Trump has Anchorage stopover on Thursday



North Korea leader Kim Jong Un is on a train heading to Vietnam for his second summit with President Donald Trump, which is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.

Alaskans can deduce that Trump will be on Air Force One heading to Vietnam. Where does Air Force One stop? At JBER, where it refuels and gets a 100-point check.

A no-fly notice has been sent to area pilots for 11:45 am until 2:15 pm Alaska time on Thursday for JBER, but also affecting the following air fields:

  • PANC Ted Stevens Anchorage Intl
  • PALH Lake Hood
  • 3C3 Campbell Lake SPB
  • PAMR Merrill Field
  • 2OK Alaska Rgnl Hospital
  • Z40 Goose Bay
  • D72 D&C Fire Lake Flying Club
  • 5HO Hope
  • 6A7 Brocker Lake
  • PABV Birchwood
  • PAGQ Big Lake
  • L95 Jones Landing
  • D71 Beaver Lake
  • D75 Blodgett Lake
  • PAWS Wasilla
All aircraft operations within the 10 N mile radius are prohibited except for approved law enforcement, military aircraft directly supporting the United States Secret Service (USSS) and the office of the President of the United States, approved air ambulance flights, and regularly scheduled commercial passenger and all-cargo carriers operating under certain TSA-Approved standard security programs/procedures.

The presidential stopovers at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson normally last a couple of hours, which is just enough time to greet troops and meet with Gov. Michael Dunleavy.

No word on if that meeting is planned.


  1. There could be a huge 20 minute rally on the base during that layover, no? What do you think? Can the GOP Alaska get on the ball and set it up real quick? Especially since he hasn’t spoken to Alaskans directly yet. Just do it.

  2. Lower the flaps on that massive 747-200, turn on the burners full throttle and push the flush buttons as it flies directly over the Democrats headquarters in Anchorage. Drop leaflets. “Get out of Alaska while you can. The 6’9″ governor is going to round-up the excess public employees and university fat cats and herd them into the slaughter houses. The ones he doesn’t get in his first rodeo will receive steerage one-way fares to Caracas.”

    • Meanwhile seasonal depression in Alaska isn’t leading conservatives to blame their shortcomings on other people more than normal this year.

  3. I would love to see President Trump at JBER. It would be worth a two hour round trip drive from Palmer. Please let the public in.

  4. Time for Alaska to become independent. Trump won’t put an end to the fringe left in DC who will destroy Alaska. DC has been so hostile to Alaska for decades that their is enough interest to add Coal to the Alaskan energy grid and plenty of people who want to build Geothermal plants and a few commercial Solar Panels that when combined has the effect of making Alaska cheaper to power homes.

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