Trump outlines IVF, abortion stance after court rulings: On the side of ‘miracle of life’



Former President Donald Trump laid out his stance on abortion and in vitro fertilization (IVF) Monday after recent major court cases reshaped the landscape on both those issues.

In a video posted online, Trump expressed support for IVF and said abortion laws should be handled by the states.

“Under my leadership, the Republican party will always support the creation of strong, thriving and healthy American families,” Trump said. “We want to make it easier for mothers and families to have babies, not harder. That includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like IVF in every state in America.”

Trump’s support comes after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled in February that embryos should be treated as children, creating major questions about the future and legality of IVF.

IVF usually works by creating embryos outside the womb and then implanting them within the womb. Often, because of the failure rate of those implantations, those seeking IVF treatment will create many more embryos than they expect to have as children. Later, if a couple decides to stop trying to have children, the remaining embryos are either donated or destroyed, but destroying them could have been illegal under the new ruling.

In response, Alabama lawmakers passed a law in March providing criminal and civil immunity to IVF clinics that destroy or damage embryos. 

“Today, I’m pleased that the Alabama legislature has acted very quickly and passed legislation that preserves the availability of IVF in Alabama,” Trump said. “The Republican party should always be on the side of the miracle of life and the side of mothers, fathers, their beautiful babies, and that’s what we are.”

Trump went on to say he has continued to receive questions about his stance on abortion since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, something he took credit for in the video. He said whatever states decide will be the final say.

“It must be remembered that the Democrats are the radicals on this one because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month,” Trump said. “The concept of having an abortion in the later months and even execution after birth, and that’s exactly what it is, the baby is born, and the baby is executed after birth, is unacceptable and almost everyone agrees with that.”

The stance is a major strategic decision for Trump, as President Joe Biden and Democrats have repeatedly used the abortion issue to rally their base after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the nationwide abortion legalization allowed Roe v. Wade and sent the issue back to the states.

“Like Ronald Reagan, I am strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother,” he added.

Abortion has been a significant electoral issue for decades, but the overturning of Roe v. Wade significantly increased its importance. Under the Supreme Court’s ruling, states can decide their own abortion laws.

During his State of the Union Address, Biden made a point of this and claimed he would rally women to his side in November on this issue.

“Clearly those bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade have no clue about the power of women,” Biden said in his State of the Union remarks. “But they found out. When reproductive freedom was on the ballot, we won in 2022 and 2023, and we will win again in 2024. If you – if you, the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again.” 


  1. Mister big time Catholic Joe Biden. His own words are his ticket to Hell. May the Lord have Mercy on his Sorry Ass Soul.

  2. Realistically it’s the only sane stance.

    There is never gonna be a one size fits all position on abortion. So doing as the Founders and Framers intended and letting the individual states decide is the best of awkward solutions.

        • MA. Today Trump said the Arizona total abortion ban went too far, yet Monday he said leave it up to the states. Do you trust trump?

          • Tata,
            Of course you understand that a person is allowed to agree that a ruling by SCOTUS that follows the US Constitution is also allowed to disagree with one of 50 states and what they might decide, right? And if a state decides that abortion is allowed until week 5 or, week 15, or whatever arbitrary number a person is also allowed to disagree with what that state might decide, right? Or do you believe that Trump or Biden are only allowed to think what you want them to think?

  3. Not much help in Alaska where our Supreme Court has already “invented” a pro abortion stance in the “ right to privacy” part of our state constitution!!

    • Yeah, Alaskans & Supreme Court were ahead of the game in this one. State & Church separate as it should be.

      • You have zero understanding of the concept of separation of church and state. Less than zero, actually.

        May I assume you’re a public school graduate?

  4. Trump’s rambling whatever stance on abortion is a lie. It will change later and he’ll deny this or any other proclamation. Y”all know he can’t be trusted. He’s the most unfit and despicable candidate since forever.

    Here’s one of his lies: “It must be remembered that the Democrats are the radicals on this one because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month,” Trump said. “The concept of having an abortion in the later months and even execution after birth, and that’s exactly what it is, the baby is born, and the baby is executed after birth, is unacceptable and almost everyone agrees with that.”

    • I’m sorry you seem to have confused Trump with Grandpa Bloodstains regarding being despicable and unfit.

      Did Trump alter a position? Duh. He’s a politician and a businessman.

      Next time please don’t forget to note water is wet.

  5. I’m glad he provided a clear policy position on this. I may not like the guy, but it’s a pretty practical position to take, not absolutest in either direction.

    • Tomorrow? Well that’s another day, isn’t it, and those that believe in him the almighty and chosen one, may receive another prized statement on his clear policy position as befits the mood and direction of the changing winds for which only he controls, as well as the shifting sands in the mudflats at high tide –just, take care to step to safety for the deceptive undertow.

    • Bill. Today/Wednesday, trump changed his mind on abortion. Arizona total ban went too far though Monday he said leave it up to the states. Do you trust him?

  6. This position is the law of the land as SCOTUS has ruled, it also happens to be the position of the majority of Americans. Making a Federal law banning abortion would be the exact same thing as making a Federal law allowing abortion, and the Dobbs decision would have to be overturned.

    • Im constantly amazed the issues we choose to fight about while the world burns all around us.

      There is no position Trump could take that would not fuel ire of 1/3 of the country. So he, gasp, followed the law.

    • Frank, Trump merely repeated the facts. SCOTUS in Dobbs only did what every Constitutional literate person already understood. Hell, even your hero Ruth Bader Ginsburg knew that Roe was based upon Bravo Sierra.
      Let the States and the individual decide these issues.

  7. I love watching conservative being the dog that finally caught the car with the fall of Roe and now wondering why it’s backing up over them. Well Stupid is as stupid does

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