PROVE that 310K people died from the Wuhan, I will be waiting. You have been successfully programed by the government and media to do exactly what they tell you and to believe everything they tell you without question.

    • Mark, the average age of those supposedly dying from the Wuhan Flu is 81, and so it is very likely that the large if not overwhelming majority of them were people who were going to die anyway. The statistical lack of any large excess deaths in this and other countries this year only bears that fact out.
      Face it: you and the many others who are cowering in fear from this so-called pandemic are simply the REAL victims of it, and of a corporate-media-driven fearmongering campaign.

      • Excess deaths have shown a large increase in this state (and probably every other state), nationwide, and in every country impacted by covid. To suggest otherwise is either sheer ignorance or simply willful ignorance.

  25. Not only is this a rushed tested vaccine, it’s the first time an RNA type vaccine has ever been used on humans. Double guinea pig..

  26. In 1962, when I was 5 years old, we had 5 vaccine doses, OPV, smallpox, and DIP. In 1983 we had 24 vaccine doses. In 2019 we had 72 doses by the time a child reached 18 years old. The U.S. gives MORE VACCINES than most developed countries! Does anyone have a problem with this? Add the fact that drug companies have been granted immunity from all vaccine damage lawsuits should give one pause.

  27. Mark, I’m happy you’re so pleased with yourself, but don’t think for one minute that you’re free to live your life as before. Haven’t you heard? Now leftists are saying that you cannot go about freely as before, in spite of taking the COVID vaccine. You will still have to mask up and distance yourself from others and basically continue to live without your natural born freedoms as an American born citizen!

  28. AND(!!!) … From statistics, the death rate in AK is less than 1% if you catch the virus, meaning that the survivor rate is more than 99%. Maybe (most likely) the vaccine improves the survivor rate, especially for the folks more susceptible and/or for those with a higher exposure rate? Certainly, with these favorable odds, a free and open society should be allowed to open up and allow for folks ‘ businesses to apply self-determination, freedom, rigor, discipline, strategy and ingenuity to adapt – overcome – prevail from this devastating lockdown.
    Lockdowns, shutdowns, quarantines are not the solution. Rather, they are a very destructive problem that doesn’t improve the situation.

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