Trump to nominate Josh Kindred to US District Court

Josh Kindred portrait

President Donald Trump has chosen Joshua Kindred as the new U.S. District Court judge for Alaska. The White House made the announcement today.

Kindred, a former attorney for the Alaska Oil and Gas Association (AOGA), is an Anchorage attorney for the Department of the Interior. He served as an Assistant District Attorney and Violent Unit Supervisor for the State of Alaska. Upon graduation from law school at Willamette University College of Law, Kindred clerked for Chief Justice Paul DeMuniz of the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon.

He is married to Tali Birch Kindred, the daughter of the late State Sen. Chris Birch and Pam Birch.

Kindred’s nomination must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate, but he already has the support of both Alaska senators:

“I congratulate Joshua on being nominated to serve on the federal bench for the District of Alaska,” said Sen. Dan Sullivan. “With his extensive criminal and trial experience, combined with a deep understanding of Alaska and Alaska-centric federal laws that are so important to our state, like the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), I am confident he will be an exceptional jurist who will faithfully apply the law and uphold the Constitution.”

“Congratulations to Joshua on this nomination. We are proud of his continued dedication and willingness to serve Alaska and Alaskans,” said Sen. Lisa Murkowski. “Joshua, a homegrown Alaskan, has an array of experience in both public and private practice, including in criminal and civil litigation and natural resource law. The balance of working in both public and private practice gives him a well-rounded background for understanding all sides of the court process. This experience will serve him, and Alaskans, well.”

Jon Katchen, an Anchorage attorney, had earlier been named to the post but withdrew his nomination.


  1. I look forward to Judge Kindred issuing a bunch of nation-wide injunctions that will make the Left apoplectic with rage.

  2. No any judge can do it, it’s just that those leftist judges don’t have a problem with shelling out wrong decisions going to be overturned in the Supreme Court. Conservative judges like to do it right the first time.

    • Attorney General Barr has argued that the practice harms the nation in two respects: First it inhibits the ability of federal circuit courts to potentially adjudicate cases that reach different results. Such conflicts give rise to decisions of the US Supreme Court resolving the conflicts. Second, the injunctions tend to preclude action by Congress to set new policy. The stage is set for the Supreme Court to set forth new and stronger legal rules on nation-wide injunctions. We will see if Chief Justice Roberts has the courage to bring order to the chaos.

      • I don’t have a lot of faith that it will happen. Something’s happened to our justice system, our county in the last 10 years. I have to say it started with Obama. When the anointed one didn’t pay up, folks got angry, and here we are. Hillary played a big role in it. She knows where the bodies are buried, so nobody will role up on her. Kind of like J Edgar Hoover.

  3. Just wondering out loud if this is intended to curtail his wife’s budding political career or not. A recent review of the APOC site shows that she’s intending to be a candidate in next year’s elections.

  4. It will never happen. Remember when she ran against Trump, she had to be flown home every night so that she could be plugged into whatever baby blood antibodies crap that she was needing so that she could function the next day. Remember when they shoved her into that van air shoes fell off and they said it was heat exhaustion? This chick is on her last leg and can’t muster up a full fledg campaign but she enjoys the attention. It’s just so amazing to me that people have such a short memory and they forget when she was first lady of Arkansas when troopers were assigned to bodyguard her and she said Afters one of them said good morning I don’t have to talk to these shitkickers. And then they did the Whitewater scam, and all the cover up stories and payoffs from Bill raping people well she ran down the victims, and the mysterious murders / suicides in DC. Then the whole cover up of Benghazi while he let soldiers die, and let’s also talk about the two billion dollars that went missing after she left the state department and also the millions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars that went missing after Bill was in charge of the Haitian relief fund. There is so much dirt on the clintons play it would make Al Capone blush. And yet the American people 50% of our population treat her like a goddess. You want to know what’s wrong with our country that right there is what’s wrong with our country. Where did our morals go where did I citizenship go and where did our patriotism go?

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