Trump says he will announce running mate at GOP convention, four days after scheduled sentencing


Former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, said he will reveal his choice for his vice president running mate during the Republican National Convention, which is set for July 15-18 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Trump, in an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw, disclosed his plan, saying, “I can’t yet, but we have some very good people,” he said in response to Dr. Phil’s question about whether he would tell him the name of his running mate. “I’m going to do it in the convention,” which occurs four days after a New York judge is planning to sentence him for his guilty verdicts regrind 34 felony counts. A New York law, passed specifically to ensnare Trump retroactively, makes falsifying business records in the first degree (with intent) a Class E felony with a maximum sentence of four years in prison for each count. Although unlikely, the judge could sentence him to prison immediately, and by doing so, force him to miss convention.


  1. If Mark Robinson wasn’t running for governor of North Carolina, a Trump/Robinson ticket would kick *ss.

  2. I am quite certain it will be the “honorable” Senator Lisa Murkowski from the great state of Alaska.

    • Another first …….a vice-president goes missing while visiting the White House. Good movie plot.

  3. “the vice president has the sole power to break a tie vote in the Senate and formally presides over the receiving and counting of electoral ballots cast in presidential elections.”


    If you received the email from Donald Trump, he is asking who should be the VP – not by name.

    When and/or if you receive this important survey-base your answers on the constitutional definition of the actual purpose of the Vice President role.

    Embrace that historical definition with today’s living history.

    The beautiful thing about the founding fathers vision of the U.S. Constitution is that it was made to evolve as we do as a united country of human civilization – above all. For all. By all.

    The singular purpose owner of the Vice President of the United States is the protect the privacy of citizens voting preferences as a human right and to the preserve the power of lawful citizens that have a vote.

    I am an Alaska Native Woman. My family have roots here dating back thousands of years.

    And my family only been able to be vote recently- in the grand scheme of the outsiders things.

    Having said all that.

    As an indigenous person-I do not support the importation by another paternalistic assimilation seeking self-serving group of people using the desperation of humans and actively trafficking for the purpose of party politics.

    Regardless of who the stupid-head of state that we are stuck with choosing between- we have to pay more attention then we ever have in our country’s history to who will be the Vice-President.

  4. Tulsi Gabbard would be an interesting choice to expand reach; or, giving deference to XX, Kristi Noem might work better for securing conservatives.

    On the XY front, I like Tim Scott. I think Governor Ron has too much work to do where he is.

    We’ll all know soon enough, but we do enjoy conjecture, don’t we….

  5. Sen. Rubio is part of the Deep State and changes course at the literal drop of a dime. Let’s not forget Rubio is a card-carrying member of the “Gang of Eight” who wanted massive immigration, and amnesty. Best choices are Vivek Ramaswamy, JD Vance, or Dr. Ben Carson. JD Vance is at the top of my list. Let’s remember, whoever is chosen must be the most likely to carry MAGA forward. Rubio is not that individual as a career politician.

  6. JFK jr, on the very date he was Vince Fostered, 25 years later (July 16th, 1999).
    Otherwise it will be Flynn ; < )

  7. Anybody who uses the words “liberty” and “freedom” every time they are in front of a camera.

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