Trump order: Women’s sports will no longer be compromised by male competitors encroaching


On National Girls and Women in Sports Day, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to preserve the integrity of female athletics.

The directive mandates that educational institutions allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports will face a revocation of federal funding. The administration asserts that the order is a necessary step to uphold Title IX protections and ensure fair competition for female athletes.

“In recent years, many educational institutions and athletic associations have allowed men to compete in women’s sports. This is demeaning, unfair, and dangerous to women and girls, and denies them the equal opportunity to participate and excel in competitive sports,” his executive order states. Citing federal court rulings, including Tennessee v. Cardona and Kansas v. U.S. Dept. of Education, the order reaffirms that disregarding biological differences between the sexes undermines the fundamental rights of female athletes.

Under the order, the Department of Education is directed to take swift action, including:

  • Ensuring that the now-vacated 2024 rule on sex discrimination remains unenforceable.
  • Revising Title IX regulations to explicitly define women’s sports as exclusively for biological females.
  • Taking enforcement actions against schools and athletic associations that violate these provisions.

Additionally, the Department of Justice is being tasked with prioritizing resources to enforce the order, and federal agencies are instructed to review and rescind grants to programs failing to comply.

Beyond educational institutions, the order also calls for engagement with major athletic organizations to advocate for policies that safeguard female competition. It directs the Secretary of State to push for international sports bodies, including the International Olympic Committee, to adopt stricter eligibility criteria ensuring that women’s events are based on biological sex rather than gender identity.

Further, the Secretary of Homeland Security is instructed to assess visa and immigration policies to prevent the entry of male athletes seeking to compete in women’s sports in the United States.

Alaska Rep. Jamie Allard of Eagle River, a longtime advocate for women’s sports protections, commended President Trump’s action, calling it a “game-changing move.”

“Today is not just a celebration of athletics—it’s a declaration of principle and common sense,” said Rep. Allard. “On National Girls and Women in Sports Day, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to ensuring a level playing field for female athletes. President Trump’s executive order is a game-changing move, and I stand with every young woman who deserves a fair chance to compete, free of transgender lunacy.”

Allard has been at the forefront of this issue in Alaska, having successfully passed House Bill 183 in the previous legislative session, which sought to protect female athletes from competing against biological males. That bill did not pass the Democrat-controlled Senate. She has since introduced House Bill 40, continuing her efforts to reinforce fair competition at the state level.

“Enough is enough. For too long, the fairness and safety of female athletics has been compromised by the morally wrong premise that a man can pretend to be a woman,” Allard stated. “With the passage of HB 183 and the reintroduction of HB 40, I hope Alaska can follow national leaders in defending the rights of our young women. Today, as we celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day, let it be known that I will continue to fight fiercely for policies that secure the integrity and safety of female athletes, and the future of women’s sports.”

Supporters of the order view it as a necessary correction to Biden Administration policies that they argue have disadvantaged female athletes. It is likely that the ACLU and other groups such as GLAAD will challenge the order in court.


    • Dog you finally got it your taxes were being thrown away by your boy
      Not too happy about that are you?
      Everybody tried to tell you that the demos and all politicians are dirty.

      • Nothing to do with my taxes, mate.

        The point of athletic competition is to find the best performer within a cohort with similar abilities. That’s why kid’s sports are segmented by age, why we have both amateur and professional sports, and why we separate male and female competition. Now, if a guy wants to transition to female, he/she/they can transition a lot of things, but size, muscle mass, height, and other characteristics that improve athletic abilities are generally not amongst them. Allowing a genetically male individual to compete against women is just basically unfair in most sports.

        One good solution to all of this is to create “open” categories for competition, where anyone who thinks they can cut the mustard can compete against each other.

        So, you see, not all of us who are left of center fall under the “radical, leftist, extremist” label so often pinned to us here on MRAK. The world is more complicated than that, even if Fox and CNN (and MRAK?) don’t want you to believe it.

        Oh, and guys, unless you’ve gone under the knife – yes, that way, you can stay out of the women’s changing rooms as well.

    • WHOA! i had to re read this from Dog 5 times.
      We actually agree totally on an issue?

      Well, baby steps, I’m sure you will figure out that President Trump is actually helping you eventually.

    • Leftist tears is exactly why I voted for President Trump. I am a one issue voter. Does it annoy leftists? it gets my vote.

  1. Well dog, I’m surprised at your comment. At least we have a leader that has some spunk to do. What’s right. We now know what the whole game was skimming money stealing taxpayer dollars and using DEI as a front.
    Game over you politicians.

  2. Get it while it’s hot, folks, Señor Tomasi agrees with Whidbey. This exercise in group psychosis should have never started. The moment that freak show formerly known as William Thomas put on makeup and a woman’s swimsuit to compete against women, the NCAA, coaches and officials should have pointed, laughed and kicked him out of the pool. Thank goodness SOMEONE had the cajones to stop this madness. Cue the lawsuits from the ACLU and the rest of the deranged left. Most of us have been done with playing along with these people’s insanity for far too long. They need psychiatric care. And we have to stop putting up with their behavior.

  3. Remember all those years of the (D)ems, media, women’s groups and the outrage industrial complex constantly referring to Trump as a misogynist? Good times.

  4. AND(!!!), not a single positive peep from Daddy’s Little Princess!
    Who exactly does she really represent and what are her values?

    • If you knew me you might be surprised. I’m not against the entire Conservative agenda. What I am against is the way it’s being done, and the character of many of the people carrying it out.

  5. What a great day for girls and women. What a great day for mental clarity. And did you see that photo of Trump surrounded by the girls in sports uniforms as he signed the executive order? He didn’t grab or sniff a single one of them. Biden could have signed a similar executive order. He didn’t. Wonder why?

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