Trump says convention must be moved from Charlotte



President Donald Trump today sent a message out on Twitter that he wants the Republican National Convention moved from Charlotte, N.C. because Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, has made it impossible to have a normal convention.

Trump wrote that Cooper was “not allowing us to occupy the arena as originally anticipated and promised.“

Cooper earlier in the day had rejected the Republican plan for a convention in Charlotte, and told party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniels that the only way the event could take place was with certain health protocols in place, to include social distancing.

“The people of North Carolina do not know what the status of COVID-19 will be in August, so planning for a scaled-down convention with fewer people, social distancing and face coverings is a necessity,” Cooper wrote in his letter to the Republican National Committee.

“With the Nation, the State of North Carolina and the City of Charlotte still under states of emergency it’s important to conduct the RNC convention accordingly. As much as we want the conditions surrounding COVID-19 to be favorable enough for you to hold the Convention you describe in late August, it is very unlikely. Neither public health officials nor I will risk the health nd safety of North Carolinians by providing the guarantee you seek.”

The City of Charlotte, however, rattled its saber at the Republicans, today writing that it has a contact in place: “We have a contract in place with the RNC to host the convention and the City Attorney will be in contact with the attorneys for the RNC to understand their full intentions.”

The RNC has spent millions of dollars to prepare for its convention in Charlotte. Now, the party is likely to have to forfeit everything it has spent and may end up in a lawsuit with the city.

Gov. Cooper marched around the Governors Mansion on Monday in solidarity with protesters.

On Monday, Cooper left his governor’s mansion and joined protesters in walking around the block with them in a show of solidarity. He was observed waving at people and had his mask removed from his face, ignoring his own protocols for social distancing and allowing thousands to crowd into the streets of cities during protest marches.

The search is on for another venue, with Las Vegas, Nevada, and Jacksonville or Tampa Florida mentioned as possible runners up.


  1. How about Anchorage? We have lots of room and a decent governor. We could use the Economic shot in the arm.

  2. In 2 or 3 weeks there are either gonna be a bunch of Democrat protestors and looters dead from Covid-19, or it will be clear to the whole world that social distancing was not as critical as Democrats told us. Either way, its a good thing….!

    • Uncle Pete, I have watched very little news coverage of the ” protests” except for one quick segment which depicted people expressing their right of free speech in a Target Store. These good folks were quickly running in and out of the store packing off everything not nailed to the floor. Only a few were wearing masks and it appeared that Social Distancing was not being practiced.

  3. Sorry Alaska ain’t gonna happen. We have some of the most strict rules for incoming visitors in the nation. Can’t imagine that changing just for a small economic and political boost.

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