In an effort to reassert the constitutional rights of American citizens, President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Friday directing federal agencies to review all regulations and policies that may have infringed upon Second Amendment rights since former President Joe Biden took office in January, 2021.
The executive order, unveiled at the White House, focuses on the fundamental role the Second Amendment plays in preserving liberty and security.
“The Second Amendment is an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty. It has preserved the right of the American people to protect ourselves, our families, and our freedoms since the founding of our great Nation. Because it is foundational to maintaining all other rights held by Americans, the right to keep and bear arms must not be infringed,” said Trump, who survived two assassination attempts in the last year, but remains committed to constitutional protections.
Under his directive, Attorney General Pam Bondi has 30 days to conduct an extensive review of all executive actions, regulations, and agreements enacted between January 2021 and January 2025 that could potentially impede Americans’ right to bear arms. Attorney General Bondi will then present a proposed plan of action to the President, in coordination with the Domestic Policy Advisor.
As part of this review, key areas of focus will include:
- Presidential and agency actions that may have restricted Second Amendment rights.
- Department of Justice and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regulations affecting firearms and Federal Firearms Licensees.
- The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention’s reports and policies.
- The U.S. government’s legal positions in ongoing and potential litigation related to gun rights.
- Agency policies on firearm and ammunition classifications.
- The efficiency of federal processing for firearm-related applications, including manufacturing, transfer, and export licenses.
Once Bondi submits the proposed plan, the domestic policy advisor will work closely with the Department of Justice to finalize and implement measures to reinforce Second Amendment protections, which would be a likely rollback of regulations implemented under the Biden Administration and a return to constitutional boundaries on government interference with the public’s right to bear arms.
And within three weeks!!! The past four years were not spent in “Woe is Me” mentality by this Fellow for sure. It becoming closer to the point when we say, “Well, that was wonderful, now what are you going to do for us??” I mean, this broom is sweeping cleaner than a starving Hoover!!
Cheers, Johnson-Ketchikan
Unbelievable! It’s like Trump has pulled out the garden hose and is flushing all the crud and dog turds produced be Lets-go-Brandon into the gutter and down the sewer. A president who actually believes in a Second Amendment. And a First Amendment. Please, someone pinch me and tell me this isn’t a dream.
I feel the same way, Rollo. And I was never a huge Trump fan in the first place.
Let’s just hope that this pro-freedom and anti-deep-state momentum continues, and builds.
Sounds great, but don’t forget — he wanted to implement “Red Flag Laws” in his 1st term. Also, the INFRINGEMENTS began long before Biden. Furthermore, there is no such thing as “reasonable” federal gun control laws. Unfortunately, there could be, by the states. Remember, the misnamed “Bill of Rights” should be re-named “Bill of Limitations on Federal Power.” The states did not clone these limitations in their state constitutions for redundancy. They did it to protect their citizens from STATE infringements. Alaskans, in this regard, are free, but some states have repealed their constitutional gun rights: Cal, Minn, NJ, MD, NY. The SCOTUS says that home protection supersedes the lack of protection in those states, but cites the wrong reason. It ought to be a Natural Law right, NOT a constitutional right. Our rights come from God, not from the U.S. Constitution.
I’m sure he learned alot after he was shot twice..Having those experiences, I’m sure he had to come to terms with a few past “ideal ideas” gone by the wayside..Remember..there’s nothing like EXPERIENCES that changes previous ideas.
MAGA, one step at a time to undo the damage Biden has put into this great country. now, lets conduct an investigation into the Biden’s family as far as our dependency on foreign oil. Just how much did they have invested in foreign oil.
Oh, and lets let men be men and women be women again.
Just read Minnesota (Tampon Tim’s domain) plans to ignore President Trump’s EO banning XY gender make-believers from women’s sports. Not sure they are thinking clearly as federal funding still pays for a lot of their education budget.
ATF is a joke that’s not funny. Get rid of it altogether.
Add to this by keeping the banking sector out. Several domestic manufacturers were having trouble under Biden being able to receive proper banking services.
I am going to totally enjoy surfing on the wave of liberal tears this causes.
What a great sound bite, be specific on what President Biden did to restrict people’s gun rights in the USA? You can’t name them, other than a whole lot of MAGA Supporters lost their rights when they were convicted felons, but now that 47 has pardoned them they are no longer restricted.
You’re just sour as your boy lost the election and adults are in charge.
You have no idea what freedom is or means.
What they,specifically did, was closing down FFL dealer for absurd paperwork violations under a “zero tolerance” policy. Things like k swing periods were considered grounds for license revocation and business closure.
How about the Office of Gun Violence Prevention? Did not exist until Biden needed to find reasons to restrict law abiding and responsible citizens ability to own guns. That is a start
Then there is the “bipartisan Safer Communities Act” which did nothing to make the communities, but did make it significantly more difficult for the law abiding to own guns.
Trying to change the definition of someone who is engaged in the business of selling and manufacturing guns to require anyone selling a gun to have a FFL, even if it’s only one gun, and between people who know each other.
Destroy the privacy of FFLs by publicly releasing inspection reports.
Implementing Extreme Risk Safety Orders (Red flag laws). That would allow the police to confiscate guns from a law abiding individual because someone, anyone lodged a complaint. (without any requirement to validate the complaint.)
Make manufacturers responsible of a minor sees an ad and subsequently desires a gun.
Had the ATF try to redefine “machine gun” in their regulations to severely limit legal guns. (Got shot down by the courts)
Had the ATF try to redefine “short barrel rifle” to make any pistol capable of fitting an arm brace into a SBR.
And, that is only part of it.
Now, your response will be “that is not restricting rights” or “it will only impact criminals” or some other dismissive statement. Before you post any response along those lines, replace the word “gun” with the word “abortion” and see if you still feel the same way about your response.
Good article CBMTTek.
If the left really wanted to cut down gun violence they should have put some real penalties on gun illegal gun use
You use a gun in a crime 20 years no possible parole
You shoot somebody with a gun and even if you wound them, it’s life in prison without parole.
We have tried to be nice approach and slapped the wrist and let him back out of jail and that hasn’t worked for the last 20 years. Let’s try going the other way and put some stiff penalties out there and I’ll bet gun violence would go down.
Seriously, run for office!
Here’s another bit of 2A news that most of the media has been avoiding (or obfuscating) recently regarding the unconstitutionality of the federal ban on machine gun possession:
also covered here:
Love this Trump effect!!!?????
They should start also by going after the anti-gun activists that have volunteered (employed) for the DNC … David Hogg, anyone?
See where the money has gone in that circle of fiends … I’m sure it’s found its way in the pockets of those ill-advised attackers of the 2A … just saying … USAID has given so much money to all causes …
Just another political stunt by Orange Man. Why only the past four years? Why not all? How many MAGA folks are incapable of questioning anything this guy does? Some of you history buffs that post here are pretty smart, so consider this. The first gun control law we had was when people in Massachusetts were required to bring their gun to church. The revolutionary war started when the government tried to confiscate the colonists’ cannons. Before the name calling begins, I’ll just say that I don’t carry due to my religious beliefs, so I’m not personally affected by most of this, but I don’t think it’s any of my business what the rest of you want to carry.
So what has ‘Orange Man’ done that offends you? Sounds like he is re-establishing some freedoms guaranteed under the Second Amendment that the cretans in the Biden regime ‘took away’. You have misplaced outrage.
Just another right correcting a wrong.
You don’t need a gun until you do.
If a bear attacked you some way to defend yourself would be nice maybe you could throw rocks at it.
I carry BECAUSE of my religious beliefs. I believe in personal responsibility. I believe in not depending upon government for my safety. I believe in shooting straight and speaking the truth. You’re right, it’s no one’s business what we carry and where, exactly as the Bill of Rights recognizes.
Why the last four years?
Because, aside from the bump stock ban, President Trump’s first term was very 2nd Amendment friendly. And, the administration before that? Most of that damage was repaired.
But, for all time… I agree. The government’s position on the various gun control acts should get examined. However, because it is already law, that cannot be reviewed using a EO.
Dear Natural “Alaskan” (we know you are not Alaskan)
I personally do not want to own a gun. That is my personal choice. I want to keep it my personal choice. I do not want any government to make that choice for me especially since it’s a right.
PS, please don’t bring up Abortion. It’s not a right.
Here’s a question for MRAK management: Does MRAK allow firearms (concealed or otherwise) to be carried in their offices? If YES, there’s a chance you will regret it someday. If NO, why not? Let’s test your commitment to the 2A. Be honest.
Tick the box for us all to see.
Here’s a question you, dog: Do you care if US citizens have a right to carry firearms (concealed or otherwise)? If YES, then you have a working brain. If NO, you don’t have a working brain.
The paranoia that leads one to carry is in and of itself evidence of a predisposition towards anti-social, aberrant, and dangerous behavior.
Why do you call it paranoia?
Am I firephobic because I have an extinguisher in my kitchen?
When I change from summer to winter tires, what would you call that?
And, do you actually know anyone who carries? I bet you do, and you would likely not call them anti-social, aberrant, and dangerous.
In fact, look up how many concealed carry permit holders have been charged with any violent offenses. No, the number is not zero, but it is an extremely low percentage of the overall population carrying.
Sorry dog, your assumption is not backed up by reality.
I’m 68 and have never felt any need whatsoever to carry, except when out in bear country.
I pity the poor people who walk around so paranoid and maladjusted that they feel the need to pack. Maybe they don’t feel very manly, and the gun helps to puff them up a bit? I don’t know…
Yes, some of us don’t feel manly. – sd
So, you are paranoid about bears? If you are so sure nothing bad will happen that might place you in a situation where you have to defend yourself, why carry out in the wild?
Pity whomever you like. That is your problem. However, do not project your personal issues onto others. Carrying anything, regardless of what it is, is a personal choice. Ridiculing someone for that choice is below you.
And, you carry out in bear country…
You better stop that immediately, because “…there’s a chance you will regret it someday.”
One more thing.
I am sure you meet/see plenty of other people carrying a gun out in bear country. I am assuming, because you carry, that you trust them to be responsible.
So, why doesn’t that trust extend to the city?
If you are trustworthy to carry in bear country, I assume you are equally trustworthy to carry around the city. I am curious why you feel the opposite? That suddenly, when someone is in an area with paved streets and man made structures, they are one small step away from becoming a mass murderer.
That is your choice (as it is mine) to not own or carry a gun.
Key word is: choice.
PS, please stick to the topic if you respond at all.
Great reply but dog just chases cars.
Here’s a question for WhidbeyTheDog:
Does Whidbey ever drive a car, or fly, or go hiking, or go bicycling, or drink alcohol, or eat meat, or walk on the ice in the winter, or walk under trees, or go where moose or bears may be present, or go skiing, or take a shower, or climb a ladder, or use power tools, or use knives, or use electrical devices, or exercise, or use salt, or eat grapes, or pet dogs?
If YES, there’s a chance that you will regret it someday.
I never said that I didn’t have guns, or that I was against the Second Amendment.
What I am against is:
1) Gun worship and gun culture,
2) The lack of basic control and safety measures for them such as we have for automobiles, 3) Unlicensed concealed carry where far too many people are carrying that shouldn’t be,
4) The glorification of guns,
5) The gun industry marketing them in a manner that instills a sense of Rambo-like machismo in people, especially men,
6) The NRA and their despicable politicization of gun rights that fly in the face of common sense, evidence, and reason,
7) The use of guns as political and religious symbols intended to offend, inflame, and intimidate,
8) People who carry, hankering for someone to Make Their Day,
9) Excessively-paranoid people who have been convinced that a gun is the key to their security, and
10) The sum total of all of the above that results in massacres such as Sandy Hook, MSD, Virginia Tech, Vegas, and scores of other horrific shootings.
I own guns. I shoot guns. Control them. Regulate me.
What constitutes “glorification” and “worship” in your mind?
Serious question. I am very interested to know where that line is crossed. Why is it your ownership and use of guns is not glorification and worship, but mine is?
From reading your list it is abundantly clear that you have a problem with people, not a problem with an inanimate object.
Whidbey, I can only assume that means you are scared to answer my question.
Busy with higher-value activities such as real life, sorry.
Suzanne is busy with other high value activities as well.
I can only assume you are afraid to answer.
Dog; what you’ve just confessed is that you have no self control at all. You confessed that you are an impulsive, irrational person. This tells me you need to be locked up away from everyone else who can show self control.
You want the government to control every aspect of everyone elses lives. There is a single word that describes that…
I take risks as they are a part of life, but I don’t take those that are unnecessary. And carrying a gun definitely increases the chance that something bad will happen to you. Avoid.
“And carrying a gun definitely increases the chance that something bad will happen to you.”
Can you provide some information to back that up? Some actual data please.
And, another question unanswered from Whidbey.
Again, it must mean he is scared to answer. Or, at least that is his assessment of others.
Absent a metal detector or pat down, how would you know someone is carrying?
The chances are much greater that a person will regret not having a gun than having a gun. That is both common sense and wide experience, personal experience too!
Ohh… there is a chance they will regret it someday.
What about letting strangers into the office? There is a chance one of them may have a communicable disease, say AIDS or tuberculosis?
Does anyone on the staff of MRAK drive? They might regret that someday as well.
Might is what a child uses as a basis for an argument. It means nothing. Here, let’s build on that. A few places to explore:
Find out what percentage of licensed concealed carry people commit violent crimes. Compare that percentage to the population of AK. Give us an idea of how many people “might” cause Suzanne to regret the choice to allow concealed carry.
Find out about (it will be an estimate) the percentage of the AK population that does not have a license, but concealed carries anyway. (Yes, AK does not require a permit). Compare that to a guesstimate of how many people go into the MRAK offices every day. Give us a probability of the odds of Suzanne regretting her decision.
Compare the probability of getting shot versus dying because of medical mistakes. Then compare those risks for the MRAK staff, and let us know how likely they are to “regret” their decision.
You know… don’t bother. I suspect actually presenting an adult argument is too much work.
Wow you are wasting your life on this website.
Just want to be in the club with the cool kids.
We in Anchorage and in other Alaskan places, we’ve had instances where wild animals have entered different buildings, curious as they are, frightened, they could charge or do harm to people around. Also we need to understand our homeless roaming wherever they please, are unpredictable to what they WILL do.. so if you’re not prepared to defend yourself..The police or wildlife personnel takes time to arrive. Due to the homeless situation, many have not thought about carrying, but now realize they may need to for protection.
Your silence says it all, MRAK. You don’t allow guns on your publication’s premises because they create unnecessary danger. But you can’t print that in these pages, can you?
You sort of heard it here folks. MRAK preaches one way, and practices another.
Does it, now. – sd
How do you know why anyone makes any choice? Can you read Suzanne’s mind? You know what motivates her to make a decision about her office?
I know what I heard on MRAK. I heard whidbey making baseless claims about Suzanne. That is all I know with any level of certainty.
And, silence says…nothing. Not a darned thing.
You drawing a conclusion from silence says a lot. About you. And not much of it is good.
The first amendment states we are all granted the right to express ourselves freely.
Remaining silent is also a form of expression.
Just because someone does not want to reply to your hate filled, ignorant a– does not automatically imply any sort of wrong doing or guilt.
Please admit you just live to assume and blame everyone else for your lack of self control
More winning! The Biden interregnum fades, and is now an awful dream. President Trump has returned to the Oval Office with a much better understanding of the deep state and of its principal, corrupt actors. His Act 2 housecleaning work is more vigorous and better focused than before. I am, naturally, elated. Carry on, President Trump!
Someday soon your ox will be gored.
Our ox was gored down to the bones over the past four years under the illegitimate usurper’s regime.
Biden won, and you know it. Get over it.
And Trump has won.
Get over it.
Biden was installed via massive voting fraud, and you know it.
Own it. Suck on it. Embrace the coup.
No rebuttal from me. Against stupidity even the gods contend in vain.
The Bill of Rights doesn’t grant anyone rights. Our founders believed those rights were granted by our creator. The Bill of Rights was written as a restriction on our government.
Well Whidbey Thedog , I have carried a gun most of my adult life. I and others are alive today because of that. I have no patients for those that would disarm the American people, because of their irrational fear. Remember bright eyes when you have seconds to live police and fire are only minutes away, if you can even call them. Remember, that over a million times a year Americans stop Crimes with a GUN!
Now Dog you want to take risk that is your choice. You do not get to make others take those risk. AND IF MRAK does or does not have a sign is completely meaningless. Signs have NEVER stopped an active shooter. They have helped a nut job shooter select a location to shoot up!
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