President Trump on Monday said a 25% tariff on all products from Mexico and Canada until the invasion of illegal aliens invasion is stopped and the flow of deadly fentanyl into the United States is ended.
More than 15 million illegal aliens – most of them military-age males – have come through the open border since Joe Biden became president and relaxed border policies in 2021. The number of illegal immigrant men of fighting age now inside U.S. borders outnumbers the enlisted men in the U.S. military.
The fentanyl crisis, according to a congressional study, costs the United States a record of nearly $1.5 trillion in 2020, up 37% from 2017.
The mainstream media pounded on Trump’s tariff statement, saying tariffs will raise prices on everything:
New York Times: Trump Plans Tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China That Could Cripple Trade
Washington Post: Mexico and Canada push back against Trump’s tariff threats
USA Today: Trump’s tariffs on Mexico and Canada could raise the prices of these goods
BBC: Trump threatens China, Mexico and Canada with new tariffs
CNN: Trump ups the ante on tariffs, vowing massive taxes
Trump is delivering on a promise to Americans that he will do everything to stop the invasion, starting Day One. He said both Mexico and Canada have the power to stop the illegal alien invasion and the tariff will remain in place until the tsunami of deadly Fentanyl and illegals is curbed. Trump said he would add an additional 10% tariff to Chinese goods, most of which already have a tariff that he imposed during his first term, which President Biden did not remove.
Here’s what the mainstream media is not explaining:
The federal government spent over $66 billion on illegal immigrants in 2023 alone, not including what states, counties, and cities spent last year, or the pass-through funds given to nonprofit organizations working with illegal immigrants.
From testimony by Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, before a congressional committee in January:
“The current surge of illegal immigration is unprecedented. Some 2.7 million inadmissible aliens have been released into the country by the administration since January 2021. There have also been 1.5 million “got-aways” — individuals observed entering illegally but not stopped. Visa overstays also seem to have hit a record in FY 2022.
“We preliminarily estimate that the illegal immigrant population grew to 12.8 million by October of 2023, up 2.6 million since January 2021, when the president took office. This is the net increase in the illegal population based on monthly Census Bureau data, not the number of new arrivals.
“Using the National Academies’ estimate of immigrants’ net fiscal impact by education level, we estimate that the lifetime fiscal drain (taxes paid minus costs) for each illegal immigrant is about $68,000, although this estimate comes with some caveats.”
Read the full Camarota testimony here.
Since Biden took office in January of 2021, over 54,366 pounds of fentanyl have been intercepted crossing American borders— more than enough fentanyl to kill the entire human population on the planet. Yet federal officials estimate they are only intercepting 5-10% of what is being smuggled across the border. Much of that fentanyl is coming from China, through Mexico.
According to a congressional study, the cost of the fentanyl epidemic was $1.5 trillion in 2020. The report can be read here.
Alejandro Mayorkas.
In other comments, I have opposed prosecution of members of the outgoing regime.
I can think of one very large exception. Alejandro Mayorkas. The degree of gaslighting and number of lies that he has conveyed when testifying before Congress is off the scale. I can think of no one in the outgoing federal government more deserving of prosecution.
I can think of quite a few more that have abused the department of Justice. How would you feel if they came out for you with faults charges and locked you up for 43 or four years before they take you to trial?
There’s a lot of people that have created trees and against United States need to be taken to justice.
Overnight, most things imported from Canada, Mexico and China will go up in price. Building the wall didn’t stop the drugs from coming in.
Claiming that he was going to make Mexico pay for the cost of the wall was a lie.
We have the most powerful military in the world and the best technology in the world, and yet he’s going to help the American people by hurting the american people. This makes no sense. I know he’s mad at all those countries and he wants to get even with them. Hurting the american taxpayers isn’t the way to do it. Trump needs to be lowering prices, not raising them. The man doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s deranged and flies by the seat of his pants. What he needs is a swift kick in his pants. He thinks he’s a gangster, but in reality, he’s just another bully.
Ok Forkner…..ya must be looking in the mirror when saying “The man doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s deranged and flies by the seat of his pants. What he needs is a swift kick in his pants. He thinks he’s a gangster, but in reality, he’s just another bully”. LOL, if nothing else, you are very funny!
That’s my job.
Lol, sit back and watch like we watched Joe and Kamala destroy.
“He’s Deranged and flys by the seat of his pants”. Really!! Please go into detail how all this makes him a Gangster??? Sorry I’m sure your really wanted Biden in there didn’t you? No, people like you who do not read anything other than rag news or really understand what is going on are the problem.
It’s gonna take TIME to undo what your Lord Idiot Biden did to us. GO TRUMP!!!
You’re kinda late to this party, so I will explain to you. Hopefully, just one time I didn’t have a dog in this fight. No one was qualified to be my president.
Greg, you are silly.
The President of Mexico announced she will stop the arrival of caravans at the southern border almost immediately after Trump announced his tariff plan.
Additionally, tariffs will impel businesses to bring their manufacturing back into the U. S., which is an overall, longterm strategy to strengthen the U. S. economy.
Nothing will bring prices down overnight.
We will feel the pinch more than most once our taxes shoot up under LaFrance’s bloated budget, the Assembly’s gift of port tariffs being passed on to their playthings (us), and the minimum wage increase fools voted for. But, I’m certain that despite these three things, Trump will be blamed. Because.
Wrong. She said the drugs are our problem and will tariff us in retaliation. Try again.
Oh… she will tariff us in retaliation!
Does that nitwit understand exactly how much the Mexico economy is reliant on imports from the US? Compared to US importing from Mexico?
The US will damage her economy at about a 35:1 ratio. Go ahead, impose a 1,000% tariff on goods from the US, I dare you. The US economy will not even notice it.
Going to miss my guacamole.
Boom. Try something other than CNN.
Every time I am so wasteful of my time and read your rants, I am forced to ponder “how is it he arrived at this point in life leading a life of fear and gullibility?”
Have you ever, and I mean ever, negotiated a contract before? Have you even ever been in an open-air market anywhere? Ever???
Not that I trust anyone completely or have absolute faith in anybody, but there’s a few issues here that you’re either unaware of or blissfully ignoring.
One, you don’t start a negotiation telling the other what price or result you’ll settle for. Nice guys DON’T win. Sorry if mommy told you different.
Two, both Canada and Mexico have strictures that affect American law enforcement efforts regarding any cross-border issue. I know this on a professional level and beyond that, anyone with eyes to read, an open mind, and beyond a third grade reading level there is information available.
Three, it is an absolute truism that however effective the PRC is at eliminating the freedom of the press, of speech, and of religion, they have somehow been unable or unwilling to prevent fentanyl precursors and other illicit products leaving their borders for final use in the USA. Think Opium Wars in reverse, they literally have no moral quandary about it.
Sorry Greg, Americans hired him to work for the USA …and what good is it to have economic power and flexibility if you’re scared of being one of those meanie meanie bullies.
Obama was quite the bully also, except he was more articulate and a media favorite…he only bullied people’s that the media could convince deserved it… so it wasn’t “bullying.”
When you had conflict as a younger child, did you ever not go to a teacher or mommy to resolve your conflicts for you? Sorry, standing up for yourself isn’t bullying.
Look, whatever keeps you coming back here
Do I have to spell it out?
Greg you need to remember George Bernard Shaw quote “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.” Keep in mind this person believes Trump has never bent the truth. Has never told a lie. Don’t waste your time with this joker.
Yeah, but every time somebody posts on one of my threads, an angel gets his wings.So I’ll keep on for a while.
Good luck, I have a healthy supply of skepticism and a classic liberal arts education….and at this point you’ve barely demonstrated third grade language arts.
Allow me to assist…the President of Mexico and the Premier of Canada have already reacted to something someone said, a mere someone who has not assumed office and without any more authority than any common man.
That, is a great place to start negotiations.
Canada’s and Mexico’s economies are more frail than our economy, they both have less flexibility, and far more to lose…at most, some Americans may be discomfited, Mexico and Canada will both “give” something to avoid poverty.
It is good to remind them of these realities.
Remember what DeGaulle said about France, friends, and interests?
Squishy, it’s called leverage.. and the return of American manufacturing. Feyntenal was not coming across like is now under djt first term. You been in shady pines too long
Never once heard a word from Forkner when Joe and Kamala engineered this disaster.
That should tell you all you need to know about his background.
He suddenly becomes the “expert” on what Trump needs and is?
Squishy is a jack of all trades, expert in none.
You don’t get to old age by being stupid son.
Building the wall….
Wait… what wall?
The wall that Trump wanted, but the democrats shot down every time? That wall? The one he had to divert military/DOD funds to finally get something done in the last days of his administration? That wall?
The wall that never actually got built to sufficient length to actually be effective?
But, ignore all that. Just let your hatred for Trump flow. Feel the energy, feel the power. Yes… that is it.
Feel the force Luke. The wall that Trump was going to make the Mexicans pay for. Is there another?
Uhhh duh tarrifs pay for will pay for the rest if the wall. Shady Pines you have a member with illegal access to the internet again.
Oh, so the wall that Trump said he would get Mexico to pay for that Congress stopped every time? That wall?
Is there another?
No, that one.
I believe Trump had full control for his first year or 2 of first presidency. That was the time to get things done but all he managed was a tax cut for the wealthy. Expect the same this round. He had a chance to pay down the debt but flushed it down the toilet, just like he did with his numerous failed businesses. But hey he’s a family man so we’ll let that slide.
Responding on just a single point. After reading about Russia’s Oreshnik missile system, I have even more doubt about the United States having “the most powerful military in the world”. As of right now, the West has NO answer for the Oreshnik system.
Too often Americans suffer from the conceit that Russia and Putin are unintelligent and unsophisticated. This is a mistake. Americans tend to underestimate our adversaries. Many people die from such errors.
We have things you can’t even dream about for 50 years. Star trek, star wars….been there done that.
Sounds more like projection than reality there Greg.
You wanna know what is really hurting the common taxpayer? Yeah that’s right, the past century of our own government. May take a hint and realize that Trump is helping turn the power back to We The People. We elected him to do a job and he is doing the will of the people.
Perhaps you have been living it good under the current system, but not everyone has and most of us lower end tax payers would like to be relieved of some of the burden of funding those who produce nothing and take everything.
Yes, there will be some changes and struggles for those who can’t adapt to a better American, but I assure you, the best is yet to come.
I think you completely missed it all. You are so wrong it’s unbelievable. Nobody is perfect, certainly not Trump. But he understands the needs of Americans as individuals and the nation as a whole and, he knows better than most how the world really works as well as how dangerous it is. Keeping that danger from our shores requires some major changes, not the usuall same old two party stupidity. Don’t be a fool, wake up!
I know this guy we can just call “”greg”
He has a pretty big problem, we can call “TDS” syndrome!
He is burdened, by what is unburdened & can be called a burden, if it is unburdened by his burden!
We will go on to burden his unburdeness by unburden his big big burden of TDS big unburden!
And to conclude “greg” is definitely unburdened!
A swift kick in the pants can sure fix “gregs” burden!
Might be more effective than prunes.
Am I wrong to think that what the legacy media is really concerned about is Homan and the Border Patrol cutting off the flow of illegal and undocumented children?
It’s not hurting me Greg. I can live without Chinese junk. And as for Canada what do they produce we actually need ? Build it in America. Of course you like supporting child labor in China don’t you Greg.
The landfills are overflowing with the Chinese junk that is flowing into America like an open sewage pit but at someone seems to like it….hint number one…He has rampant TDS.
Call it what you wish. I’m good with it.
Well first of all Chinese junk is not allowed on federal projects. I know, I’m in that business. Canada produces large amounts of lumber which our dear enviormentalists have worked so hard to shut down in the US since the 70s. Lived that one in Montana growing up. I reject your logic with facts.
Filling up with kelly tshibaka lightsabers.
Forkner, you should actually read the article before commenting, this time pay attention to the context. Seek to understand why the tariffs will be levied. Understand which borders these illegal aliens and their drugs are coming across. Understand what is the all in cost of this problem in the long term not the short term.
I did.
Blue state governors and blue city mayors:
Prepare to go to jail if you hide the illegals from Trump. It’s a New Day in America on January 21, 2025.
Greg: and overnight plus one… American companies will begin the process of manufacturing or growing those items in the USA using American labor….you know, the thing that made this country great.
I see not one thing wrong with buying American, NOT ONE THING.
Nope as long as they don’t price themselves out of work which is what always happens.
But, you support minimum wage increases. Which, increase the cost of doing business in the US.
Tell us how the companies are pricing themselves out of work, when people like you petition the government to increase their cost of doing business?
It’s a vicious cycle. Barter system?
You’re 100% wrong. What was the last banner year for the US? 2019. Trump had things figured out and we were on the move. The world elite had to hit us with Covid to put a stop to it. We need out manufacturing back, we import everything. Short term pain for some long term gain. Hurting the American people?? Have you been in an American large city lately? It’s an out of this world zombie apocalypse.
This is so unbelievably stupid. But not shocking. Trump wants the world leaders to kneel before him. He’s happy to bankrupt our nation to achieve that goal.
Hope y’all like paying more for things, because that’s our future.
And hey, wasn’t MRAK griping about tariffs levied on goods coming into Alaska because prices would go up? Oh, irony.
Hate to break this to you, Bill Northman, but the politicians have been bankrupt in this country for the last many years. You’re quick to blame Trump and he’s not even in there yet. What about the last regime or the Obama regime they didn’t help us to the poor house? You just have TDS real bad. They have a fix for that. It’s called move out of the country.
I blame them all actually. The last president to balance the budget was Clinton. Trump was one of the worst spenders during his first tenure. But when the guy for the party of balanced budgets takes such a stupid approach to economic policy, a policy even worse than Bidenomics, I’m gonna call BS.
I won’t just go along with whatever Orange Jesus says, as those with TDS seem to do.
I watched a YouTube video of game cam footage from the U.S. side of the Arizona border of repeated squads of unmarked camo uniformed, unarmed young men in patrol formation sneaking through the border like special forces spooks. I know that they obtain weapons after arrival via stolen gun fencing operators (I’ve had guns stolen in California, and as they get recovered by police, I get the police reports) or straw purchases.
Millions of these guys in the country? No problem? We’ll see, ’cause they’re definitely here………
Don’t worry all the Trump branded products that are produced in China will tariff exempt. Tariffs will be paid by the citizens of the USA when they purchase goods, not by the manufacturing country. The GOP used to encourage businesses to manufacture over seas as labor costs, environmental protections, and worker protections were lower thus increasing their profit margin. Now MAGA wants to complain about companies manufacturing over seas. If you want to stop illegal immigration into this country arrest those who employ the illegals and deport them right along with the illegal immigrants. Go after those who come into the country on a student visa and then don’t leave. Trump wants to make the bogey man those coming across the border illegally but the issue is much greater. Trump will soon lose interest in the job and go and start golfing at his clubs to help generate revenue for his failing businesses.
Trump wants to deport illegals who have committed crimes. The illegals that have murdered our citizens (mostly young women in their teens and early 20’s) have extensive rap sheets so take care of the problem early. Then we can attack the drug running which is killing thousands.
Why do brainwashed fools keep bringing up golfing as if it is a bad thing? You all could do with a little more exercise in your life. Golf is not only exercise and fresh air, but it also exercises the mind and is a great venue for conversation and relationship building/maintaining.
But it is apparent the brainwashed fools of the left don’t have any idea how to exercise the mind as made apparent by the brainless and tired talking points that are regurgitated from their echo chambers.
It is good for you to see, Alaskans for freedom, that the majority of the American people have seen the damages that the leftists have done with the country with their WOKE ideology and we are now marching towards a return to sanity.
You can lay off with your steam rolling and gas lighting. The American people have made their choice and you (like the rest of us did for the last 4 years) shall deal with it.
We are taking our country back and are making and keeping America great. Either you can help out, or shut up and get the heck out of the way. We will not take you hold us back from greatness anymore. Your suffering shall be your own. The rest of us have work to do!
While campaigning to be president, Trump declared in August 2016: “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf”. The reality is that he drives around in his golf cart, gets very little exercise, bills the US Taxpayers exorbitant rates to rent golf carts and rooms at his clubs.
Trump whined the entire time after losing the 2020 election, and MAGA did everything in their power to destroy Biden with lies. How many of his supporters lost almost everything, Rudy’s whining he can’t even pay any bills for spreading his lies. A Trump appointed judge ruled against him.
Trump’s next 4 years will be worse than his first 4. The economy will take a big hit, people will be without jobs, people will lose homes but the wealthy will thrive. Luckily I’m financially secure so that I can ride out his tenure.
Conflating immigration, drugs and tax policy will create chaos and inflation. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.
Put that to a catchy beat Frank. You could have a number one hit!
Too many lsd trips in the 60s ftank?
You watched reefer madness one too many times I think.
It’s like none of you have never cracked a history book but, yea you’re sure sticking it to the libs to get raped financially.
If anyone’s wanting to get an idea of what’s going to happen, read up on the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930.
Buckle up buckaroo’s 😀
Yep. Gonna get what they deserve I think.
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