Trump hosts Rep. Byron Donalds, Vivek Ramaswamy at Mar-a-Lago, where Nick Begich was spotted

Nick Begich and Congressman Byron Donalds, a supporter

MAR-A-LAGO – On Saturday afternoon in the Grand Ballroom of the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, more than 400 people gathered to hear former President Donald Trump, along with supporters Congressman Byron Donalds, Congressman Wesley Hunt, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. The event raised $2 million for Trump’s presidential campaign.

Spotted at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday was Alaska congressional candidate Nick Begich, running against Rep. Mary Peltola, the Democrat who now represents Alaska. Begich endorsed Trump in the fall, far before the Iowa primary.

President Donald Trump speaks at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday.

Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump introduced Trump, who was greeted by an enthusiastic standing ovation as he strode to the stage. She presented Trump with a Billboard Music award for the No. 1 song “Justice for All.”
Trump spoke about the new RNC leadership and asked Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chair Lara Trump to join him on stage, where he talked about the America First Agenda and the newly invigorated RNC fundraising operation.

Begich is an “America First” candidate endorsed by Reps. Bryon Donalds of Florida and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, as well as Ramaswamy.
Trump held forth without notes for approximately 90 minutes on a range of topics from the state of the presidential campaign, election integrity, the economy, the border, and the Biden protests at college campuses around the nation.
Trump cataloged Biden’s failures, including his weakness and dishonesty, and touched on the the weaponized, justice system, although not specifically about his current court case in Manhattan.
He highlighted poll after poll showing steady and consistent campaign trail dominance, and reminisced with the crowd about the Election Night in 2016 and the joy in proving the pundits and media wrong.
Trump brought featured speakers up on stage, including Rep. Jim Banks, Rep. Donalds, Rep. Hunt, and Rep. Michael Waltz. He also brought to the stage, Senators Marsha Blackburn, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott. JD Vance, and Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota.
President Trump closed the event by thanking Republican leaders and donors, and raising an additional $2 million right from the podium at the event.

The event then turned into a birthday party for Dr. and Congressman Ronny Jackson of Texas, who was the White House physician in the Obama and Trump administrations. In March of 2018, Trump nominated him as secretary of Veterans Affairs, and later as chief medical advisor and assistant to the president.


  1. Nick Begich is the clear America First candidate. I met him at the convention and he answered every question I had. He even took questions for an hour in front of everyone. The people at our table were very impressed.

  2. I’m underwhelmed..Trump has made a number of personnel mistakes. Quite a few. Nick is trying to get a cut of the action which doesn’t show me anything about him other than opportunism

    • Your response is certainly not America First or conservative. Sadly, you sound pro-Biden and Mary Peltola; as you have mentioned nothing about the disastrous decisions Joe Biden has done to our country!

    • Trump’s endorsement track record is really bad. The only real winner was JD Vance.

      He should stick to running for POTUS and fighting the lawfare.

    • Chuck, Sounds like Biden is your candidate. However, that leaves us to wonder where you have been all your life? You obviously haven’t seen the memo circulating world-wide for the last 24 centuries since Socrates. Its only three words long: “Socialism doesn’t work.”

    • Opportunism? In politics? Chuck, you are a frickin genius.
      Bill Walker.

      Anymore heros, Chuckie?

  3. Begich is everywhere. High energy!! If he works even half as hard in office as he does campaigning we will have a strong member of Congress.

  4. Be careful, guys. The ex-Hauge lawyer may have accidently dropped some classified files in the bathroom.

  5. Byron Donalds – that says a lot. The man gets it and is fearless. We need a lot more of that in DC!

    • Where’s all the supporters for Palin from
      Last cycle, who bad-mouthed Nick so bad? There were in it just because she said she was MAGA?! Where are you now? He is the clear choice, co tending with yet another Republican spoiler….

      • NB III is a democrat in republican clothing. He’ll be a good republican for a couple of years and then show his true colors. But, the whole thing is rigged – we don’t get choices – our selections are given to us and NB III is one of those selections.

        • Ginny, I disagree. It occurs to me that it’s only rigged if we fail to do our part.
          Also, NBIII is the real deal.
          But even if you cannot get past your skepticism, imagine if you will another Peltola term…

          • My vote is going to have to go for the one that was selected for the “Republican” party. Peltola is effectively bringing our state down like a good little globalist minion. Maybe they are going to select her to rule this land when the globalist take over is complete. Ha. We’ll see what happens when NB III is in office. He – at this point – is the only “choice.” Dahlstrom is trying to throw the race and Peltola will finish bringing down our state.

          • I forgot to add to my other comment that has not posted yet. Our “elections” are not “elections.” The globalists have already laid out the plan of who our selections will be. We don’t have choices…we have selections that we pick from to make us feel like we are doing good and “choosing” our representatives.

  6. Trump spoke without notes for 90 minutes. At convention Nick Begich spoke without notes for an hour. the Lt. Governor needed to read her 20 minute speech. Some people speak from the heart. Others need to be told what to say.

  7. Nick Begich is working hard and diligent for our state; looking forward to an amazing America First Congressman Nick Begich will be for Alaska!

  8. Seems it might be a better use of Nick’s time to be here. Trying to convince a skeptical electorate he isn’t
    just another Begich.

    • MA, I met with Nick just last Tuesday at a fundraiser. I watched him meet with every one in the room before he gave a very reasoned and articulate talk which was follwed by him taking questions from the crowd.

      Nick is doing the heavy lifting of being a candidate. My guess is Nick went to Florida to see T’s daughter in law, Lara, primarily to ask why the RNC is backing Nancy? Seems reasonable to me. Especially since he is like 80 points ahead of Nancy in Alaska polls…
      Oh, and you are welcome at the next Nick meet and greet in Juneau, kindly give me your double secret contact so I can have a Nick Volunteer send you an engraved invite!

        • MA, why is it that when you are unable to answer a logical question you resort to personal attacks? Are you a Bolschevik?

    • MA, oh one more thing, you are absolutely correct, Nick Begich III IS just like his name sake, Representative Nick Begich, arguably the most effective Congressmen Alaska ever had. Thanks for reminding us!

      • Oosik, for clarity, Nick Begich III’s namesake is his grandfather, Nick Begich I, Alaska’s conservative Democrat and notably effective congressman of a different era (1932-1972).

    • MA, I’ve also met with Nick several times and seen him in action personally. He doesn’t fall to written notes or evasive jargon like so many politicos. Rather, he articulately responds in depth and detail on most pertinant issues of the day. He is well-read, very knowledgeable of history and science as it relates to all matters political. It would be refreshing to hire such a candidate who brings conservative intellectual competence in addition to an engaging personality.

      • I’ve bumped into him once or twice. He can be quite engaging.
        Thing is, I’m not in the category of people he needs to win over. He was my choice then, and is now.

        Rightly or wrongly, many see his name and nothing else. Just look at the content of many respondents here. He is gonna need a lot of them to win. From what I’m seeing and hearing, he still has a long way to go to close that gap.

        I believe at this moment his time is better spent here, working to narrow said gap.

        • Politicians exist on votes….. which require money and support… which requires approaching relevant people…. which requires travelling to where they gather…. Quod Estrat Demonstrandum.

  9. Nick Begich, running against Rep. Mary Peltola, the Democrat who now represents Alaska….. Represents Alaska, when did that ever happen ?

  10. Imagine how much better Alaska would be if we had friends like Trump, Vivek and Congressman Byron Donalds. Alaska would boom. We need Nick in there.

  11. We have one chance to get this right and then Peltola is made like mafia as the special interests will have enough $ to want to protect her investment and voter apathy will do what it always does. We didn’t need two candidates in this race. That said, whoever is leading after the primary the other should drop. Nick always wins head to head against Peltola. Palin never did. We got burned not doing the math last time, let’s not get burned again.

  12. Nick is the only real choice for Alaska. If for some reason you are still skeptical, attend one if his events and ask him the tough questions. Nick could be the first Statesman for Alaska in a long time, not just a politician but a true Statesman.

  13. Loran, You are right on the money! I have had numerous one on one conversations with Nick and have absolutely no doubt that he is the outstanding candidate to represent Alaska in D.C. Personable, intelligent, articulate and focused are all qualities that we see in Nick Begich. He will be a refreshing and much needed voice for our state.

    • I agree. Like I keep pointing out: I think that seat is a set up to make us think that we are “electing” our rep. I believe that the globalists have chosen NB III and Peltola to go against each other and distract us while our country is being taken down. Meanwhile, they throw in Dahlstrom to make us “fight even harder” to get NB III in. Any way the pieces fall, I think that the globalists won on this seat. When NB III gets in, he’ll vote democrat right away like MSB “republican” rep Sumner did, or he’ll act and vote like a republican for awhile and then vote democrat when given the order to do so – like Sullivan and Murcowski do now.

  14. Nick Begich is endorsed by the Congressional Freedom Caucus. Do you not think they vetted him? I know him pretty well. His is the Statesman we need at this time. Are you working as disinformation for Peltola?

    • How exactly does one”vet” someone with no record?? Nick has never held office. You can’t vet that. Its like the Trump trials.. No evidence!!

  15. How much campaign donation money did he hand over to Trump. In hopes of anendorsement He got a picture to show around to fool people that he’s down with MAGATo get the money bag refilled

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